deep-spin / efficient_kNN_MT

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Efficient kNN-MT

Implementation of the Efficient kNN-MT model. The implementation is built upon fairseq and inspired on the Adaptive kNN-MT implementation.


To run the code first, you need to install this repo as:

pip install --editable .

You also need to install faiss. You can do it as:

conda install -c pytorch faiss-gpu

And pytorch-scatter which you can install as:

pip install torch-scatter==2.0.5

Download pre-trained model

The pre-trained model used can be downloaded here. (De->En Single Model)

Download and process data

You can download the multi-domains dataset from here.

Then, to pre-process the data you should run this script for each domain:

bash ./examples/translation/ <path/to/domain/dir> <path/to/moses/and/fastBPE/dirs/>

Then prepare the binary files as:

python fairseq_cli/ --source-lang de --target-lang en --trainpref <path/to/domain/dir>/processed/train.bpe.filtered --validpref <path/to/domain/dir>/processed/dev.bpe --testpref <path/to/domain/dir>/processed/medical/test.bpe --destdir <path/to/domain/dir>/data-bin/ --srcdict <path/to/model/dir>/ --joined-dictionary

Create datastore

To create a datastore run: (to know the datastore size, you can check the preprocess log on the data-bin folder)

python <path/to/domain/dir>/data-bin/ --dataset-impl mmap --task translation     --valid-subset train --path <path/to/model>  --max-tokens 4096 --skip-invalid-size-inputs-valid-test --decoder-embed-dim 1024 --dstore-size <size of datastore> --dstore-mmap <path/to/save/datastore>

Train datastore

To train the datastore run: (If not using PCA to reduce keys size, change to --PCA=0)

python3 --dstore_mmap <path/to/datastore> --dstore_size <size of datastore> --faiss_index <path/to/save/faiss/index> --pca <PCA output dimension>

Prune the datastore with greedy merging

First you need to save the neighours for each datastore entry:

python3 datastore_pruning/ --dstore_size <size of datastore> --dstore_mmap <path/to/datastore> --faiss_index <path/to/faiss/index> --save-dir <path/to/save/neighbours>

Then, you need to perform greedy merging:

python3 datastore_pruning/ --dstore_mmap <path/to/datastore> --dstore_size <size of datastore> --retrieval-dir <path/to/saved/neighbours> --save-dir <path/to/save/new/keys/and/vals> --k <hyper-parameter>

Finally we need to re-train the datastore using the same command as before.

Perform inference

To perform inference simply run:

python3 <path/to/data/bin> --path <path/to/model> --arch transformer_wmt19_de_en_with_datastore --gen-subset=test --beam 5 --batch-size <batch size> --source-lang de --target-lang en --scoring sacrebleu --max-tokens 4096 --tokenizer moses --remove-bpe --model-overrides "{'load_knn_datastore': True, 'use_knn_datastore': True, 'dstore_filename': '<path/to/datasore>', 'dstore_size': <datastore size>, 'k': 8, 'probe': 32, 'faiss_metric_type': 'l2', 'use_gpu_to_search': False, 'move_dstore_to_mem': True, 'no_load_keys': True,'knn_lambda_type': 'fix', 'knn_lambda_value': <lambda value>, 'knn_cache': <True if using cache>, 'knn_cache_threshold': <cache threshold>, 'knn_temperature_type': 'fix', 'knn_temperature_value': < retrieval softmax temperature>,}" 


  author    = {Martins, Pedro Henrique and Marinho, Zita and  Martins, Andr{\'e} FT},
  title     = {Efficient Machine Translation Domain Adaptation},
  booktitle = {Proc. Workshop on Semiparametric Methods in NLP: Decoupling Logic from Knowledge},
  year      = {2022}