decredcommunity / translations

Indexing and coordinating translations of Decred texts
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This is a repository serving as a store of ideas for Decred(-related) articles to be translated into the languages of our regional communities

The main idea

This repository was created to track articles that our writing community deems of a value high enough to warrant additional work of translating into other languages so as to broaden their reach and to attempt to reach a consensus on whether suggested articles possess the aforementioned value to the Decred Project.

The goal

The goal here is to create a maintained and regularly-updated list of articles to serve as an internal point of reference for Decred contributors. A possible side-goal of the repository may be, in the future, to serve as a backup repo for the translated articles.

What you can do here

You can suggest articles, written by our contributors or outside authors, in English to be translated. The process through which to do so will, hopefully, be worked out and improved, but for now opening an issue will do.

The process

The following is a description of an example workflow regarding content to be translated:

  1. Someone decides that translating article X to a set of languages L is a good idea,
  2. They submit a request to the translators group, either in the #writers_room or in the issues section of this repo where they justify why it should be done (see selection criteria),
  3. The group reviews the request and decides whether it is appropriate to allocate resources to it (time and funds), or not, and when,
  4. A decision on whether to greenlight the article for translation is made (consult @Dustorf or @jz). Note that if the request is not approved the translation may still proceed at one's own time and discretion,
  5. After the translation is finished an external review (read: independent of the translator) for the ease of reading and comprehension should be performed by at least 1, preferably a native, speaker of the target language, but ideally more than 2-3.

This is only an example workflow. Please feel free to post feedback and suggestions on how to tighten and improve it.

Selection criteria

When submitting articles to be considered, please think alongside the following criteria/guidelines; the more boxes the articles tick, the better:

(this is very much a work-in-progress as well as a placeholder for more fleshed out criteria. Please feel free to suggest improvements)


A huge thanks to @bee for documenting the initial flesh-out process for the repo and suggesting improvements.