deitch / jsorm-i18n

i18n library for JavaScript: calendar conversions, timezones, i18n resource bundles, currency rendering
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i18n.js library, providing easy internationalization and resources for JavaScript Includes the following key classes: 1) ResourceBundle : retrieve localized elements via Ajax from the server. Elements are stored in Java-style properties files, and follow the same locale sequence. 2) Currency : format currency into the appropriate country-specific format. 3) TimeZone : refer to a specific timezone. Includes all offset from UTC information and daylight savings time information. Uses a specially compiled JSON version of the Elsie (now IANA) ZoneInfo files in use on all Unix variants as well as Java. In order to keep it lightweight, the necessary information for a particular TimeZone is retrieved via Ajax. 4) Locale : refer to localized information, specifically covering dates and times, for a specific locale. Understands fallbacks. For example, if one requests fr_FR, it will look for fr_FR, fr, en_US, en, nothing 5) Calendar : map a specific instance in time, as normally provided by Date() or time in milliseconds since Unix Epoch (midnight January 1, 1970 UTC Gregorian) to its various fields in a specific Calendar. By default uses GregorianCalendar, but can easily support any other type. Additionally, provides simple methods to modify fields, e.g. roll the month forward by 2, or set the date to be the 31st of the month. Finally, supports formatting to a string, using any of java, php or strftime formats, including full localization. E.g. one can get a Calendar, set the date to April 6, 2005 13:25:32 567 in the timezone Australia/Sydney, add 2 months and 3 days to the date, then format it using calendar.format()

To Use in Browser: Include jsorm-utilities Include jsorm-i18n.js

To Use in Nodejs: npm install jsorm-i18n i18n = require('jsorm-i18n');

To test in browser: cd to the root directory launch a local Web server, simplest is "python -m SimpleHTTPServer" open a browser (Firefox is best) to the site http://localhost:8080/test/test.html

To test in nodejs: cd to the root directory cd to test/ make sure you have the right npm modules installed. They are all listed in package.json under devDependencies npm install underscore nodeunit jsorm-utilities node ./test.js <test test ...> each test is the name of a section to test, e.g. calendar, core, currency, etc. separated by whitespace, or "all" for all the name of a test is a js file in the same directory, formatted as test-*.js