Command-line based REST client for testing. Built out of frustration with tools such as Postman and Insomnia starting as free and useful programs and eventually moving to for-profit models when all I used them for was a quick testing environment. This tool was created to fulfill the need for testing and provide a way to do so from CLI as a bonus. The name Morc comes from more-curl, or, a CLI MORonically-simple Client due to it not being very fancy.
Get a distribution from the releases page of the GitHub repo for this project
and untar it. Place the morc
command somewhere on your path.
Send a one-off request:
morc oneoff -X PUT -u -d @datafile.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Send a request using a project:
morc init # create the project, if it doesn't yet exist
morc reqs --new get-google --url -X GET
morc send get-google # actually fire it off
MORC has two primary ways that it can be used: project-oriented, or standalone request sending. With project-oriented use, MORC operates within the context of a project to create named request templates that can be sent as many times as desired by referencing them by name. It tends to require more initial setup, but is suitable for saving testing flows as data. Standalone-oriented use avoids the use of separate project but requires that the entire request be specified every time it is sent; using this mode is more similar to raw curl usage, with some optional support for saving basic state info in between requests.
MORC is generally designed to operate on a MORC project. A project has requests and flows of requests defined within it that can be sent multiple times without having to fully specify them each time they are sent. This is similar to what you'd see in the main view of a GUI-based REST client, such as Postman or Insomnia.
Beyond creating and sending requests, a project tracks sent request history and sets of variables that can be set from the response of a request and used in later requests. This, combined with defining sequences of requests in flows, allows entire testing sequences to be defined and then run on-demand, which can be useful for automated testing scenarios.
A MORC project is created with morc init
. This puts all project files by
default in a new .morc
directory in the directory that morc
is called from,
and sets up cookie storage and history tracking.
morc init
If you want, you can give a name to the new project; otherwise, MORC will fall back to using a default one.
morc init 'Testing Suite'
Now you can see the details of the project by running morc proj
from the same
morc proj
Project: Unnamed Project
0 requests, 0 flows
0 history items
0 variables across 1 environment
0 cookies in active session
Cookie record lifetime: 24h0m0s
Project file on record: .morc/project.json
Session file on record: ::PROJ_DIR::/session.json
History file on record: ::PROJ_DIR::/history.json
Cookie recording is ON
History tracking is ON
Using default var environment
If you want to change things about the project, you can do that by passing flags to set project attributes:
morc proj --name 'My Cool Project'
Or if you are looking for very fine-grained control over new project creation,
you can instead use morc proj
with the --new
flag. See morc help proj
information on using it.
All commands in morc allow use of the -F flag to specify the project file to
work with. You can also put the path to a project in a file called
, located in the same directory as where you run the morc
command from.
So, you've got a project rolling! Congrats. Now you can take a look at all the requests that are loaded into it:
morc reqs
If this is in a brand new project, there won't be anything there.
You can add a new request with the --new
morc reqs --new create-user --url localhost:8080/users -X POST -d '{"name":"Vriska Serket"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
The URL, method, body payload, and headers can be specified with flags.
Alternatively, if you want to load the body from a file, put '@' followed by the
file name as the argument for -d
and it will load the body data from that
file and use that as the body of the newly-created request:
morc reqs --new update-user --url localhost:8080/users -X PATCH -d '@vriska.json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
After adding several requests, morc reqs
will have much more interesting
morc reqs
POST create-user
GET get-token
GET get-user
GET list-users
DELETE remove-user
PATCH update-user
Each request name is listed along with the HTTP method that the request is configured to use.
Once a request is set up in a project and has at least a method and a URL defined on it, it can be sent to the remote server and the response can be viewed.
Use the send
subcommand with the name of the request to be send.
morc send list-users
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"name": "Vriska"},
{"name": "Nepeta"},
{"name": "Kanaya"},
{"name": "Terezi"}
The remote server's response as well as any body in the payload will be shown.
There's a lot of options to view additional details, such as seeing the headers
in the response, outputting the request, and format selection all available as
CLI options; take a look at morc help send
to see them all.
If there are any variables in the request body, URL, or headers, they are filled with their current values before the request is sent. See the section on Using Variables below for more information on using variables within requests.
You can examine a request in detail by passing it as an argument to reqs
morc reqs create-user
Content-Type: application/json
{"name": "Vriska Serket"}
The request method and URL are shown first, along with any headers, body, and variable captures. Auth flow is for an upcoming feature and is not currently used.
To see only one of the items in a request, you can specify the item to get with
the --get
CLI flag:
morc reqs create-user --get data
{"name": "Vriska Serket"}
The --get
flag can be used to retrieve any of the following attributes:
, data
, method
, url
, headers
, captures
, and auth
The headers
attribute will print all headers set on the request. If you want
to get only the value (or values) of a specific header, use --get-header
the name of the header to retrieve.
If you need to update a request, pass the attribute to be updated and its new value using flags:
morc reqs create-user -d '{"name": "Nepeta Leijon"}'
You can show the request again to confirm that the update was applied:
morc reqs create-user --get data
{"name": "Nepeta Leijon"}
If you're completely done with a request and want to permanently remove it from
the project, use the --delete
flag with the name of the request:
morc reqs --delete get-token
It will be cleared from the project, which you can confirm by listing the requests:
morc reqs
POST create-user
GET get-user
GET list-users
DELETE remove-user
PATCH update-user
MORC supports the use of variables in requests. These are values in requests
that are filled in only when actually sending the request, and they can be
changed in between sends. Perhaps, for instance, you'd like to be able to swap
whether a request is sent via a plaintext HTTP request or using TLS (HTTPS). You
could do that by declaring a variable called ${SCHEME}
in the URL of the
morc reqs get-user --url '${SCHEME}://localhost:8080/users'
# MAKE SURE to put text with a dollar-leading ${variable} in it in single quotes
# or your shell may mess with the variable
Then, you just need to make sure that the value for the variable is available when sending it.
The simplest way is to provide it with -V
when sending the request:
morc send get-user -V SCHEME=https --request # --request will print the request as it is sent
# note that when providing a var like this, it does NOT start with a $, so you
# do not need to single-quote it.
------------------- REQUEST -------------------
GET /users HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(no request body)
----------------- END REQUEST -----------------
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
(no response body)
The scheme isn't included in the HTTP request itself, but it is shown in the
line just above the request proper. It's set to HTTPS, because ${SCHEME}
substituted with the user-supplied variable.
All variables have the form ${SOME_NAME}
when used inside a request, with
SOME_NAME replaced by the actual name of the variable (or var
for short). They
are supported in the URL, body data, and headers of a request. Variables are
case-insensitive and their names can be made up of the letters, numbers,
underscores, and hyphens.
When substituting a var in a request in preperation for sending, MORC will check
in a few different places for values for that var. First, it will use any value
directly given by the CLI invocation with -V
; this will override any values
stored within the project. Next, it will check to see if there are any stored
variables in the project that match, in the current variable environment. If
there are none, and the current variable environment is not the default, it will
check in the default variable environment. If it still can't find any values,
MORC will refuse to send the request.
Variables do not always need to be provided at the time that you send request. MORC maintains a variable store inside of project files that can hold the values of variables indefinitately; they'll exist until the project is deleted, they are deleted, or they are updated automatically via a variable capture.
The variable store is accessed and manipulated with the vars
subcommand. By
itself, it will list all of the values that it would use for any sent request:
morc vars
With nothing defined, it will give output indicating that:
With variables set, it will list them out:
${SCHEME} = "https"
${TEST_CAP} = "octyp"
${THETHING} = "doctyp"
Strictly speaking, there are actually two layers of variables possible within the store; a currently-selected one, and a default one. These are organized as separate environments, and they are covered in detail in the Variable Environments section below. Unless it mentioned otherwise, this README will assume you're working with the project set to use only the default environment, as that is the situation when a project is first created.
To set the value of a variable, give the name of the variable and the value as
arguments to morc vars
morc vars USER_ID 24f6dc51-17ba-4aca-937c-52b40b9b715c
It will then be shown when listing all variables:
morc vars
${USER_ID} = "24f6dc51-17ba-4aca-937c-52b40b9b715c"
You can get only that variable's value by giving the name of the variable with no value:
morc vars USER_ID
Note that there is a difference between a variable being undefined and a variable being defined and set to the empty string. Requests can use any variable defined at send time, including any that are set to the empty string, but they cannot be sent if they use variables that are undefined.
morc vars USER_ID ""
# ${USER_ID} can still be used in templates, even though its value is being set to ""
If you want to actually remove (undefine) a variable from the project var store,
use the -D
option with the name of a variable:
morc vars -D USER_ID
Then the variable will be completely undefined:
morc vars USER_ID
"USER_ID" is not defined
The deleted (undefined) variable will be unusable in requests until it is re-defined, but it also will no longer take up space in the project file.
MORC has the ability to automatically set the values of variables in the store from data that it receives in response to a sent request. This makes MORC capable of automating entire sequences of request activity; it could, for instance, POST a new user with one request, then save the generated UUID of the user in a var, then use that same UUID in subsequent requests that operate on the user.
This is known as Variable Capturing. Each request in a project can have one or more variables that it saves data to, known as "Variable Captures" or just "caps" for short.
For the examples in this section, we will assume there is a Users API in a local server that allows basic CRUD operations on its resources.
First, we will make a creation request:
morc reqs --new create-user \
--url http://localhost:8080/users \
-d '{"name": "Vriska Serket"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
And a deletion request that uses a variable in the URL to indicate which user to delete:
morc reqs --new delete-user \
--url 'http://localhost:8080/users/${USER_ID}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
# note that the URL is in single-quotes because it contains a variable
Now, with those requests, we could manually run the first:
morc send create-user
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"id": "92ed835e-252e-40e4-8aa3-423b496bf33d",
"name": "Vriska Serket"
Then we could note the user ID of the new user, and supply it to the delete request manually:
morc send delete-user -V USER_ID=92ed835e-252e-40e4-8aa3-423b496bf33d
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
(no response body)
But we could also do the same thing automatically by adding a var capture to the first request.
Captures on a request are accessed by using the caps
subcommand with the name
of the request whose captures are to be examined. When given no other arguments,
it will list out all defined captures on the request, which will be none so far:
morc caps create-user
To add a new capture, use the --new
flag with the name of the variable to save
the data to and give the flag -s
with a capture spec. The capture spec gives
where in the response to retrieve the value from, and supports byte offsets in
format :START,END
where START and END are byte offsets, or in format of a JSON
path specified by giving keys and array slices needed to navigate from the top
level of a JSON body in the response to the desired value, such as[3].item
. Alternatively, to capture
the entire request, you can give an offset with START and END omitted, like
, or by using the keyword raw
as the spec.
In this example, we will add a new cap that gets its value from the 'id' field of the JSON object in the response:
morc caps create-user --new USER_ID -s .id
Then, it will be created:
morc caps create-user
USER_ID from .id
Now when the first request is sent, the value in .id is saved to USER_ID in the variable store:
morc send create-user
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"id": "c2328061-da05-4241-9a42-012f2e39ff72",
"name": "Vriska Serket"
You can check the var store to be sure:
morc vars
USER_ID = "c2328061-da05-4241-9a42-012f2e39ff72"
And now you can send the delete request without having to manually specify the user:
morc send delete-user
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
(no response body)
If you ever need to update a capture, you can do so by passing the name of the
capture to delete to the -D
morc caps create-user -D USER_ID
And if you want to update one without deleting it, you can specify the property to update and the new value with flags:
morc caps create-user USER_ID --spec :3,8 # capture data from the 3rd to 8th byte instead of the JSON path
morc caps create-user USER_ID --var USER_UUID # save it to USER_UUID instead
The variable store in MORC supports having multiple sets of vars that you can easily switch between. Each of these sets is called an environment; they might be set up to, say, change the requests to be applicable for testing different deploy scenarios.
For instance, one might have two sets of variables such as the following:
# set 1:
${BASE} = ""
${USER} = "myTestUser"
# set 2:
${BASE} = ""
${USER} = "internalTesting"
These two sets of vars could be assigned to two different environments in the MORC var store to allow easy switching between testing against a staging server and testing against a production server.
Whenever a variable in a MORC project is created, set, deleted, or used in a request, it will be done in whatever environment MORC is set to use. When a project is first started, this will be what is known as the default environment.
You can check what environment MORC is in with the env
morc env
It gives the special string <DEFAULT>
to indicate that MORC is currently set
to use the default environment.
To swap to a new environment, give the name of the environment to swap to. You can swap to one that doesn't yet exist; using it will automatically create it when necessary:
morc env STAGING
Names are case-insensitive, like variable names.
Once swapped to the new environment, you can start defining variables!
morc vars BASE
morc vars USER myTestUser
You can then swap to another environment to give them different values:
morc env PROD
morc vars BASE
morc vars USER internalTesting
Now the values can be easily swapped to be appropriate for each environment:
morc env STAGING
morc vars
${BASE} = ""
${USER} = "myTestUser"
morc env PROD
morc vars
${BASE} = ""
${USER} = "internalTest"
You can swap back to the default environment by giving --default
as an option
to env
morc env --default
morc vars
${BASE} = ""
${USER} = ""
The default environment will have a copy of every var that is set on any other environment, but it will be set to the empty string unless explicitly set. More info on the interactions between variables in the default environment and those in others is available in the Defaulting section below.
There is shorthand for setting or viewing vars in a particular environment so you do not need to swap every time just to perform a few operatoins. For instance, when listing vars, you can pass in --env to list variable values defined only in that environment, or --default to see it for the default environment:
morc env STAGING
morc vars --env PROD
${BASE} = ""
${USER} = "myTestUser"
The same flag is available when setting or retrieving a particular variable's value:
morc vars BASE --env PROD
When MORC is in a non-default environment, the default environment still exists and is used for getting "default" values of a variable. The default environment will contain at least one copy of every single var that is defined in at least one other environment, or put more simply, every time you set a variable in a non-default environment, if it doesn't already exist in the default, it is added there as well with a value of the empty string.
When in a non-default environment, it's possible to send a request that has variables in it that are not defined in the current environment. In that case, the default environment is consulted for its value on it and that is used if it exists. This can make it easier when creating new environments in cases where there are already several variables defined; instead of requiring you to redefine every single one in the new environment, you only need to redefine the ones you wish to update.
It's an invariant that if a variable is defined in at least one environment, it will be defined in the default environment. As a result, deleting a variable from the default environment is only possible if you also want to delete it from every other environment that defines it, and this is required to be explicitly stated via command line flags, or MORC will return an error.
# swap to env staging:
morc env staging
# create a new variable called PASSWORD in staging env; this will *also* create
# a var PASSWORD="" in the default environment
morc vars PASSWORD grimAuxiliatrix
# swap back to default environment
morc env --default
# attempt to delete PASSWORD from the default env:
morc vars -D PASSWORD
Error: current env is default and "PASSWORD" is defined in other envs: STAGING
Use --all to delete from all environments
If you're absolutely sure that you want to clear it from all environments, give the --all flag as well:
morc vars -D PASSWORD --all
Flows are sequences of requests that will be fired one after another. It can be useful to use with variable captures to perform a full sequence of communication with a server.
Use morc flows
and pass the name of the new flow to the --new
flag to create
a new one. Once created, morc exec FLOW
will actually send off each request.
Any variable captures from request sends are used to set the values of
subsequent requests.
MORC projects maintain a history of requests and responses that were sent. If
the project was created with morc init
, history will be enabled by default.
To view a list of all requests that the project has in its history, use hist
with no other options:
morc hist
0: 2024-05-12T08:13:09-05:00 - create-user - POST http://localhost:8080/users - 201 Created - 0s
1: 2024-05-13T08:50:57-05:00 - get-user - GET http://localhost:8080/users/c2328061-da05-4241-9a42-012f2e39ff72 - 200 OK - 0s
2: 2024-05-15T07:49:12-05:00 - list-users - GET http://localhost:8080/users - 200 OK - 1s
3: 2024-05-15T11:37:02-05:00 - update-user - PATCH http://localhost:8080/users/c2328061-da05-4241-9a42-012f2e39ff72 - 200 OK - 1s
4: 2024-05-15T11:39:32-05:00 - delete-user - DELETE http://localhost:8080/users/c2328061-da05-4241-9a42-012f2e39ff7 - 404 Not Found - 0s
4: 2024-05-15T11:39:38-05:00 - delete-user - DELETE http://localhost:8080/users/c2328061-da05-4241-9a42-012f2e39ff72 - 204 No Content - 1s
8: 2024-05-16T11:00:58-05:00 - create-user - POST http://localhost:8080/users - 200 OK - 0s
Each history entry begins with an entry index. A particular entry can be played
back by giving an entry index number, along with any other output formatting
options as would be accepted by morc send
or morc oneoff
morc hist 0
Request template: create-user
Request sent: 2024-05-12T08:13:09-05:00
Response received: 2024-05-12T08:13:09-05:00
Total round-trip time: 0s
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"id": "c2328061-da05-4241-9a42-012f2e39ff72",
"name": "Vriska Serket"
To turn off history recording, use the --off flag:
morc hist --off
To turn history recording on, use the --on flag:
morc hist --on
To check the current status of history and see a summary of the store, use the --info flag:
morc hist --info
9 entries in .morc/history.json
History is ON
To clear out the current history store, either delete the file listed in
output from the filesystem, or use the --clear
morc hist --clear
MORC projects save cookies received in responses from remote servers. Due to internal limitations, it specifically tracks all cookies requested to be set by a Set-Cookie header, not necessarily whether it would actually be sent.
MORC will save cookies for only as long as the currently-configured cookie lifetime in the project is, regardless of when their expiry is set.
In a project created by morc init
, cookie recording will be on and the cookie
lifetime will be defaulted to 24 hours.
To list all cookies that are currently in the session store, use the cookies
subcommand with no other arguments:
morc cookies
2024-05-15T11:37:03-05:00 1P_JAR=2024-05-15-16; Path=/;; Expires=Fri, 14 Jun 2024 16:37:03 GMT; Secure
2024-05-15T11:37:03-05:00 AEC=AQTF6HwJeI71s5iqRHg95Jus2P9Vlc-e-eBtv9yCD0etgcjVzKxJPPo5upY; Path=/;; Expires=Mon, 11 Nov 2024 16:37:03 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Lax
2024-05-15T11:40:04-05:00 1P_JAR=2024-05-15-16; Path=/;; Expires=Fri, 14 Jun 2024 16:40:04 GMT; Secure
If you want to see the exact cookies that would be sent in Cookie:
headers on
a request to a particular URL, you can give it with --url
morc cookies --url
To turn session (cookie) recording off, use the --off flag:
morc cookies --off
To turn session (cookie) recording on, use the --on flag:
morc hist --on
To check the current status of cookies and see a summary of the session store, use the --info flag:
morc cookies --info
3 cookies across 2 domains in .morc/session.json
Cookie recording is ON
To clear out the current session store, either delete the file listed in
output from the filesystem, or use the --clear
morc cookies --clear
MORC can send one-off requests by using morc oneoff
morc oneoff -X GET http://localhost/cool
Data and headers are specified with curl-like syntax:
morc oneoff -X POST https://localhost/cool -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '@./datafile'
For convenience, top-level subcommands for each of the common eight HTTP methods
are defined. Calling one is exactly the same as calling
morc oneoff -X METHOD
and support all args except for '-X'.
morc get http://localhost:8080/cool # same as morc oneoff -X GET http://localhost:8080/cool