delaere / VeheMencE

User friendly vme control library.
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caenn470 caensy527 caenv1190 caenv1718 caenv288 daq lecroy1151n ttcvi vme

A simple library for VME access

What is this?

This is a library developped in order to simplify the control of a VME system used in CP3 at UCLouvain. It is developped in C++ but comes with Python bindings.

This project is mostly a rewrite of the code developped in 2014 for the test of CMS tracker modules for the HL-LHC upgrade.

Status of the supported boards:

Board Purpose Implementaton Tested C++ Python
V1718 USB VME bridge Full yes yes yes
SY527 CAEN Power system Full yes yes yes
N470 CAEN NIM HV module Full yes yes yes
V288 CAENET bridge Full yes yes yes
V812 COINC / DISCRI Full yes yes yes
V1190 TDC Full yes yes yes
1151N Lecroy Scaler Full yes yes yes
TTCvi TTC controler Full yes yes yes


The project is built through cmake:

cd build
cmake ..
[make install]


Examples of the use of the library in C++ are provided in the example directory. The typical usage consists in:


You are welcome to provide patches and fixes through github. New modules implementation is especially welcome, but we require it to be tested with hardware first.