defuncart / shogi

A simple shogi engine for Dart and Flutter. This engine can be combined with flutter_shogi_board to render static game board positions, tsume problems or shogi castles.
MIT License
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A simple shogi engine for Dart and Flutter. This engine can be combined with flutter_shogi_board to render static game board positions, tsume problems or shogi castles.

Shogi (将棋) is a two-player strategy board game native to Japan, belonging to the same family as chess and xiangqi.

Presently the package is very basic in which it can determine the static board position for a given game and move pieces from one position to another. As it is still highly experimental, 0.0.x versioning is used.

Getting Started

Import the package

To import this package, simply add shogi as a dependency in pubspec.yaml



import 'package:shogi/shogi.dart';

void main() {
  final gameBoard = ShogiUtils.initialBoard;
  gameBoard.printToConsole(useJapanese: false);
|l |n |s |g |k |g |s |n |l |
|  |r |  |  |  |  |  |b |  |
|p |p |p |p |p |p |p |p |p |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |
|  |B |  |  |  |  |  |R |  |
|L |N |S |G |K |G |S |N |L |

Importing a Game Board


A game board can be imported using a SFEN ascii string:

final sfenString = 'lnsgkgsnl/1r5b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL b -';
final gameBoard = ShogiUtils.sfenStringToGameBoard(sfenString);


Alternatively, a game board can be imported using a BOD string:

final bodString = '''
  9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
| ・v飛 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・v角 ・|二
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|四
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|五
| ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|六
| 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩|七
| ・ 角 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 飛 ・|八
| 香 桂 銀 金 玉 金 銀 桂 香|九
final gameBoard = ShogiUtils.bodStringToGameBoard(bodString);

Piece Movement


Piece movement can be specified using KIF notation:

var gameBoard = ShogiUtils.initialBoard;
final kif = '''
1 7六歩(77)
2 3四歩(33)
3 2二角成(88)
4 同 銀(31)
5 投了
final moves = KIFNotationConverter().movesFromFile(kif);
gameBoard = GameEngine.makeMove(gameBoard, moves.first);


Alternatively, piece movement can be specified using the custom notation {Player}{PieceType}{CurrentPosition}{Movement}{TargetPosition}{Promotion}.

{Promotion} is optional, while if {Player} isn't specified, Sente is chosen by default. {CurrentPosition} is needed for all movement types, except drops. Movement is denoted by -, x and *, that is, simple movement, capture and drop respectfully. Some examples:

Type Example Explanation
Simple movement ☗P77-76 Sente's pawn moves from 77 to 76.
Capture ☗P75x74 Sente's pawn moves from 75 to 74 and captures the piece at 74.
Drop ☗S*34 Sente's drops a silver from in hand onto 34.
Combined ☗S34x33+ Sente's silver moves from 34 to 33, captures the piece at 33 and is promoted.

Thus, given an initial board for Sente, a Yagura castle could be build using the following moves:

1: ☗P77-76
2: ☗S79-68
3: ☗S68-77
4: ☗G69-78
5: ☗P57-56
6: ☗K59-69
7: ☗G49-58
8: ☗B88-79
9: ☗P67-66
10: ☗G58-67
11: ☗B79-68
12: ☗K69-79
13: ☗K79-88

Future Plans

Raising Issues and Contributing

Please report bugs and issues, and raise feature requests on GitHub.

To contribute, submit a PR with a detailed description and tests, if applicable.