deliciousbrains / wp-migrate-db-anonymization

An addon for WP Migrate DB Pro that anonymizes user data
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WP Migrate DB Anonymization Addon


If you clone from this repository you will need to run composer install to complete the install of the plugin. The vendor directory is packaged with the plugin on the WordPress plugin repository:

The addon should be installed on the live site. This ensures any time the site's database is exported, pushed or pulled, the user data is anonymized.

When the plugin is activated it will anonymize by default. You will need to deactivate the plugin to turn it off.


To preserve specific rows in the users table, use the WPMDB_ANONYMIZATION_USER_LOGIN_WHITELIST constant to set a whitelist of comma separated user logins.

To replace all passwords with a hashed default password, set the password using the WPMDB_ANONYMIZATION_DEFAULT_PASSWORD constant.

These constants should be defined in the site's wp-config.php file, for example:

define( 'WPMDB_ANONYMIZATION_USER_LOGIN_WHITELIST', 'somelogin, anotherloginname' );

You can also programmatically control which users are whitelisted with the following filter, added to a plugin or mu-plugin file:

 * @param bool     $whitelisted
 * @param \WP_User $user
 * @return bool
function my_wpmdb_anonymization_user_whitelisted( $whitelisted, $user )  {
    if ( false !== strrpos( $user->user_email, '' ) ) {
        // All users with the login containing an email address of are whitelisted
        return true;

    return $whitelisted;
add_filter( 'wpmdb_anonymization_user_whitelisted', 'my_wpmdb_anonymization_user_whitelisted', 10, 2 );


The rules for anonymization can be extended using the wpmdb_anonymization_config filter, added to a plugin or mu-plugin file:

 * Anonymizes a users date of birth.
 * @param array $config
 * @return array
function my_wpmdb_anonymization_rules( $config ) {
    $config['usermeta']['meta_value'][] = array(
        'constraint'     => array( 'meta_key' => 'dob' ),
        'fake_data_type' => 'dateTimeThisCentury',

    return $config;

add_filter( 'wpmdb_anonymization_config', 'my_wpmdb_anonymization_rules' );

If you need to pass arguments to the Faker data method then you can define this using the fake_data_args key:

 * Anonymizes a users date of birth.
 * @param array $config
 * @return array
function my_wpmdb_anonymization_rules( $config ) {
    $config['usermeta']['meta_value'][] = array(
        'constraint'     => array( 'meta_key' => 'dob' ),
        'fake_data_type' => 'date',
        'fake_data_args' => array( 'Y-m-d' ),

    return $config;

add_filter( 'wpmdb_anonymization_config', 'my_wpmdb_anonymization_rules' );