debricked / sylius-billogram-plugin

Adds a Sylius gateway for Billogram.
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link


This plugin allows you to integrate Billogram invoice with Sylius platform app. It includes all Sylius and Billogram invoice features.

The plugin was developed with inspiration from BitBagCommerce's SyliusMolliePlugin.


$ composer require debricked/sylius-billogram-plugin

Add plugin dependencies to your AppKernel.php file:

public function registerBundles()
    return array_merge(parent::registerBundles(), [

        new \Debricked\SyliusBillogramPlugin\DebrickedSyliusBillogramPlugin(),

Import required config in your app/config/config.yml file:

# app/config/config.yml


    - { resource: "@DebrickedSyliusBillogramPlugin/Resources/config/config.yml" }

Import routing by adding the following to the top of your app/config/routing.yml file:

# app/config/routing.yml

    resource: "@DebrickedSyliusBillogramPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yml"

Update your database

$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Note: If you are running it on production, add the -e prod flag to this command.


Available services you can decorate and forms you can extend

Run the below command to see what Symfony services are shared with this plugin:

$ bin/console debug:container debricked_sylius_billogram_plugin


$ composer install
$ cd tests/Application
$ yarn install
$ yarn run gulp
$ bin/console assets:install web -e test
$ bin/console doctrine:database:create -e test
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:create -e test
$ bin/console server:run -d web -e test
$ open http://localhost:8080
$ billogram_api_username="your_sandbox_username" billogram_api_password="your_sandbox_api_key" bin/behat
$ billogram_api_username="your_sandbox_username" billogram_api_password="your_sandbox_api_key" bin/phpspec run


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