deltaDAO / Ocean-Market

πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ THE Data Market
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 3 forks source link


Ocean Marketplace

Build Status Netlify Status Maintainability Test Coverage js oceanprotocol

Table of Contents

πŸ„ Get Started

The app is a React app built with Gatsby.js + TypeScript + CSS modules and will connect to Ocean remote components by default.

To start local development:

git clone
cd market

# when using nvm to manage Node.js versions
nvm use

npm install
npm start

This will start the development server under http://localhost:8000.

To explore the generated GraphQL data structure fire up the accompanying GraphiQL IDE under http://localhost:8000/__graphql.

Local components with Barge

If you prefer to connect to locally running components instead of remote connections, you can spin up barge and use a local Ganache network in another terminal before running npm start:

git clone
cd barge

# startup with local Ganache node

Barge will deploy contracts to the local Ganache node which will take some time. At the end the compiled artifacts need to be copied over to this project into node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts. This script will do that for you:


Finally, set environment variables to use this local connection in .env in the app:

# modify env variables
cp .env.example .env

npm start

To use the app together with MetaMask, importing one of the accounts auto-generated by the Ganache container is the easiest way to have test ETH available. All of them have 100 ETH by default. Upon start, the ocean_ganache_1 container will print out the private keys of multiple accounts in its logs. Pick one of them and import into MetaMask.

To fully test all The Graph integrations, you have to run your own local Graph node with our ocean-subgraph deployed to it. Barge does not include a local subgraph so by default, the subgraphUri is hardcoded to the Rinkeby subgraph in our getDevelopmentConfig function.

Cleaning all Docker images so they are fetched freshly is often a good idea to make sure no issues are caused by old or stale images: docker system prune --all --volumes

πŸ¦‘ Environment variables

The app.config.js file is setup to prioritize environment variables for setting each Ocean component endpoint. By setting environment variables, you can easily switch between Ocean networks the app connects to, without directly modifying app.config.js.

For local development, you can use a .env file:

# modify env variables, Rinkeby is enabled by default when using those files
cp .env.example .env

πŸ¦€ Data Sources

All displayed data in the app is presented around the concept of one data set, which is a combination of:

All this data then comes from multiple sources:


All initial data sets and their metadata (DDO) is retrieved client-side on run-time from the Aquarius instance, defined in app.config.js. All app calls to Aquarius are done with 2 internal methods which mimic the same methods in ocean.js, but allow us:

Aquarius runs Elasticsearch under the hood so its stored metadata can be queried with Elasticsearch queries like so:

import { QueryResult } from '@oceanprotocol/lib/dist/node/metadatacache/MetadataCache'
import { queryMetadata } from '../../utils/aquarius'

const queryLatest = {
  page: 1,
  offset: 9,
  query: {

    query_string: { query: `-isInPurgatory:true` }
  sort: { created: -1 }

function Component() {
  const { appConfig } = useSiteMetadata()
  const [result, setResult] = useState<QueryResult>()

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!appConfig.metadataCacheUri) return
    const source = axios.CancelToken.source()

    async function init() {
      const result = await queryMetadata(query, source.token)

    return () => {
  }, [appConfig.metadataCacheUri, query])

  return <div>{result}</div>

For components within a single data set view the useAsset() hook can be used, which in the background gets the respective metadata from Aquarius.

import { useAsset } from '../../../providers/Asset'

function Component() {
  const { ddo } = useAsset()
  return <div>{ddo}</div>

Ocean Protocol Subgraph

Most financial data in the market is retrieved with GraphQL from our own subgraph, rendered on top of the initial data coming from Aquarius.

The app has Urql Client setup to query the respective subgraph based on network. In any component this client can be used like so:

import { gql, useQuery } from 'urql'

const query = gql`
  query PoolLiquidity($id: ID!, $shareId: ID) {
    pool(id: $id) {

function Component() {
  const { data } = useQuery(query, {}, pollInterval: 5000 })
  return <div>{data}</div>


Publishers can create a profile on 3Box Hub and when found, it will be displayed in the app.

For this our own 3box-proxy is used, within the app the utility method get3BoxProfile() can be used to get all info:

import get3BoxProfile from '../../../utils/profile'

function Component() {
  const [profile, setProfile] = useState<Profile>()

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!account) return
    const source = axios.CancelToken.source()

    async function get3Box() {
      const profile = await get3BoxProfile(account, source.token)
      if (!profile) return


    return () => {
  }, [account])
  return (
      {profile.emoji} {}


Based on list-purgatory some data sets get additional data. Within most components this can be done with the internal useAsset() hook which fetches data from the market-purgatory endpoint in the background.

For asset purgatory:

import { useAsset } from '../../../providers/Asset'

function Component() {
  const { isInPurgatory, purgatoryData } = useAsset()
  return isInPurgatory ? <div>{purgatoryData.reason}</div> : null

For account purgatory:

import { useWeb3 } from '../../../providers/Web3'
import { useAccountPurgatory } from '../../../hooks/useAccountPurgatory'

function Component() {
  const { accountId } = useWeb3()
  const { isInPurgatory, purgatoryData } = useAccountPurgatory(accountId)
  return isInPurgatory ? <div>{purgatoryData.reason}</div> : null

Network Metadata

All displayed chain & network metadata is retrieved from on build time and integrated into Gatsby's GraphQL layer. This data source is a community-maintained GitHub repository under ethereum-lists/chains.

Within components this metadata can be queried for under allNetworksMetadataJson. The useWeb3() hook does this in the background to expose the final networkDisplayName for use in components:

export default function NetworkName(): ReactElement {
  const { networkId, isTestnet } = useWeb3()
  const { networksList } = useNetworkMetadata()
  const networkData = getNetworkDataById(networksList, networkId)
  const networkName = getNetworkDisplayName(networkData, networkId)

  return (
      {networkName} {isTestnet && `(Test)`}

🎨 Storybook

TODO: this is broken for most components. See

Storybook is set up for this project and is used for UI development of components. Stories are created inside src/components/ alongside each component in the form of ComponentName.stories.tsx.

To run the Storybook server, execute in your Terminal:

npm run storybook

This will launch the Storybook UI with all stories loaded under localhost:4000.

✨ Code Style

Code style is automatically enforced through ESLint & Prettier rules:

For running linting and auto-formatting manually, you can use from the root of the project:

# linting check, also runs Typescript typings check
npm run lint

# auto format all files in the project with prettier, taking all configs into account
npm run format

πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Testing

TODO: this is broken and never runs in CI. See

Test suite for unit tests is setup with Jest as a test runner and:

To run all linting and unit tests:

npm test

For local development, you can start the test runner in a watch mode.

npm run test:watch

For analyzing the generated JavaScript bundle sizes you can use:

npm run analyze

πŸ›³ Production

To create a production build, run from the root of the project:

npm run build
# serve production build
npm run serve

⬆️ Deployment

Every branch or Pull Request is automatically deployed to multiple hosts for redundancy and emergency reasons:

A link to a preview deployment will appear under each Pull Request.

The latest deployment of the main branch is automatically aliased to, where the deployment on Netlify is the current live deployment.

πŸ’– Contributing

We welcome contributions in form of bug reports, feature requests, code changes, or documentation improvements. Have a look at our contribution documentation for instructions and workflows:

🍴 Forking

We encourage you to fork this repository and create your own data marketplace. When you publish your forked version of this market there are a few elements that you are required to change for copyright reasons:

Additionally, we would also advise that your retain the text saying "Powered by Ocean Protocol" on your forked version of the marketplace in order to give credit for the development work done by the Ocean Protocol team.

Everything else is made open according to the apache2 license. We look forward to seeing your data marketplace!

πŸ’» Advanced Features

Ocean Market also includes a number of advanced features that are suitable for an enterprise data market, such as:

See our seperate guide on advanced features

βœ… GDPR Compliance

Ocean Market comes with prebuilt components for you to customize to cover GDPR requirements. Find additional information on how to use them below.

Multi-Language Privacy Policies

Feel free to adopt our provided privacy policies to your needs. Per default we cover four different languages: English, German, Spanish and French. Please be advised, that you will need to adjust some paragraphs in the policies depending on your market setup (e.g. the use of cookies). You can easily add or remove policies by providing your own markdown files in the content/pages/privacy directory. For guidelines on how to format your markdown files refer to our provided policies. The pre-linked content tables for these files are automatically generated.

Privacy Preference Center

Additionally, Ocean Market provides a privacy preference center for you to use. This feature is disabled per default since we do not use any cookies on our deployment of the market. However, if you need to add some functionality depending on cookies, you can simply enable this feature by changing the value of the privacyPreferenceCenter variable in the app.config.js config file. This will enable a simple cookie banner stating the use of necessary cookies. The content of this banner can be adjusted within the content/gdpr.json file. The gdpr.json file contains the minimum required values to configure the preference center. However, if you need more customizability for example to configure optional cookies for your market, you can also add these here. To find out how to configure this, we provide an example within the content directory. To quickly preview the example you can enable it with the following command:

cd content && mv gdpr.json gdpr_essential.json && cp gdpr.example.json gdpr.json

Now your market users will be provided with additional options to toggle the use of your configured cookie consent categories. You can always retrieve the current consent status per category with the provided useConsent() hook. See below, how you can set your own custom cookies depending on the market user's consent. Feel free to adjust the provided utility functions for cookie usage provided in the src/utils/cookies.ts file to your needs.

import { CookieConsentStatus, useConsent } from '../../providers/CookieConsent'
import { deleteCookie, setCookie } from '../../utils/cookies'

// ...

const { cookies, cookieConsentStatus } = useConsent() => {
  const consent = cookieConsentStatus[cookie.cookieName]

  switch (consent) {
    case CookieConsentStatus.APPROVED:
      // example logic
      setCookie(`YOUR_COOKIE_NAME`, 'VALUE')

    case CookieConsentStatus.REJECTED:
    case CookieConsentStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE:
      // example logic

πŸ› License

Copyright 2021 Ocean Protocol Foundation Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.