decker-edu / decker

A markdown based tool for slide deck creation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
53 stars 13 forks source link

lang: en-US

Tests Release Decker


A markdown based tool for slide deck creation.

Installation of binaries

Under Releases you can find the binaries of decker.

To install the program by hand you simply need to download the binary and put it in a location where your operating system can find executable files. The executable and its internal dependencies are statically linked and everything decker extracts in order to generate its output is inside its binary.

Manual installation on Windows

If you have already installed decker with an installer you can simply replace the decker.exe inside its installation directory with a new version.

If you have not yet installed decker and want to install one of the released binaries by hand, simply put it into an isolated directory of your choice. You want to rename the executable to decker.exe. Then you need to put that directory onto your system's search path for binaries. To do this, search for "environment variables" in Windows' own search bar and pick the option "Edit the system environment variables". Then click the "Environment Variables..." button in the bottom right corner of the opened dialog. In the next dialog window, pick either your user account's or your system's environment variables and search for the entry Path. "Edit" the entry, press "New" and enter the location of the directory you put the decker.exe exectuable in. Confirm your changes by pressing the "OK" buttons and you are done. If any program you want to run decker from was still running, it needs to be restarted now.

Manual installation on Linux

After you download the decker-executable from the Releases rename it to decker (or any name of your liking). You may need to set the downloaded file as executable. In a terminal, this is done by entering chmod +x decker while inside the directory where your decker-executable resides.

Now you need to put the executable onto your search path. To see your current search path, enter echo $PATH in a terminal. You should see a list of directories that are on your binary search path.

To install decker for your user, simply put the downloaded executable into one of the listed directories inside that user's home directory. These are usually /home/user/.bin, /home/user/.local/bin or /home/user/bin. If none of these directories are in your search path you can add a directory of your choice to the search path by adding this to your user's .profile configuration file which is also usually located inside that user's home directory:

if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then

If a configuration like this already exists inside your .profile config it usually means that the requested directory does not exist yet. Simply create it and move the decker executable there, then restart your shell.

To install decker for the entire system, simply put it into that system's directory for locally installed binaries which usually is /usr/local/bin. You usually need to be root in order to perform this operation.

Manual installation on MacOS

To install decker on MacOS you need to download the executable and put it into your binary search path and set the downloaded file as executable. To do this open a terminal and navigate to the downloaded file. Rename it to decker, then enter chmod +x decker to make it executable. Then move it into a directory on your binary search path. TODO: What are these on MacOS?

In order to run the application you need to open it once with the open command: open -a terminal decker. The operating system will likely warn and prevent you from running the application. Find a button labeled Really Open to tell your system to trust it. This should only be necessary once per downloaded version.

Installation from source

  1. Install stack and Node.js (for npm)
  2. Clone this repo.
  3. cd decker
  4. git submodule update --init --recursive
  5. make install


Third-party resources

reveal.js MathJax and Font-Awesome dependencies are tracked via submodules. After upgrading any of these submodules you need to run

make upgrade-third-party

to copy the needed resources into the main repo at resource/decker/support/vendor.

Installation from source on Windows

Instead of a makefile we use a PowerShell script on Windows to install decker from source

  1. cd decker
  2. .\bin\build.ps1

If you want to copy decker to C:\Program Files (x86) you can call .\bin\build.ps1 -local. This needs a PowerShell session with administrator rights.

To then call decker from anywhere on the PowerShell command line create a PowerShell profile file, add the following line, and restart your PowerShell session!

$Env:Path += ";${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Decker\bin"


Windows Antivirus Protection has a high impact on compilation time. Add the following directories as exclusions to safe about 20-40% compilation time.



Use appropriate tooling. I use:

Templates and CSS

To interactively work on the template, CSS and Javascript files in resource/template and resource/support run Decker as stack run decker server. This will automatically incorporate all changes and reload the documents in the browser.

External tools

Decker uses a few external tools that need to be installed on the system to use the full functionality:

Installation of external tools on macOS

Use Homebrew to install most of them.

brew install rsync graphviz gnuplot pdf2svg yarn coreutils

For the rest follow instructions on their respective webites.

To confirm that you have installed all of the required external tools, run the following command in a terminal window:

decker check

Installation of external tools on Linux

Use Ubuntu's Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) to install external tools.

apt-get update && apt-get install -y texlive-full plantuml gnuplot graphviz libbz2-dev pdf2svg rsync ssh libtinfo-dev libgmp3-dev zlib1g-dev

To confirm that you have installed all of the required external tools, run the following command in a terminal window:

decker check


Decker behaves very much like a build tool. It works recursively on the current directory and all subdirectories. Markdown files ending on .md in those directories are processed and converted to either a Reveal.js slide show, a HTML document, or a PDF document, depending on the file name.

Decker targets


Pull requests

Contributions are accepted via pull requests. Before working on a feature, please write up an issue and discuss it with the other developers. For each implemented feature, increment the version number in package.yaml. Breaking changes increment the second number. Fixes increment the third number.


Use appropriate tooling. We use Visual Studio Code with the Haskell Language Server plugin.

Haskell source code formatting

Haskell soure code readability depends heavily on consistent formatting conventions. Formatting is automated using the excellent ormolu formatter via the Haskell Language Server.


