dedukun / bookmarks.yazi

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Can I ask if the plugin data can't be persisted? #6

Closed ListenV closed 2 months ago

ListenV commented 3 months ago




dedukun commented 3 months ago

Hey, sorry I don't really know chinese, but no, at the moment the plugin doesn't support persistent bookmarks, however that's something that I want to add.

I'll have a look into it in the during the week.

ListenV commented 3 months ago

oh, sorry, my bad. I thought the author of this plugin was Chinese.

Thank you for your contribution.

dedukun commented 3 months ago

This is a feature that I want to implement, so I'm reopening the issue so that if anyone else wants this, they can look for updates here.

ListenV commented 3 months ago

I have an idea, if yazi provides an API that doesn't have persistent storage, try using Lua's tool library to implement persistent storage.

For example: you can store bookmark data to a Json file.

dedukun commented 3 months ago

Yeah, I don't think there's a standard way to do this with the Yazi API (I'm asking it in the discord at the moment), so I think that we need to do this directly with Lua's standard libraries.

dedukun commented 3 months ago

Just an update, I didn't forgot about this feature, I'm just waiting for because it seems that it will help us implement the persistence that we want.

dedukun commented 2 months ago


Sorry for the long time to implement this, but persistence support is now available on main, feel free to give it a go.

go0d1uck commented 2 months ago

Let me try it! Thanks for your work.

ListenV commented 2 months ago
