dedukun / bookmarks.yazi

MIT License
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A Yazi plugin that adds the basic functionality of vi-like marks.




Yazi v0.2.5 (manual installation) ```sh # Linux/macOS git clone -b yazi-0.2.5 ~/.config/yazi/plugins/bookmarks.yazi # Windows git clone -b yazi-0.2.5 %AppData%\yazi\config\plugins\bookmarks.yazi ```
Latest commit in Yazi (package manager) ```sh # Add the plugin ya pack -a dedukun/bookmarks # Install plugin ya pack -i # Update plugin ya pack -u ```


Add this to your keymap.toml:

on = [ "m" ]
run = "plugin bookmarks --args=save"
desc = "Save current position as a bookmark"

on = [ "'" ]
run = "plugin bookmarks --args=jump"
desc = "Jump to a bookmark"

on = [ "b", "d" ]
run = "plugin bookmarks --args=delete"
desc = "Delete a bookmark"

on = [ "b", "D" ]
run = "plugin bookmarks --args=delete_all"
desc = "Delete all bookmarks"

Additionally there are configurations that can be done using the plugin's setup function in Yazi's init.lua, i.e. ~/.config/yazi/init.lua. The following are the default configurations:

-- ~/.config/yazi/init.lua
    save_last_directory = false,
    persist = "none",
    desc_format = "full",
    notify = {
        enable = false,
        timeout = 1,
        message = {
            new = "New bookmark '<key>' -> '<folder>'",
            delete = "Deleted bookmark in '<key>'",
            delete_all = "Deleted all bookmarks",


When enabled, a new bookmark is automatically created in ' which allows the user to jump back to the last directory.


When enabled the bookmarks will persist, i.e. if you close and reopen Yazi they will still be present.

There are three possible values for this option:

Value Description
none The default value, i.e., no persistance
all All the bookmarks are saved in persistent memory
vim This mode emulates the vim global marks, i.e., only the bookmarks in upper case (A-Z) are saved to persistent memory


The format for the bookmark description.

There are two possible values for this option:

Value Description
full The default, it shows the full path of the bookmark, i.e., the parent folder + the hovered file
parent Only shows the parent folder of the bookmark


When enabled, notifications will be shown when the user creates a new bookmark and deletes one or all saved bookmarks.

By default the notification has a 1 second timeout that can be changed with notify.timeout.

Furthermore, you can customize the notification messages with notify.message. For the new and delete messages, the <key> and <folder> keywords can be used, which will be replaced by the respective new/deleted bookmark's associated key and folder.