decentraland / districts

Proposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
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The Battleground #71

Open roadcrypto opened 6 years ago

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

The Battleground

An Environment for PvP, RPG and RTS Gaming within Decentraland


(images in this document are used as examples only, The Battleground respects authors and their creative content.)


A large area dedicated to VR gaming. The Batlleground will host various genres and themes such as fast paced multiplayer ground battles, strategic space confrontations and fantasy role playing games. Players will be able to register for upcoming battles or rent the space for private venues.

Battle Royales, gladiator-type entertainment and immersive role playing games will attract both gamers and developers to Decentraland. VR game developers can utilize the Battleground to rent out their games or showcase demos.

Players will be able to choose which environment they want to play and set up avatars, weapons or vehicles according to the game rules.


Project Lead: roadcrypto /

Team: Gaming Consultation: Nuuu (Looking for VR developer, Investors welcome)


To provide an immersive multiplayer VR gaming experience. The Battleground will be the center for epic battles, wild fantasy roleplay and exciting strategy games. A place to settle disputes "the old fashioned way."



The District is open to the public but the battleground itself will be private to avoid avatars wandering into a gaming event.


LAND Needed:

550 Land is roughly the size of a football field. Ideally, this district would be bigger (few square KM) but the project is feasible with less Land and creative management.

Startup Costs / How will funds be raised:

I am looking to hire a Developer to get started but would prefer a core group working over the long term. Some funds are available and private investors can be approached if necessary.


How will contributors see a return value:

Investors will be the hosts of The Battleground. Entry fees would be nominal during start-up and will increase with popularity. (Some essence of open gaming will be retained to encourage development, which in turn will benefit long term investments.) Advertising can generate steady revenue for investor as well as In-game purchases and trades. Core Developers and Investors will receive a majority of the income.

Land owners would receive dividends once traffic is sufficient. They would benefit in interactive ways such as: A VIP club, advertising spots, custom landmarks or in-game trading outposts.

VR Game developers could also utilize the space to host demos or charge entry fees similar to buying games online. These outside developers would exchange content for payment without joining the core group.


Game Design / Concept

The initial game design for The Battleground will be a team deathmatch first person shooter. An urban landscape is a good starting point and various resources are available to build this type of setting. Players can form teams, chose weapons and mod their avatars for in-game rule-sets. The gaming rules will likely be enforced through an added layer on the avatars, making it possible to keep track of variables such as ammo, health and abilities.

As the District gains popularity and funding, other types of games will be implemented such as real-time strategy and role playing games.

Real-time strategy games will be based on commanding fleets or production buildings. Multi player battles would take place in a command center setting with teams controlling various facets of the game. (attack squads, defensive position, scouts, etc.) Players would also be able to assume the role of individual units and control them manually.

For more info: @roadcrypto (Decentraland Rocket.Chat server)

UXVirtual commented 6 years ago

This sounds like a neato idea! +1

Alonzo-Coeus commented 6 years ago

Awesome Idea

Alonzo-Coeus commented 6 years ago

you could have tournaments and stuff maybe a spectators lounge in the sky +1

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

I will definitely have a spectator lounge and ghost mode where users can walk around in the battlefield invisible. Tournaments, Contests, and eSports betting, for sure :)

jamesashton commented 6 years ago

Sounds awesome. I'd stake a parcel or 2 to have access to this.... I love the idea of flight - I would like to attack ground troops with my FPV drone :-)

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

that D.R.O.N.E. game looks really awesome. I knew I had to put this District up when I saw that. thanks for the support! @jamesashton @Alonzo-Coeus

gazerous commented 6 years ago

Average football field is around roughly 53 land parcels and soccer field is roughly 80.3 land parcels, how big of a field are you talking about that requires 5500 land parcels?

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago


A smaller piece of land would just mean a more creative use of the space. I'd rather have too much than not enough

gazerous commented 6 years ago

Unless they have changed it recently, each land parcel is 10m x 10m so they have an area of 100m. Football fields 48.5m x 109.1m has an area of 5291.35m. So 5291.35/100 = ~53 land parcels. So with 5500 you will have ~104 different football fields, which kinda makes sense considering that you are going for all these different kind of activities. Just saying, the wording was weird when you stated that you need 5500 land for 1 field, when in fact that would be the size of about 9 Manhattans, which would be great land space for some survival shooter with several thousand players.

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out, you're totally right.

changed it.

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

re: #73 Hunted District

Left a few words regarding project management in the Hunted District. I'm looking into various resources for funding. This looks interesting: I've talked to Jack at GameCredits and will keep looking at various options.

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

The Novusphere should also be useful for IPFS content and utilizable by everyone here It's still in production phase (Atmos/Novus), but essentially, it's a way to store IPFS hashes into a secure blockchain and being able to easily find it through Metadata.

Anyone interested is encouraged to join the Discord and ask Asphyxia about the project. The new chain will be ready for testnet soon and testers are always welcome.

DiscreteFunction commented 6 years ago

This is a really good idea in my opinion. In order for it to be successful, Decentraland needs to be as much like World of Warcraft as possible. Yea, I get the whole SIMS thing and creating virtual real estate, but if Decentraland doesn't appeal to youth, then the returns will be much less. People need to get involved in Decentraland at an early age, and stay involved and engaged throughout their lives just like WoW has been able to do, only Decentraland will do it better because it will be of course user owned and you can make real money at it, even make a living and get rich, and everyone will have the option of playing real life, or escaping from reality if they so choose.

In the original post under Goals, it says a place to settle disputes. Well a place to settle disputes is one thing, but if you can't just run around and kill random npcs and bosses, do quests, level up and find magic items, then the whole thing is going to lose a lot of people. And I say that with great sensitivity and concern. Seriously, think Blizzard; think Diablo III meets WoW meets SIMS meets the real life California Gold Rush meets fill in the blank..

The way I see it, Decentraland should have something for everybody, and the graphics need to be much better than in the demo video, just saying.

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

Hey @DiscreteFunction thanks for your feedback! I would like to do player VS NPC as well, but from what I gather, gamers wants PvP. My themes and games are interchangeable, so yes, I will have a games where you can run around and kill NPCs. I'll be making as many types of games as possible in the future, but I have to focus on a small handful at first, hence the PvP. I think RPG style games will be hit once the District is more active.

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

@roadcrypto what is your previous game development or project management experience?

Do you know what it takes to develop any type of game (not talking RPG/Strategy/etc' genre names that you said here... but any game, a "match 3" for example?). From what you wrote it seems like you don't really understand the scale and difficulty of what you're talking about.

Can you share your previous experience in game development, to prove you can handle this?

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

@Dmitry1987 From what you wrote in the other Districts, It's clear that you're having issues planning your own and I'm going to assume you're farming information.

but since other people might ask, I'm going to say that the planning, hiring and networking phase is what's happening right now.

As I've mentioned, there are various resources available that I'm willing to discuss my plan with anyone who is serious about making it happen.

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

ok no problem. another question, how much the players are expected to pay for participation in your games inside decentraland? what's the estimated payment to play the FPS game lets say?

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

It's called a planning stage, you'll know in due time since you're not going to be part of it. @Dmitry1987

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

Do you have a complete business plan, as you're saying "we will approach investors", do you know how a business plan looks like, to approach investors? I doubt, because what you wrote is unrealistic, completely unrealistic. How much players pay at the moment to play VR games? You need to do at least simple estimation, calculate needed $ and effort that you will need to build what you say you want, and how much players will pay - and show why they won't go play competitors games, that will be easier to access (look at all current large gaming companies - why do you think they will sit and watch your district prosper, and you earn millions, and will not create competitive VR games of their own? Crytek, Blizzard, whoever... )

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

@roadcrypto and I don't want to be part of it, thanks :D

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

great, now spam your own District please @Dmitry1987

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

It is not spam, you should have answers to all difficult questions if you want people to support you - until then I see no reason why anyone would either invest in your 'games', or buy land in this district or any other district, even mine. And it's not "yours" btw, it's all owned by decentraland. If anyone of us develops something on top of their empty land it's their benefit. I expect them actually to sponsor creation of first districts if they want the project to succeed. We will wait and see. Lets talk in 2019 if decentraland was successful or not, you will see. Chances to success are like 5%.

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

I don't like the negative attitude that you spammed in other channels and don't feel obligated to offer you anything, the Battleground will happen with a good team.

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

@Dmitry1987 I'm going to ask you again to keep your opinions about Decentraland to your own District, please.

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

sure @roadcrypto , no more opinions on decentraland, I promise. But can we discuss your district in this thread or I also should go somewhere else? :)

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

@Dmitry1987 @roadcrypto

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

The concerns of funding and hype are valid questions, but I don't think the guy crying about lack of funding for his own games should be asking them. (sorry for the drama)

As mentioned above, mobileGo / GameCredits / GNation is a great place to start for something like this.


I see an excellent opportunity for two awesome projects to promote each other. Mana and Land will be the currency / assets of Decentraland, but there is no reason why I people can't do a Bitcoin transaction inside of DCL, or use a smart contract for gaming like mobileGo.

Yes, these things take time, resources and planning. I saw a great opportunity and I proposed the District. I've been reaching out for developers and I will keep doing so until I find the right team.

Games like warcraft 1 was only played by geeks and nobody knew about it for 10+ years until hardware and interest caught up.

Crypto is still new to people, and again, look at the progress GameCredits is doing at bringing exposure to the general public.

Thinking we need to dish out 1/4 million dollars from the start is a defeatist attitude.

Yes, there's funding available, but it's something that's private for serious members of the team. As i've noticed with Dmitry1987, I don't think advertising them here would be a good idea.

This District will be used to generate revenue, but I proposed it because I saw a gap. I'm putting my own time and money because I see a long term potential.

if @Dmitry1987 had read my proposal, he would have noticed that the battleground can be used by developers to showcase their games, a good way to provide content and artists (VR Devs) payment by promoting their product in a Metaverse.

Having said that, free games and premium games will be available in the Battleground.

If someone with a large stake of land wants to make a private area and utilize the resources available, that's definitely possible as well.

Another hint for our friend @Dmitry1987 would be to seek out students locally. It might appeal to someone to have free rein as developer as opposed to getting a 9-5 in an office.

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

That's a very good and detailed response. You have a point.

Regarding who asks the questions, of course amateurs like me will ask :) that's the point.

About ”can be used by developers to showcase their games, a good way to provide content and artists (VR Devs) payment by promoting their product in a Metaverse.” - it's a good idea, but they can showcase the games in their own website as usual, why would they go through hassle of converting the demo game to A-frame just to showcase it inside decentraland? That's a lot of work... Their games are not going to be A-frame games initially. Or you think this technology is ready for real games to publish with it?

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

why would they go through hassle

its a Metaverse. It's called exposure.

DiscreteFunction commented 6 years ago

@roadcrypto I see your point. You have to start somewhere and the expansions can come later. That's perfectly logical and acceptable. I'm no expert in programming, I only took intro to C++ at university, so all I can offer is my opinion on what sort of game-play I would be most interested in. But if you make the game good enough that it starts getting crossovers from a game like WoW aka War-Crack, everyone who invested in MANA and Land at these early stages will be very, very happy.

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

posted in A-frame Slack #jobs

Here's a summary of what I'm looking for in a dev.

I hope that clarifies things a bit, however, I'm not a game dev and if they have specific questions about tools / integration into DCL, I suggest they join RocketChat and ask the questions to one of the community managers.

I do have some experience with basic coding and IPFS, I would rather devs get the right information instead of my misleading them. @roadcrypto

"How much" will be discussed in private with parties involved.

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

About IPFS, for those who don't know, it's a permanent distributed internet. Anyone can run an IPFS server to distribute content. Content is "hashed" - meaning that it can be referenced by a string of alpha-numeric characters. The problem with IPFS is that you can't find data unless you know its hash.

A project that I've been following and am invested in is Novus. Novus is creating a bridge between IPFS content and searchable MetaData. A new blockchain is being created so that the indexes themselves are distributed among those who secure the chain.

A meeting will occur on Saturday, November 4th, 9AM PST (4PM UTC) in the Discord channel:

recent update regarding the blockchain:

A sample of indexed content: (currently operating on a temporary blockchain)

This should be useful for everyone in Decentraland.

D41214N commented 6 years ago

@roadcrypto 41 parcels so far eh :)

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

@D41214N don't forget about the parcels staked inside #55 Chobury. you can count that as part of the Battleground once it's been invaded. @QuillzLouis

D41214N commented 6 years ago

@roadcrypto well that means you are gonna invade Slab city, cuz Chobury is gonna be Slabs' territory by then , you playing with fire

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

@D41214N fire. now there's a good idea. :)

dmconley commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to promote/include micro-transaction wagering on the games for the spectators or contestants? I am interested in building entertainment value and obv monetization.

dmconley commented 6 years ago

Can we have a retro gaming section and/or board game section also. It is my understanding that I am an investor but I haven't confirmed this yet through decentraland

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago


Is there a way to promote/include micro-transaction wagering on the games for the spectators or contestants?

Yes. I'm looking into getting MobileGo and GameCredits incorporated into the Battleground, that way, the outcome would be recorded on the ETH chain.

Can we have a retro gaming section and/or board game section also.

There more land, the better. The idea is that someone wouldn't be playing 1 particular game all the time, so the Battleground is interchangeable. The board games and retro games would be available when needed. Of course, I am willing to accommodate investors and if we/they want a dedicated space for something specific, it's possible. - one example would be an RPG or strategy game, if you're away for too long, your bases will get run over.

dmconley commented 6 years ago

Gaming and VR will be synonymous which is why this district has a special niche. The process of "Gamification" where medals and stats are presented to the ecosystem as motivation to participate has importance *Create a museum or hall of fame with art relating to past battles and winners that can be visited at this district

DiscreteFunction commented 6 years ago

@darikconley And then you could hold contests on the monthly favorite, and take bets on the winner

QuillzLouis commented 6 years ago

@roadcrypto Oi, you tryin to invade the chobury? :O

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago

@QuillzLouis I said nothing about fire.

QuillzLouis commented 6 years ago


@D41214N don't forget about the parcels staked inside #55 Chobury. you can count that as part of the Battleground once it's been invaded. @QuillzLouis


@D41214N fire. now there's a good idea. :)

roadcrypto commented 6 years ago




QuillzLouis commented 6 years ago

@roadcrypto oh okay.

dmconley commented 6 years ago

I am not sure if this would hijack the district but Tournament poker needs to be represented ideally in a gaming section over a casino one especially if you are considering the demographics.

Alonzo-Coeus commented 6 years ago

Whoa @roadcrypto this chat has escalated. good work.

Alonzo-Coeus commented 6 years ago :: channel for this project

mangist commented 6 years ago

I like the concept, but do you think it's feasible to create environments such as your screenshots using A-Frame? Most of what I've seen from A-Frame is pretty basic looking. Now if Decentraland was using Unity.... it would make the concept of a gaming battleground more realistic.

Not trying to be negative, just realistic. Do you have any proof of concepts that you've done or seen that were done in A-Frame?