deathkiller / jazz2

🎮 · Jazz² Resurrection: Open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2
GNU General Public License v3.0
492 stars 18 forks source link

Kicking can cause player to stuck in the corner #24

Closed nottux closed 3 years ago

nottux commented 4 years ago

However if an enemy attacks, player get's freed. Here are some examples: 2019-12-15_16:04:04:467995941 2019-12-15_16:14:41:383297649 I am running it on linux, original game files were from abandonia, version: v1.23 Full Version

Here is the install and run log:

utku3@pop-os:~/Programlar/JJ2/Jazz2a$ mono Import.exe ./
                    ░░▒░░░░░░░                        ░▒▒▒░  
                    ░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒░░               ░▒▒░░   
                    ░░░▒░▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒░░▒▒▒░░        ░▒▒░▒▒▒░ 
                        ▒▒▒▒░░░▒░░░▒░▒▒▒▒▒▒░  ░░░░░░░▒░░░░░░ 
                        ░▒▒░░ ░░▒░░▒░░░░▒▒░  ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░        
                    ░░▒ ░▒▒▒░ ░▒▒▒▒▒░░▒▒▒░  ░▒▒▒░▒▒▒         
                   ░▒▒░░░▒▒▒░░▒▒░▒▒▒░░▒▒░     ░▒▒▒░          
                   ░▒▒▒░▒▒▒▒░░▒▒▒▒░░▒▒░░░░░▒ ░▒▒░░           
                    ░▒░▒▒░░░  ░░░░ ░▒░░▒░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒░         
 · Importing path "./"...                                    
   · Importing assets...
     · Reading compressed stream...
     · Detected Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (v1.20/1.23).
     · Importing animations...
       · Applying "Toaster PowerUp" palette fix.
       · Applying "Vine" palette fix.
     · Importing audio samples...
     · Downloading JJ2+ (3 MB)...
       · Extracting files...
       · Reading compressed stream...
       · Detected Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Plus extension.
       · Importing animations...
     · Recreating default palette...
   · Importing episodes...
     · Episode "share" (#Shareware@Levels) converted.
     · Episode "monk" (#Funky@Monkeys) converted.
     · Episode "rescue" (#Jazz@in@Time) converted.
     · Episode "prince" (#Formerly@a@Prince) converted.
     · Episode "flash" (#Flashback) converted.
   · Importing levels...
     · Level "treasur1" converted.
     · Level "battle1" converted.
     · Level "hell" converted.
     · Level "sharectf" converted.
     · Level "garglair" converted.
     · Level "psych3" converted.
     · Level "beach2" converted.
     · Level "share3" converted.
     · Level "castle1" converted.
     · Level "share1" converted.
     · Level "treasur3" converted.
     · Level "sharetrs" converted.
     · Level "race1" converted.
     · Level "capture3" converted.
     · Level "capture2" converted.
     · Level "diamsecr" converted with 1 warnings.
     · Level "damn2" converted.
     · Level "treasur2" converted.
     · Level "medivo1" converted.
     · Level "colon2" converted.
     · Level "race3" converted.
     · Level "diam3" converted.
     · Level "tube3" converted.
     · Level "damn" converted.
     · Level "share2" converted with 2 warnings.
     · Level "battle3" converted.
     · Level "capture1" converted.
     · Level "tube2" converted.
     · Level "diam1" converted.
     · Level "labrat3" converted.
     · Level "battlea" converted.
     · Level "beach" converted.
     · Level "medivo2" converted.
     · Level "trainer" converted.
     · Level "carrot1n" converted.
     · Level "castle1n" converted.
     · Level "jung1" converted.
     · Level "labrat1" converted.
     · Level "jung2" converted.
     · Level "colon1" converted.
     · Level "labrat2" converted.
     · Level "psych1" converted with 1 warnings.
     · Level "race2" converted.
     · Level "psych2" converted.
     · Level "hell2" converted.
     · Level "battle2" converted.
     · Level "carrot1" converted.
     · Level "tube1" converted.
     · Summary of unsupported events:
       ·  CHESHIRE_2                         2
       ·  EMPTY_82                           1
       ·  CHESHIRE_HOOK                      1
   · Importing cinematics...
   · Importing music...
   · Importing tilesets...
 · Cleaning "Music" and "Tileset" directories...
   · Removed 0 files.
 · Cleaning "Animations" directory...
   · Removed 945 files.
 · Compressing content into ".\Content\" file...
   · Adding new content...
   · Saving changes...
   · Removing unnecessary files...
 · Checking "Music" and "Tileset" directories for missing files...
   · "Tilesets/diam2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/psych1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/labrat1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/tube" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/tube" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/castle1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/castle1n" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/colon1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/labrat1n" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/tube" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/diam2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/castle1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/castle1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/labrat3" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/diam2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/castle1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/tubenite" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/jungle1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/jungle2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/damn1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/infernon" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/damn2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/inferno1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/carrot1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/labrat1n" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/castle1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/labrat3" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/labrat1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/carrot1n" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/castle1n" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/diam2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/psych2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/labrat1n" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/diam2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/tubenite" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/tube" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/tube" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/medivo" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/medivo2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/diam1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/medivo" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/psych1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/colon1" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/beach2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/beach" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/psych2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/colon2" is missing!
   · "Tilesets/psych2" is missing!
 · Checking "Animations" directory for missing files...
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_idle.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_idle.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_appear.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_appear.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_vanish.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_vanish.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_throw_fireball.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_throw_fireball.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_throw_fireball.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_throw_fireball.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_bullet_fireball.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_bullet_fireball.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_throw_fireball.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_fire_start.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_appear_2.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Bilsy/xmas_appear_1.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Doggy/xmas_walk.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Doggy/xmas_walk.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Doggy/xmas_attack.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Doggy/xmas_attack.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Doggy/xmas_attack.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Doggy/xmas_noise.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Doggy/xmas_woof_1.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Doggy/xmas_woof_2.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Doggy/xmas_woof_3.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_copter_idle.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_copter_idle.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_copter_attack.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_copter_attack.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_copter_attack.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_copter_attack.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_copter.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_copter.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_bomb.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_bomb.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_walk.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_walk.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lizard/xmas_noise_4.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_shell_reverse.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_shell_reverse.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_shell_collide.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_walk.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_walk.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_turn_start.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_turn_start.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_turn_end.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_turn_end.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_attack.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_attack.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_turn_start.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_turn_end.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_attack_neck.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Turtle/xmas_attack_bite.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/transform_frog.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/transform_frog.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/idle.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/idle.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/run.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/run.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dash_start.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dash_start.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/jump.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/jump.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/jump_diag.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/jump_diag.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/fall.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/fall.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/fall_diag.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/fall_diag.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/freefall.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/freefall.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dash.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dash.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/ball.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/ball.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/lookup_start.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/lookup_start.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/crouch_start.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/crouch_start.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dizzy.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dizzy.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dizzy_walk.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dizzy_walk.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/shoot.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/shoot.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/crouch_shoot.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/crouch_shoot.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/shoot_ver.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/shoot_ver.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/hurt.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/hurt.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/sidekick.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/sidekick.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/buttstomp.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/buttstomp.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_idle.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_idle.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_shoot_up_end.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_shoot_up_end.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_walk.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_walk.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/copter.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/copter.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/copter_shoot.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/copter_shoot.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/fall_shoot.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/fall_shoot.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_shoot.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_shoot.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_shoot_up.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_shoot_up.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/run_stop.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/run_stop.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dash_start.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dash_start.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dash_stop.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/dash_stop.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/fall_end.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/fall_end.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/shoot_start.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/shoot_start.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_shoot_end.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/vine_shoot_end.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/copter_shoot_start.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/copter_shoot_start.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/sidekick.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/sidekick.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/sidekick.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/sidekick.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/Spring.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/Spring.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/buttstomp_end.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/buttstomp_end.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/pole_h.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/pole_h.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/pole_h.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/pole_h.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/pole_v.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/pole_v.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/pole_v.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/pole_v.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/die.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/die.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/warp_in.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/warp_in.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/warp_out.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/warp_out.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/warp_in_freefall.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/warp_in_freefall.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/warp_out_freefall.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/warp_out_freefall.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/Spring.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/Spring.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/push.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/push.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/eol.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/eol.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/swim_right.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/swim_right.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/lift.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/lift.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/lift_jump_heavy.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/lift_jump_heavy.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/lift_jump_light.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/lift_jump_light.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/ledge.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/ledge.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/airboard.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/airboard.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/swing.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/swing.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/idle_flavor_2.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/idle_flavor_2.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/idle_flavor_3.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/idle_flavor_3.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/idle_flavor_4.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/idle_flavor_4.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/transform_frog_end.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/transform_frog_end.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/corpse.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/corpse.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/level_complete.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/jump_2.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/jump_3.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/jump_4.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/hurt_2.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/hurt_3.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/hurt_5.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/hurt_6.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/hurt_7.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/hurt_8.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/die.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/Lori/fall.wav" is missing!
   · "Animations/UI/icon_lori.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/UI/icon_lori.png.res" is missing!
   · "Animations/UI/character_art_difficulty_lori.png" is missing!
   · "Animations/UI/character_art_difficulty_lori.png.res" is missing!
utku3@pop-os:~/Programlar/JJ2/Jazz2a$ mono Jazz2.exe
 ˙ Using 'DefaultAssemblyLoader' to load plugins.
 ˙ Environment Info: 
  Current Directory: /home/utku/Programlar/JJ2/Jazz2a
  Command Line: /home/utku/Programlar/JJ2/Jazz2a/Jazz2.exe
  Operating System: Unix
  64 Bit OS: True
  64 Bit Process: True
  CLR Version: 4.0.30319.42000
  Processor Count: 4
 ˙ Currently Loaded Assemblies:
  mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  Jazz2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 ˙ Plugin Base Directories:
 ˙ Available Assembly Paths:
 ˙ Assembly loaded: OpenTKBackend, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
 ˙ Assembly loaded: Anonymously Hosted DynamicMethods Assembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
 ˙ Assembly loaded: GL21Backend, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
 ˙ Assembly loaded: OpenTK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
 ˙ Initializing OpenTK...
   ˙ Platform Backend: Default
EnableHighResolution: True
 ˙ Active graphics backend: OpenGL 2.1
 ˙ Assembly loaded: System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 ˙ Available display devices:
 ˙ First : 1366x 768 at  60 Hz, 32 bpp, pos [   0,   0] (Primary)
 ˙ Available audio devices:
  Built-in Audio Analog Stereo (Default)
  Remapped Built-in Audio Analog Stereo
 ˙ Current device: OpenAL Soft
 ˙   OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.19.1
  Vendor: OpenAL Community
  Renderer: OpenAL Soft
  Effects: True
 ˙ Initializing core plugins...
 ˙ DualityApp initialized
Debug Mode: False
Command line arguments: 
 ˙ Window Specification: 
  Buffers: 2
  Samples: 0
  ColorFormat: 24 (8880)
  AccumFormat: 0 (0000)
  Depth: 24
  Stencil: 0
  VSync: On
  SwapInterval: 1
 ˙ Graphics backend capabilities:
  OpenGL Version: '4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 20.0.0-devel (git-dcb4230 2019-12-12 disco-oibaf-ppa)', i.e. 4.6
  Vendor: X.Org
  Renderer: AMD CARRIZO (DRM 3.33.0, 5.3.0-15.1-liquorix-amd64, LLVM 9.0.1)
  GLSL Version: '4.60', i.e. 4.60
  API Version: 4.60
  Max Texture Size: 16384
  Max Texture Bindings: 32
  Max RenderTarget Size: 16384
 ˙ Assembly loaded: System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 ˙ Assembly loaded: System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 ˙ Can't load animation "MenuDifficultyLori" from metadata "UI/MainMenu": File "Animations\UI\character_art_difficulty_lori.png.res" was not found in CompressedContent
 ˙ Assembly loaded: Mono.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756
 ˙ Loading level "Dungeon Dilemma"...
 ˙ Can't load animation "CharacterLori" from metadata "UI/HUD": File "Animations\UI\icon_lori.png.res" was not found in CompressedContent
 ˙ Can't load animation "MenuDifficultyLori" from metadata "UI/MainMenu": File "Animations\UI\character_art_difficulty_lori.png.res" was not found in CompressedContent
 ˙ Loading level "Darn Ratz"...
 ˙ Can't load animation "CharacterLori" from metadata "UI/HUD": File "Animations\UI\icon_lori.png.res" was not found in CompressedContent
 ˙ Loading level "Retro Rabbit"...
 ˙ Loading level "Frog Stomp"...
 ˙ Can't load animation "TransformFromLori" from metadata "Interactive/PlayerFrog": File "Animations\Lori\transform_frog.png.res" was not found in CompressedContent
 ˙ Can't load animation "MenuDifficultyLori" from metadata "UI/MainMenu": File "Animations\UI\character_art_difficulty_lori.png.res" was not found in CompressedContent
 ˙ Loading level "SECRET LEVEL"...
 ˙ Can't load animation "CharacterLori" from metadata "UI/HUD": File "Animations\UI\icon_lori.png.res" was not found in CompressedContent
 ˙ Cannot load level: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file "/home/utku/Programlar/JJ2/Jazz2a/Content/Episodes/unknown/die.level"
File name: '/home/utku/Programlar/JJ2/Jazz2a/Content/Episodes/unknown/die.level'
  at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) <0x7fbd8a487610 + 0x003f7> in <d2ec5c92492f4d6ba8c422bdf574b786>:0 
  at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share) <0x7fbd8a486f90 + 0x00062> in <d2ec5c92492f4d6ba8c422bdf574b786>:0 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare)
  at System.IO.File.Open (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share) <0x7fbd8a46cfa0 + 0x00053> in <d2ec5c92492f4d6ba8c422bdf574b786>:0 
  at Duality.Backend.DotNetFramework.NativeFileSystem.Duality.IO.IFileSystem.OpenFile (System.String path, Duality.IO.FileAccessMode mode) [0x00033] in <8130d692601c4557bc26715cc08bdad0>:0 
  at Jazz2.Storage.Content.CompressedContent.ReadContentTree () [0x0001a] in <8130d692601c4557bc26715cc08bdad0>:0 
  at Jazz2.Storage.Content.CompressedContent..ctor (System.String path) [0x0000d] in <8130d692601c4557bc26715cc08bdad0>:0 
  at Jazz2.Game.LevelHandler.LoadLevel (System.String level, System.String episode) [0x0002e] in <8130d692601c4557bc26715cc08bdad0>:0 
  at Jazz2.Game.LevelHandler..ctor (Jazz2.Game.App root, Jazz2.Game.Structs.LevelInitialization data) [0x000a7] in <8130d692601c4557bc26715cc08bdad0>:0 
  at Jazz2.Game.App.ChangeLevel (Jazz2.Game.Structs.LevelInitialization levelInit) [0x00459] in <8130d692601c4557bc26715cc08bdad0>:0 
 ˙ Can't load animation "MenuDifficultyLori" from metadata "UI/MainMenu": File "Animations\UI\character_art_difficulty_lori.png.res" was not found in CompressedContent
deathkiller commented 3 years ago
