deidril / sfrpg-pdf-en-import

FoundryVTT module to import Starfinder 1 pdfs
MIT License
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Deidril's Starfinder 1 PDF Import

This foundry vtt plugin allows to import PDFs into the current world.


helyx.bundle.js code is under the MIT license pdf.worker.min.js code is under the apache license

images in ~/datas/images are generated through Midjourney by Deidril. Their use is restricted to this module scope.

Supported PDFs


Core books


One shots

Free RPG Day Adventures

Starfinder Society

Known issues

  + Gender of creatures using the stat block of another creature, aren't set. Issue is on the todo list"
  + Foundry ids of imported entries are not static. Entries will not be correctly overwritten if you reimport the PDF.


  1. Install the plugin from the following url ;
  2. Start your Starfinder 1 world, then activates the module 'Deidril's Starfinder 1 PDF Import'
  3. In the settings menu, click on 'Helyx - Import PDF' Settings
  4. In the dialog box, click on 'PDF file' and select a supported PDF Dialog
  5. Click on 'Import PDF'
  6. After all pages have been memorized, the module will identify which adventure it is and start the import
  7. When import is completed, click on OK
  8. Enjoy Starfinder 1 !