defisapiens / decentrapay

Maker DAI payment processor
MIT License
72 stars 10 forks source link
dai ethereum maker payment-gateway payment-processing stablecoin

Decentrapay is an open-source payment processor which allows you to receive stablecoin tokens for payments.


The goal of the project is to provide merchants with a decentralized, trustless solution to accept payments on the Ethereum blockchain.




Run the below commands:

git clone
cd decentrapay
npm install

Don't forget to update local reposotory regularly to catch up with latest updates

git pull origin master
npm install


Decentrapay needs to connect to the Ethereum network to process transactions. You have two options:

Open config/default.cson in a text editor and make necessary changes:

  1. If you are using an external node provider, update the provider section

    provider: type: "rpc" uri: "http://localhost:8545" # replace with an endpoint URL from an external provider

  2. Change the apiKey to some unique string. The API key is used to post invoices to Decentrapay.

Running Decentrapay

To run the server in development mode, use the following command:

    npm run dev 

For production mode:

    npm run build
    npm start


Invoice object has the following properties:

Invoices can be created by sending a POST request to the /api/v1/invoice endpoint

An example with curl (replace API_KEY with the apiKey from the config file):

    curl http://localhost:8000/api/v1/invoice --header "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"apiKey":"API_KEY",currency:"DAI","items":[{"description":"My item","amount":1}]}'

The backend will create a new invoice record and return its id


The invoice can be viewed in a browser at http://localhost:8000/invoice/bfuWuYgRs

Decentrapay invoice

Also, the invoice record can be accessed via REST API:

    curl http://localhost:8000/api/v1/invoice/bfuWuYgRs

    {"deposit":{"_id":"xm-8-8lThd","address":"0xE6F2392Fe8ED75f684cb93fA0e278f0E404a8522"},"_id":"bfuWuYgRs","items":[{"description":"item #1","amount":1}],"totalAmount":1,"paidAmount":0,"created":1548735086893,"state":"pending","__v":0}

Upon creation, an invoice gets linked with a deposit address generated by DecentraPay server. Private keys are stored in the local database in plain text format.

Newly created invoices have pending state. After an invoice is paid its state will be changed to confirming. Then the server waits for the number of blocks specified in the configuration as minConfirmations (default is 1) and if thereafter the invoice balance is not less than totalAmount, the server changes the invoice state to paid and notifies the app via callback that the payment was done. The app should return HTTP code 200 to acknowledge that the invoice was processed. Then the invoice status is changed to closed.

If the invoice was not paid on time, as configured by the expires property, its status will be set to expired and no callbacks will be called thereafter.


Collecting payments

Until it is possible to pay for gas with tokens on the Ethereum network, collecting and forwarding payments can be a bit challenge because generated wallets need gas in order to be able to transfer DAI. For that purpose, Decentrapay includes a tool named wallets that funds wallets with small amounts of ETH if needed and then transfer tokens out.

Example command usage:

npm run wallets --  --fundamount 0.001 --collect <YOUR ETHEREUM ADDRESS> --privatekey 4e4a0db6ee08f21c68923f9a068a40c97769796fc88232c465a932d102a6eab4

the collect parameter specifies the destination address for collected payments and the privatekey is a private key of any account with small amount of ETH (it can be a key exported from MetaMask, for example). In the result, each non-empty wallet that linked to a closed invoice will be funded with 0.001 ETH if needed and then DAI tokens be transferred out to the specified address. Released wallets will be then re-used by the backend because there is a high chance they still have gas.

IMPORTANT: Be careful when using this tool - any mistake may result in lost funds. Do not use accounts with large amounts of ETH.