decko-commons / decko-ubos

Decko for UBOS
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Packaging Decko tool for UBOS.

Setup Docker dev environment

  1. Make sure you have docker (and docker compose) installed and then run the following from the root of this repo.
docker compose up -d

May have to wait for services to start...

  1. Open shell.
docker exec -i -t -u ubosdev ubos-develop bash
  1. Get the latest ubos-admin and install dependencies from INSIDE the container
    sudo ubos-admin update -v --nokeyrefresh
    sudo pacman -S --noconfirm base-devel pacman-contrib webapptest

Update to latest Decko version

  1. Start by updating gems (including decko) from OUTSIDE the container
# from decko-ubos root
cd decko
bundle update
bundle info decko # confirm version. may need to tweak Gemfile to get it to work
  1. Meanwhile, edit PKGBUILD.
  1. Run the following INSIDE the container in the home dir:
updpkgsums   # update checksum in PKGBUILD

Make and Install your decko package

Run the following INSIDE the container in the home dir:

makepkg -f -s                             # generate a new package
sudo pacman -U decko-*-any.pkg.tar.zst    # install a package you've generated

Deploy a Deck

Run the following INSIDE the container:

# sudo ubos-admin undeploy --all                # often handy
sudo ubos-admin deploy --file sample-site.json  # deploy the site

Once deployed, the site should be reachable at http://localhost:8080/deck

Restore a Deck from backups

# sudo ubos-admin undeploy --all                                    # often handy
sudo ubos-admin backupinfo --detail --in backups/BACKUP.ubos-backup # gives siteid
sudo ubos-admin restore --newhostname '*' --in backups/BACKUPNAME.ubos-backup  --siteid SITEIDFROMINFO

Once restored, the site should be reachable at http://localhost:8080 (unless the backup specifies a different context)

Run Test

webapptest run tests/