defucilis / funscript-io

A website for all things funscript-related: discovery, playback, creation and modification
31 stars 5 forks source link - Create, Modify, Enjoy Funscripts is kind of meant to be a one-stop-shop for a variety of funscript-related tasks. It features an easy-to-use, fully-featured script player, funscript tweaking and modification tools, as well as some interesting new ways to control your Handy!

I’ve been tinkering with and using the site for ages, adding new features every so-often, and I think it’s is at a point now where it might be useful for other people. I add new features all the time, so check back here every once-in-a-while to see what new stuff I’ve added!

EroScripts Thread

🌈 Features

🌠 Planned Features:

⚗️ Potential Features:

👩‍💻 Technologies