defenseunicorns-partnerships / argo-wf-zarf

Zarf package for Argo Workflows
Apache License 2.0
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Zarf package for Argo Workflows


If trying to work with the ironbank flavor, you will need the following environment variables set:


Most of the installation can be done via the tasks.yaml and uds run commands. Here are some good targets to start with:

Run uds run --list-all to see all available tasks. Of note, if building your own zarf package, you need to include the --components=dev-setup flag in the zarf package create command in order to use minio vice AWS S3 storage.

Workflow specifics

The /test/workflows/ directory has a hello-world template and workflow to test the deployment. If a workflow is failing you can elect to keep the pod alive to look at logs by adding the field spec.podGC.strategy and setting it to OnWorkflowSuccess (the deployment defaults it to OnPodCompletion).

This deployment sets the controller.workflowRestrictions.templateReferencing to Secure. This means any Workflow or CronWorkflow resource MUST reference a WorkflowTemplate deployed to the namespace in order for the controller to run the workflow.

S3 Key gotcahs

If using AWS S3 as an artifact repository, do not use a leading / to define S3 keys.

If using Minio S3 as an artifact repository, use a leading / only for input artifacts. Do not use a leading / for output artifacts.

Using Argo Server with Client Auth

You will need a token to use the Argo Server with Client Auth. A token can be created for an existing serviceaccount by creating a kubernetes secret with the following pattern:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: wfapi.service-account-token
  namespace: argo
  annotations: wfapi

This assumes the service account named wfapi exists in the argo namespace and has appropriate permissions via a rolebinding.

Programmatically, the token can be retrieved by the following:

# Get the token
ARGO_TOKEN="$(uds zarf tools kubectl get secret -n argo wfapi.service-account-token -o=jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)"

An example command to list workflows:

## First, in a different terminal window, port-forward to the argo-server
kubectl port-forward svc/argo-workflows-server -n argo 2746:2746
## Then, in a separate terminal, run the following command
curl http://localhost:2746/api/v1/workflows/argo -H "Authorization: Bearer $ARGO_TOKEN"

Zarf variables

variable name required default description
ARCHIVE_TTL no "10d" Time to keep archived workflows in postgres before garbage collection.
ARGO_REGISTRY no None Used with flavors to build the zarf package
ARGO REPO no None Used with flavors to build the zarf package
ARGO_SERVER_REPO no None Used with flavors to build the zarf package
DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_REPO yes minio-artifact-repository choice between minio-artifact-repository for a dev setup with minio, or aws-artifact-repository for an AWS S3 setup with IRSA
DEPLOY_POSTGRESQL no None If not set to False, deploys the postgresql chart to the argo namespace
IRSA_ROLE_ARN no None ARN of the role to assume if using IRSA
PG_DB no None Name of the postgres database to archive workflows to
PG_HOST no None URL to create connection string to postgres database for workflow archiving
PG_PASSWORD no None Admin password for postgres user
PG_PORT no None Port to connect to postgres on (typically 5432)
PG_USER no None User to associate the archive database with
PG_USER_PASSWORD no None Password for the user associated with the archive database
PG_STORAGE_CLASS no null Storage class for the PVC (used in AWS to ensure gp3 PV)
PSQL_REGISTRY no None Used with flavors to build the zarf package
PSQL_REPO no None Used with flavors to build the zarf package
PSQL_TAG no None Used with flavors to build the zarf package
S3_ACCESS_KEY no None Access key for access / secret pattern for auth to S3
S3_BUCKET_NAME yes None Name of the S3 bucket to save artifacts to
S3_ENDPOINT yes None Endpoint to connect to s3 "" / "" etc.
S3_PORT yes None Port to connect to S3 on (used to build network policies). 443 for AWS S3, usually 9000 for minio
S3_REGION no None Used with AWS S3 to specify the region the S3 bucket is in
S3_SECRET_KEY no None Secret key for access / secret pattern for auth to S3