decentralized-identity / OpenPgpSignature2019

OpenPgpSignature2019 Linked Data Cryptographic Suite in JavaScript
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 1 forks source link
jsonld openpgp

PROPOSAL OpenPgpSignature2019

Build Status codecov Coverage Status

This is a WIP proposal, and has not been formally submitted.

If you want to use this library with GPG:

npm i -g @transmute/openpgpsignature2019@latest

If you want to use this library as a dependency

npm i @transmute/openpgpsignature2019@latest --save


OpenPGP is a standard that defines formats for encryption keys and messages. By providing a Linked Data Signature suite that uses OpenPGP we can leverage a more established standard to support an emerging one (Linked Data Signatures). A Linked Data Signature Suite for OpenPGP also enables OpenPGP to be used as a building block for other standards, such as Decentralized Identifiers.


This signature suite follows the approach taken by:

We provide a binary which you can use to create JSON-LD Signatures with your local gpg key that already exist, including keys that are connected to smart cards like Yubikey NEO.

We support the universal-resolver for signing and verifying with DIDs by default, but you can provide your own custom document resolver, see the defaultDocumentLoader

Binary Use

If you are interested in using Yubikey see this setup guide.

Sign a json document:

openpgpsignature2019 sign -u "3AF00854CF8D9237" $(pwd)/src/__tests__/__fixtures__/documents/example.json did:btcr:xxcl-lzpq-q83a-0d5#yubikey

Verify a document

openpgpsignature2019 verify $(pwd)/src/__tests__/__fixtures__/documents/exampleSigned.json

Library Use

See tests.

const keys = await OpenPgpSignature2019.generateKey({
  userIds: [
      name: ""
  curve: "secp256k1"
// Looks like this:
// const keys = {
//   publicKey:
//     "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.4.3\r\nComment:\r\n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\r\nQw==\r\n=kUuh\r\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\n",
//   privateKey:
//     "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.4.3\r\nComment:\r\n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\r\nCFp9+ludvameWK8Ktqr4TIE+4OskVdGkUwDu/o1D\r\n=EnRP\r\n-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\r\n",
//   revocationCertificate:
//     "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.4.3\r\nComment:\r\nComment: This is a revocation certificate\r\n\r\nwmEEIBMIAAkFAlz0Iw4CHQAACgkQOqx3TfQyHavq6gEAziFfOR1SeAzJd9LW\r\nm7EqSmYtJA+3c2Am8hyUnYTF92oBAOKcWz/h2UbTDJnqXSRa9j1MzRilhQKs\r\n8Bo+tH1N3smt\r\n=RDKz\r\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\n"
// };

const doc = {
  "@context": {
    schema: "",
    name: "schema:name",
    homepage: "schema:url",
    image: "schema:image"
  name: "Manu Sporny",
  homepage: "",
  image: ""

let signedData = await OpenPgpSignature2019.sign({
  data: doc,
  privateKey: keys.privateKey,
  proof: {
    verificationMethod: "",
    proofPurpose: "assertionMethod"

// Looks like this:
// let signedData = {
//   "@context": "",
//   "": "",
//   "": "Manu Sporny",
//   "": "",
//   proof: {
//     verificationMethod: "",
//     proofPurpose: "assertionMethod",
//     created: "2019-06-02T20:24:21.635Z",
//     type: "OpenPgpSignature2019",
//     signatureValue:
//       "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.4.3\r\nComment:\r\n\r\nwl4EARMIAAYFAlz0MHcACgkQlSqpRbrzz18c1wEAsIUoldZyDKFYJNm5feYV\r\nq1YnajCSPBNCTtXnl6cOUb8A/1cH8rc7Mrbq6ZIlIbvbhpAEo7tu7C5GUtfB\r\njFThEyqU\r\n=zYH+\r\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\n"
//   }
// };

// We need to define a custom loader, because "" is not a public url.
const customLoader = (url, callback) => {
  const CONTEXTS = {
    "": {
      "@context": "",
      type: "OpenPgpVerificationKey2019",
      id: "",
      controller: "",
        "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.4.3\r\nComment:\r\n\r\nxk8EXPQjDhMFK4EEAAoCAwQ22JuKLOw0REjgH3KPldvpQLyPbevO6nd/vs/h\r\nUyBgRDFhB66eam0Kg0K/bFspd7EqBQf5sg4MjtW2g+UlMNuAzRIiYW5vbkBl\r\neGFtcGxlLmNvbSLCdwQQEwgAHwUCXPQjDgYLCQcIAwIEFQgKAgMWAgECGQEC\r\nGwMCHgEACgkQOqx3TfQyHavsPAEA7Ah6P2cs9B/72bfMiWgeBcEOTIIBjaQ+\r\nHycfG5ldmpQBAP30Tqo0yuwiaf/qDOLnzrXPQIyz1noKdYpXgGOpzivWzlME\r\nXPQjDhIFK4EEAAoCAwQ22JuKLOw0REjgH3KPldvpQLyPbevO6nd/vs/hUyBg\r\nRDFhB66eam0Kg0K/bFspd7EqBQf5sg4MjtW2g+UlMNuAAwEIB8JhBBgTCAAJ\r\nBQJc9CMOAhsMAAoJEDqsd030Mh2re2cA/jr04uWORrq1rXnfGWUeg3uSc0Dw\r\nhzSqweh/a64RHkUvAP0d6whaffpbnb2pnlivCraq+EyBPuDrJFXRpFMA7v6N\r\nQw==\r\n=kUuh\r\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\n"
  if (url in CONTEXTS) {
    return callback(null, {
      contextUrl: null, // this is for a context via a link header
      document: CONTEXTS[url], // this is the actual document that was loaded
      documentUrl: url // this is the actual context URL after redirects
  return nodeDocumentLoader(url, callback);

const verified = await OpenPgpSignature2019.verify({
  data: signedData,
  options: {
    documentLoader: customLoader

// we expect verified === true

Working With DIDs

DIDs are supported through a custom document loader, which uses the DID Method resolver.

See working-with-dids.spec.js.

const resolver = {
  // this is a stub / example... see
  resolve: did => {
    return {
      "@context": "",
      id: "did:example:123",
      publicKey: [
          "@context": "",
          type: "OpenPgpVerificationKey2019",
          id: "did:example:123#kid-456",
          controller: "did:example:123",
            "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.4.3\r\nComment:\r\n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\r\nQw==\r\n=kUuh\r\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\n"
      service: [
          // used to retrieve Verifiable Credentials associated with the DID
          type: "VerifiableCredentialService",
          serviceEndpoint: ""

const customLoader = (id, callback) => {
  // are we handling a DID? (probably you want better validation than this.)
  if (id.indexOf("did:example") === 0) {
    const doc = resolver.resolve(id);
    // iterate public keys, find the correct id...
    // use different logic for other DID properties...
    // see
    for (publicKey of doc.publicKey) {
      if ( === id) {
        return callback(null, {
          contextUrl: null, // this is for a context via a link header
          document: publicKey, // this is the actual document that was loaded
          documentUrl: id // this is the actual context URL after redirects

  //   are we handling a custom context?
  if (id in CONTEXTS) {
    return callback(null, {
      contextUrl: null, // this is for a context via a link header
      document: CONTEXTS[id], // this is the actual document that was loaded
      documentUrl: id // this is the actual context URL after redirects

  //   is this a published (public) context?
  return nodeDocumentLoader(id, callback);

const data = {
  "@context": "",
  myCustomProperty1337: "deadbeef"

let signedData = await OpenPgpSignature2019.sign({
  privateKey: "PRIVATE_KEY",
  proof: {
    verificationMethod: "did:example:123#kid-456", // notice this is not a URL!
    proofPurpose: "assertionMethod"
  options: {
    documentLoader: customLoader,
    passphrase: "correct horse battery staple" // if required

const verified = await OpenPgpSignature2019.verify({
  data: signedData,
  options: {
    documentLoader: customLoader

if (verified) {
    "Signature verification succeeded...But you might need to do more validation..."
} else {
  console.log("Signature verification failed... The key might be revoked!");


git clone
cd OpenPgpSignature2019
npm i

Running the Tests

You won't be able to sign with the binary test, unless you steal my yubikey. The other tests should pass.

npm run test

Commercial Support

Commercial support for this library is available upon request from Transmute:


This library uses OpenPGP.js to sign and verify, as well as manage armored key encoding / decoding. OpenPGP.js is not modified in any way. This library also supports calling gpg directly.

OpenPGP.js is LGPL v3, see its LICENSE

It is our understanding that LGPL v3 dependencies can be included in an Apache 2 Licensed library so long as the following criteria are satisfied:

W3C Links

Linked Data Cryptographic Suite Registry

Linked Data Signatures

Decentralized Identifiers