deividrvale / CRIT

A tool for automating Rewriting Induction (RI) for Logically Constrained Term Rewriting Systems (LCTRSs)
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Constrained Rewriting Induction Tool (CRIT)

A tool for applying Rewriting Induction (RI) for Logically Constrained Term Rewriting Systems (LCTRSs).

Based on the paper "Verifying Procedural Programs via Constrained Rewriting Induction" by Fuhs, Kop and Nishida [1] and the Ctrl-tool [2].

Made by Jörg Endrullis and Wouter Brozius. For citing, please see the CITATION.cff file


[1] C. Fuhs, C. Kop, N. Nishida "Verifying Procedural Programs via Constrained Rewriting Induction"

[2] C. Kop "Ctrl: Constrained Term Rewriting tooL"