dekstop / vcvrackplugins_dekstop

VCV Rack plugins: WAV recorder, 8-channel gate step sequencer, 3-channel tri-state step sequencer.
MIT License
45 stars 12 forks source link

VCV Rack plugins

Martin Dittus (@dekstop), 2017


2-channel and 8-channel recorder modules that write input multichannel WAV files. Press the record button to activate. In contrast to external recording options, they deal very well with audio stutter caused by high CPU load.

Recorder-2 screenshot Recorder-8 screenshot


An 8-channel gate sequencer with up to 12 steps. A clock multiplier parameter allows to run multiple sequencer modules at different speeds.

GateSEQ8 screenshot


A 3-channel, 3-state sequencer with up to 8 steps. A basic modification of the Fundamental SEQ3.

TriSEQ3 screenshot