debian-cryptoanarchy / cryptoanarchy-deb-repo-builder

Tooling for building a Debian repository containing interconnected, well-working applications.
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Cryptoanarchistic repository builder

Securely install Bitcoin and freedom-related apps with a single apt install command, no manual configuration or launching required!

Logo of cryptoanarchistic Debian repository


This is an (extra)ordinary Debian repository that you can add to your Debian 11 system (see below). It integrates deeply into the OS giving you great UX and security.

Keep in mind it's still considered beta even though very stable and usable. There's intensive work going on to make it stable soon.

Upgrading to Debian 11 - Bullseye

Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure smooth upgrade!

All commands in this guide assume you're logged in as root. If not, log in as root or use sudo in front of each.

Consider also reading the Debian upgrade guide, however you do not need to uninstall any CADR packages/sources as suggested in section 4.2 - direct upgrade is supported by CADR!


  1. Make sure you have enough space.
  2. Run apt update and apt dist-upgrade, possibly also apt autoremove --purge and apt clean
  3. A catastrophic failure is very unlikely but it's still recommended to backup the channels and stopping LND immediatelly afterwards by running systemctl stop lnd-system-mainnet
  4. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and all the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d according to these rules:
    • Change buster/updates to bullseye-security
    • Change buster to bullseye - note also the 10 to 11 change!
    • Change all the remaining instances of buster to bullseye. The vim command :%s/buster/bullseye/ can be used.
  5. Run apt update

Running upgrade

Run apt dist-upgrade. You may want to check for suspicious changes such as removing packages that should be installed, however this is unlikely to happen. The process is interactive and you will be shown changelog (press q to quit it), asked about glibc upgrade (select yes) and about restarting of the services (yes is recommended). This step takes around 30 minutes on usual hardware.

You may be asked about configuration changes. If you changed a configuration file that is also changed by the upgrade you'll be asked what to do about it. Keeping the file as-is (N option) is the safest but if you're unsure select diff to see the difference. Just note that sudo configuration is one of the changed files so be careful to not lock yourself out!

Finishing touches

If you've stopped LND you can start it now: systemctl start lnd-system-mainnet

During upgrade you'll be reminded to upgrade postgres cluster. Run these commands:

  1. pg_dropcluster --stop 13 main - WARNING: this command is dangerous! It's recommended to prevent it from being in history by putting a space in front of it.
  2. pg_upgradecluster 11 main
  3. After verifying that everything works: pg_dropcluster --stop 11 main

You can also cleanup unneeded packages:

  1. apt autoremove --purge
  2. apt clean

Finally consider rebooting as you will get a new kernel. There's no annoying window forcing you to do so though. ;)

Supported applications

... and more! See the end of this README for the complete list or user documentation to learn more about them.

How to setup the beta Debian repository

WARNING: This project is too user friendly! This is not a joke, several people were already confused by not having to manually run and configure things.

Please read five things to know before you start using this to avoid confusion.

Only Debian 11 (Bullseye) is currently tested, distributions based on it (Ubuntu, Mint...) could work too but may be less reliable.

It's highly recommended to use decent hardware: at least 8GB of RAM and 1TB SSD (ideally NVMe). Your experience and the experience of your peers routing LN transactions through your node may suck otherwise!

To use the produced repository you need to also setup Microsoft dotnet repository. Follow these steps and don't forget to verify fingerprints.

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 3D9E81D3CA76CDCBE768C4B4DC6B4F8E60B8CF4C
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys BC528686B50D79E339D3721CEB3E94ADBE1229CF
gpg --export 3D9E81D3CA76CDCBE768C4B4DC6B4F8E60B8CF4C | sudo apt-key add -
gpg --export BC528686B50D79E339D3721CEB3E94ADBE1229CF | sudo apt-key add -
echo 'deb [arch=amd64,arm64,armhf] bullseye main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft.list > /dev/null
echo 'deb [signed-by=3D9E81D3CA76CDCBE768C4B4DC6B4F8E60B8CF4C] bullseye common local desktop' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cryptoanarchy.list > /dev/null
sudo apt update

If you're setting up a dedicated full node, maybe on dedicated hardware, you may want to leave out desktop component in step 6.

You can now install the desired applications using e.g. apt install btcpayserver. Don't worry about the dependencies. :) Read short docs on each application you plan to use.

Five things to know before you start using this

Bug reporting

Please report any issues with the software available here to this project. E.g. if there's a problem with btcpayserver do not report it to the BTCPayServer developers but here. If the problem is found to be in the software itself it will be forwarded, do not worry about this.

Using third party repositories and packages

Using additional repositories/packages beyond the official Debian repositories and this one may be dangerous! Especially upgrading packages that are otherwise present in Debian or this repository may lead to breakages. An example of a known problem is adding nodejs repository - don't do it!

Reach out for help with using additional software that requires higher dependency versions.

It should be safe to add repositories that are explicitly tested to work with Debian Bullseye and this repository.


No project is 100% secure. There are more secure ones and less secure ones. This one is very secure and is being improved constantly.

Read more in the security documentation.

Policy on Bitcoin consensus forks

Including consensus code in a repository like this one is a delicate issue that has to be dealt with carefully. To align the repository with the interests of its users, a clear policy must be declared and followed.

About this GitHub repository

This GitHub repository contains a set of makefiles and other tools to build the Debian repository. It's useless to you unless you are trying to build it on your own or help with development.

Development and contributions

Important: This is intended for developers and researchers only! Regular users should use the built repository as presented above.

The development documentation is not great now. Please open an issue if you are interested in development and I will try to fill in the relevant details.

Supported and planned applications


The exact license of this project is not decided/created yet. I plan to make it as compatible with Voluntaryism as possible. It'll probably be very similar to GPL but without mandatory disclosure of source code. (That means you can refrain from disclosing the source but you may not prevent other people from copying, inspecting and modifying the binary unless they agreed to not do it in written private contract.) Modification, redistribution, and commercial use will be allowed.

In the meantime I hereby publicly declare that I will not seek to sue people using this project regarding copyright law unless they sue me or anyone else regarding the copyright law first. Especially, but not limited to the contributors to this project. To the best of my knowledge, this public declaration is legally binding for me as a Slovak citizen and I intend it to be. I specifically want any my attempts at suing to be void if unprovoked.

Moreover, feel free to publicly criticize me for doing anything incompatible with the philosophy of Voluntaryism.

By contributing to this repository you agree with the general direction of licensing. If you have questions about this, don't hesitate to contact me.