defucilis / funscript-io

A website for all things funscript-related: discovery, playback, creation and modification
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Self-hosting script #16

Open Eviepayne opened 1 year ago

Eviepayne commented 1 year ago

! Done on debian 11 (bullseye) ! Ignore deprecation warnings ! Must be 12.x ! Does not support virtualhosts, reverse proxies, subfolders, or urlredirect/rewrite

# install application and dependencies
sudo apt install git curl -y
sudo curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs -y
git clone fs
cd fs
npm install
npm install ts-node
npm run build
# install and configure apache
sudo ln -s $PWD/build /var/www/fun
sudo apt install apache2
sudo sed -i 's/html/fun/g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
sudo systemctl restart apache2
defucilis commented 1 year ago

The site is currently hosted on netlify - I haven't tried to run it locally with apache or anything so I can't provide much guidance on that front, I'm afraid...

Eviepayne commented 1 year ago

I wrote this script and it works.

defucilis commented 1 year ago

Sorry I just saw your message. If you'd like to make a PR for adding a section to the readme on self-hosting, I'd be happy to approve it :)