defucilis / funscript-io

A website for all things funscript-related: discovery, playback, creation and modification
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Missing Project Description for New Users #21

Open insanity54 opened 9 months ago

insanity54 commented 9 months ago


From the perspective of newcomers, the Readme lacks comprehensive descriptions, making it challenging to understand the purpose of this project. The term "Funscript" is frequently mentioned, but unfortunately, it doesn't provide clear insights for someone unfamiliar with the platform.

Suggested Improvement

When users are just starting, it would be immensely helpful to have a brief introductory paragraph that explains what Funscript is and its primary functions. For example:

Funscript is a teledildonics platform designed for creating and sharing scripts to control sex toys. With Funscript, you can synchronize vibrations with any video, and these scripts can be easily shared with friends. Additional features include x, y, and z.

A similar need for clarity arises when navigating The current introduction is as follows:

Create Funscripts Modify Funscripts Enjoy Funscripts

While these steps are outlined, it would greatly enhance the user experience to include a concise description of what Funscripts actually are.

Create Funscripts: Synchronized scripts to control sex toys in harmony with videos.
Modify Funscripts: Tailor existing scripts to suit personal preferences.
Enjoy Funscripts: Experience immersive and customized interactions with your sex toys.