Packaging Decko tool for UBOS.
docker compose up -d
May have to wait for services to start...
docker exec -i -t -u ubosdev ubos-develop bash
sudo ubos-admin update -v --nokeyrefresh
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm base-devel pacman-contrib webapptest
# from decko-ubos root
cd decko
bundle update
bundle info decko # confirm version. may need to tweak Gemfile to get it to work
updpkgsums # update checksum in PKGBUILD
Run the following INSIDE the container in the home dir:
makepkg -f -s # generate a new package
sudo pacman -U decko-*-any.pkg.tar.zst # install a package you've generated
Run the following INSIDE the container:
# sudo ubos-admin undeploy --all # often handy
sudo ubos-admin deploy --file sample-site.json # deploy the site
Once deployed, the site should be reachable at http://localhost:8080/deck
# sudo ubos-admin undeploy --all # often handy
sudo ubos-admin backupinfo --detail --in backups/BACKUP.ubos-backup # gives siteid
sudo ubos-admin restore --newhostname '*' --in backups/BACKUPNAME.ubos-backup --siteid SITEIDFROMINFO
Once restored, the site should be reachable at http://localhost:8080 (unless the backup specifies a different context)
webapptest run tests/