delowardev / vue3-emoji-picker

Simple and Powerful Emoji Picker for Vue3
MIT License
171 stars 34 forks source link
emoji picker vue vue3

Vue3 Emoji Picker. Live preview

Test Automation npm version downloads


npm install vue3-emoji-picker

// or
yarn add vue3-emoji-picker

Important note: If you're using TypeScript, don't forget to add declare module 'vue3-emoji-picker' in your .d.ts file


// import picker compopnent
import EmojiPicker from 'vue3-emoji-picker'

// import css
import 'vue3-emoji-picker/css'
// or import directly:
// import'node_modules/vue3-emoji-picker/dist/style.css'
// use picker component
<EmojiPicker :native="true" @select="onSelectEmoji" />
// event callback
function onSelectEmoji(emoji) {
    // result
        i: "😚", 
        n: ["kissing face"], 
        r: "1f61a", // with skin tone
        t: "neutral", // skin tone
        u: "1f61a" // without tone

Options (props)

Prop Type Default Value Description
native Boolean false Load native emoji instead of image.
hide-search Boolean false Show/hide search input.
hide-group-icons Boolean false Show/hide header group icons.
hide-group-names Boolean false Show/hide group names.
disable-sticky-group-names Boolean false Disable sticky for group names
disable-skin-tones Boolean false Disable skin tones.
disabled-groups Array [] Disable any group/category. See Available groups
group-names Object {} Change any group name. See Default group names
static-texts Object Object See static-texts table
pickerType string '' Choose picker type, possible options: input, textarea (Popup with input/textarea), ''
mode string 'insert' Choose insert mode, possible options: prepend, insert, append
offset Number '6' Choose emoji popup offset
additional-groups Object {} Add additional customized groups, keys are the group names translated from snake_case
group-order Array [] Override ordering of groups
group-icons Object {} Override group icons by passing svg's on keys
display-recent Boolean false Display Recently used emojis
theme String 'light' Available options, 'light', 'dark', and 'auto'

Static text option (props['static-texts'])

Prop Type Default Value Description
placeholder String Search emoji Update search input placeholder text.
skinTone String Skin tone Footer skin tone button text.

Example: :static-texts="{ placeholder: 'Search emoji'}"

Events / Callbacks


This event fires when an emoji gets selected/clicked.
Event callback will receive selected emoji in the first argument.

<EmojiPicker @select="onSelectEmoji" />

function onSelectEmoji(emoji) { /* do something */ }


This event fires when input text gets changed.
Event callback will receive the text in the first argument.

<EmojiPicker @update:text="onChangeText" />

function onChangeText(text) { /* do something */ }

Available groups


Default group names

  "smileys_people": "Smiles & People",
  "animals_nature": "Animals & Nature",
  "food_drink": "Food & Drink",
  "activities": "Activities",
  "travel_places": "Travel places",
  "objects": "Objects",
  "symbols": "Symbols",
  "flags": "Flags",
  "recent": "Recently used"

Overriding group names

<picker :group-names="{ smileys_people: 'My customized group name' }" />

Overriding group icons

  <picker :group-icons="{ smileys_people: customSVG }" />

<script setup>
import customSVG from './path/to/svg'

Override group order

This will make it so flags is first and then any other non-defined group will follow.

<picker :group-order="['flags']" />

Add additional groups

To see any existing emoji's see src/data/emojis.json

    my_custom_group: [
      { n: ['grinning face', 'grinning'], u: '1f600' },
      { n: ['grinning face with smiling eyes', 'grin'], u: '1f601' },
  :group-names="{ my_custom_group: 'Frequently used' }"