deepinfra / deepctl

Command line tool for Deep Infra cloud ML inference service
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 0 forks source link


Command line tool for Deep Infra cloud ML inference service.


Linux, MacOS

curl | sh

Download from Github

You can also download deepctl from Releases.


Sign in

You need a Github account to use deepctl. This command will open your Github Sign-on page in your browser. Follow instructions there.

deepctl auth login

Auth token

You can view your Deep Infra API auth token to use it in your applications using the following command or in the dashboard.

deepctl auth token

List supported models

deepctl model list

Create a model deployment

deepctl deploy create -m openai/whisper-small


To get information about model, it's inference arguments, response fields and ways to call endpoint, use the following command:

deepctl model info -m openai/whisper-small


model: openai/whisper-small
type: automatic-speech-recognition
CURL invocation:

 curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer $AUTH_TOKEN"  \
    -F audio=@my_voice.mp3  \

deepctl invocation:

 deepctl infer \
    -m 'openai/whisper-small'  \
    -i audio=@my_voice.mp3

When using HTTP inference api make sure to pass your AUTH_TOKEN header.

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer $AUTH_TOKEN"  \
    -F audio=@/path/to/hello_world.mp3  \


  "text": "Hello World",
  "segments": [
  "language": "en"

List your deployments

deepctl deploy list


    "created_at": "2023-01-26T19:33:23",
    "deploy_id": "DpM4BkrjEspUwmTa",
    "fail_reason": "",
    "model_name": "openai/whisper-small",
    "status": "running",
    "task": "automatic-speech-recognition",
    "updated_at": "2023-01-26T19:33:23"

Monitor Logs

Use deploy_id from the output above.

deepctl log query -f DpM4BkrjEspUwmTa

Delete deployment

Use deploy_id from the output above to delete the deployment.

deepctl deploy delete DpM4BkrjEspUwmTa

More information

You can always use

deepctl help

to view more information on any command.

Check version and update

deepctl version check
deepctl version update