decarvalhoaa / woopoly

The Wordpress WooCommerce Polylang integration plugin
MIT License
10 stars 2 forks source link


Update 18/08/2016: Hyyan has resume development of his plugin. My focus from now on is to port the but fixes to his plugin version, so that they can be made accessible to all users via Wordpress reporsitory. Therefore, I don't plan to continue to develop further this fork. The 1.0.2 is the last release.

This Wordpress plugin makes it possible to run multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and Polylang.

This is a fork of the Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration develop by Hyyan that is no longer mantained. Credit goes entirely to Hyyan for this great plugin.


What you need to know about this plugin

  1. The plugin needs PHP5.3 and above
  2. This plugin is developed in sync with Polylang and WooCommerce latest version.
  3. The plugin support variable products, but using them will disallow you to change the default language, because of the way the plugin implements this support. So you have to make sure to choose the default language before you start adding new variable products.
  4. Polylang URL modifications method The language is set from content is not supported yet

How to install

  1. Download the plugin as zip archive and then upload it to your wordpress plugins folder and extract it there.
  2. Activate the plugin from your admin panel

Setup your environment

  1. You need to translate woocommerce pages by yourself
  2. The plugin will handle the rest for you



Everyone is welcome to help contribute and improve this plugin. There are several ways you can contribute: