delroth /

NixOS configuration for * personal server infrastructure
MIT License
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This repository contains the NixOS configuration for the machines I run at home and the various servers I rent around the world. Multiple VPS, one large Hetner dedicated box, a laptop, an ARMv8 file server (with custom kernel and modules), and more!

I used to have a disclaimer saying "I don't know what I'm doing, I wouldn't recommend looking at this". After about 2 years of iterating on this configuration I think I'm now happy enough with the state to recommend people to have a look for inspiration and maybe as an example of how to write a complex Nix configuration for an heterogeneous set of machines.


The entry point to the configuration is in the deployments/ directory. I use morph to build and push the configuration over SSH to my various machines.

The shared configuration that is designed to be reusable across machines is organized like this:

Machine specific configuration is scoped to the machines directory.

Secrets are stored in the secrets directory, encrypted with git-crypt.


I made the explicit design choice that my machines are single-user, and that lateral movement across machines isn't something I'm focusing on strongly. This leads to some design simplifications: for example, I'm completely happy with secrets in the Nix store.

Misc notes

I use a few patches to nixpkgs that aren't upstreamed because I never bothered cleaning them up, so blindly copy-pasting might not result in everything working properly.

If you've used this as a reference for your own configuration, if you need any help understanding something, or if you see a potential for improvement, feel free to contact me and give me feedback! Either as an issue on this repo, or: