deeplearning4j / deeplearning4j-examples

Deeplearning4j Examples (DL4J, DL4J Spark, DataVec)
2.46k stars 1.82k forks source link
artificial-intelligence deeplearning deeplearning4j dl4j intellij javafx python zeppelin-notebook
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The Eclipse Deeplearning4J (DL4J) ecosystem is a set of projects intended to support all the needs of a JVM based deep learning application. This means starting with the raw data, loading and preprocessing it from wherever and whatever format it is in to building and tuning a wide variety of simple and complex deep learning networks.

The DL4J stack comprises of:

All projects in the DL4J ecosystem support Windows, Linux and macOS. Hardware support includes CUDA GPUs (10.0, 10.1, 10.2 except OSX), x86 CPU (x86_64, avx2, avx512), ARM CPU (arm, arm64, armhf) and PowerPC (ppc64le).


This example repo consists of several separate Maven Java projects, each with their own pom files. Maven is a popular build automation tool for Java Projects. The contents of a "pom.xml" file dictate the configurations. Read more about how to configure Maven here.

Users can also refer to the simple sample project provided to get started with a clean project from scratch.

Build tools are considered standard software engineering best practice. Besides this the complexities posed by the projects in the DL4J ecosystem make dependencies too difficult to manage manually. All the projects in the DL4J ecosystem can be used with other build tools like Gradle, SBT etc. More information on that can be found here.


For help with the examples, please go to our support forum

Note for users of 1.0.0-beta7 and prior, some examples and modules have been removed to reflect changes in the framework's direction. Please see and comment on our post here

If you would like a workaround for something you may be missing, please feel free to post on the forums, and we will do what we can to help you.

Example Content

Projects are based on what functionality the included examples demonstrate to the user and not necessarily which library in the DL4J stack the functionality lives in.

Examples in a project are in general separated into "quickstart" and "advanced".

Each project README also lists all the examples it contains, with a recommended order to explore them in.

Feedback & Contributions

While these set of examples don't cover all the features available in DL4J the intent is to cover functionality required for most users - beginners and advanced. File an issue here if you have feedback or feature requests that are not covered here. We are also available via our community forum for questions. We welcome contributions from the community. More information can be found here We love hearing from you. Cheers!