KIWI CS:GO Plugins
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KIWI CS:GO Plugins Repository
Generic Plugins
- [x] afk_manager4.sp - Heavily modified version of AFK Manager for KIWI servers
- [x] kiwi-adverts.sp - KIWI Modified version of MOTDgd adverts plugin
- [x] kiwi-clantags.sp - Displays admin clantags when admins enter a team
- [x] kiwi-sucideblock.sp - Prevents players from killing themselves with
- [x] kiwi-dmgprint.sp - Prints a player's damage output at the end of a round
- [x] kiwi-blockradio.sp - Blocks specified radio commands from being used (good for DM)
- [x] kiwi-cexec.sp - Like
- runs commands as a specified player
- [x] sodstats.sp - Heavily modified version of
SoD Stats
used for KIWI Retakes, ten-man and scrim stats and rankings.
[x] weblinks.sp - Allows users to open up webpages ingame with custom commands
KIWI PUGs & Scrim Plugins
- [x] kiwi.sp -
- [x] kiwi-moneyprint.sp -
- [x] kiwi-deathmute.sp -
- [x] kiwi-logger.sp -
- [x] kiwi-mysqlstats.sp -
[x] kiwi-ringerinfo.sp -
KIWI Retakes Plugins
- [x] kiwi-retakes.sp - The KIWI Retakes Plugin
- [x] kiwi-autoplant.sp - Bomb autoplanter plugin for Retakes
- [x] retakes_kiwiallocator.sp - KIWI Flavoured gun allocator for Retakes
- [x] retakes_pistolallocator.sp - Standard pistol allocator for Retakes
- [x] retakes_sitepicker.sp - Allows admins to choose the next bomb site in Retakes
[x] retakes_standardallocator.sp - The vanilla Retakes gun allocator
PUGSetup Forked Plugins (splewis
- [x] pugsetup.sp - KIWI modified standard 10-man gather plugin
- [x] pugsetup_autokicker.sp - Kicks players if they aren't on a team after the game goes live
- [x] pugsetup_hostname.sp - Sets match info in the server's hostname
- [x] pugsetup_rwsbalancer.sp - Calculates and displays player RWS during and after rounds
- [x] pugsetup_teamlocker.sp - Prevents players from changing teams once a match has started
- [x] pugsetup_teamnames.sp - Allows leader to set team name for matches