Welcome to PhageScope! PhageScope is an online bacteriophage database that offers comprehensive annotations, including completeness assessment, phenotype annotation, taxonomic annotation, structural annotation, functional annotation, and genome comparison.
PhageScope incorporates automatic analysis and interactive visualization for both curated and customized data.
Key features of PhageScope:
- Curated PhageScope database includes 873,718 phages, with 767,797 nonredundant sequences, from 4,723 host species, harboring 43,088,582 annotated proteins, 6,462,417 terminators, 691,091 tRNA genes, 11,516 tmRNA genes, 307,329 anti-CRISPR proteins, 56,652 CRISPR arrays, 41,609 virulent factors, 2,602 antimicrobial resistance genes, and 4,020,770 transmembrane proteins.
- Automatic phage annotation and analysis with state-of-the-art tools, including completeness scoring, host assignment, lifestyle prediction, taxonomic classification, ORF and terminator localization, functional gene annotation, genome clustering, and sequence comparison, etc.
- Interactive visualization of completeness and phenotype distribution, structural and functional annotation, sequence alignment, comparative tree, etc.
Please open an issue or contact Prof. LI, Shuai Cheng ( if you have problems with PhageScope.
Ruo Han Wang, Shuo Yang, Zhixuan Liu, Yuanzheng Zhang, Xueying Wang, Zixin Xu, Jianping Wang, and Shuai Cheng Li. Phagescope: a well-annotated bacteriophage database with automatic analyses and visualizations. Nucleic Acids Research, gkad979, 2023.