Scripts for the Amazon image that supports Ambari and Hue
This repository contains the nessecary bash scripts and resources needed to set up Ambari/Hue-enabled cluster using Amazon EC2 virtual machine (VM) instantces. An AMI with pre-installed scripts is available in the us-west-1 region with id: ami-e99171ad They are embedded in the public amazon machine image (AMI) and run in two phases:
A short video showing the cluster provisioning procoess is available here
- install_prerequisite.bsh - Assumes that the base Ubuntu 12.04 image is running and installs some general
prerequisits (Ansible, Java8, htop, lynx, unzip, aws CLI, git)
- installScripts.bsh - Prepares the image with installed prerequisits to be exported as Ambari/Hue-enabled AMI;
it sets up the necessary enviroment variables and copies the files from the resources folder to the appropriate
directories in the image
- rc.local - When the AMI is instantiated this script is called at startup. It, in turn, calls setup.bsh script
and logs the output in /home/ubuntu/setup.log
- setup.bsh - distinguishes between the two roles the VM may assume: master and slave. Based on the role it
calls either slave_setup.bsh or master_setup.bsh
- slave_setup.bsh - it creates a temporary user used to communicate with the master and establish passwordless
ssh. Then it installs the ambari-agent
- master_setup.bsh - discovers the slaves using the aws CLI (access and secret keys); creates the appropriate hosts
file (naming convention: master and slave[0-9]+) and sends it to the slaves; removes tmpuser from the slaves via
update_key.bsh establishes passwordless ssh by distributing the keys to the slaves; assigns slaves correct hostnames
using fixhostname.bsh; sets up ansible; installs ambari server and starts it.
- update_key.bsh - removes tmpuser from the VM
- fixhostname.bsh - changes the hostname of the VM
- hue/ -
- spark.bsh -
- hostnameEcho.bsh
sampleParameterFile.txt - sample file to gives as user provided data when lanching an AMI in order to specify the needed parameters.
To build a new image from scratch we suggest to start from the official ubuntu 12.04 cloud image (the latest version supported by Ambari) with ami: ami-09ad494d but any other Ubuntu 12.04 image is fine. Clone the repo in the machine and run
bash installScripts.bsh
To install the prerequitite run
bash install_prerequisite.bsh
Create an image from the running instance and use is as base for the cluster.
To install the cluster spawn a number of replicas of the previously created machine (a preconfigured one will come soon) giving as user provided data your AWS_ACCES_KEY_ID only (follow the syntax in sampleParameterFiles.txt).
When machines have been started spawn another replica adding as user data a file with the same format of sampleParameterFiles.txt with the keys to access the aws cli tool.