React/Flux principles in C#/Xaml application. Experimental playground. See various demos.
Please check official React/Flux resources to understand underlying concepts.
To to:
Existence questions:
Final goal is to get something like this in Visual Studio/Roslyn/C#:
using NReact;
class TodoList : NClass
public override NElement Render()
return <StackPanel>{ Children.Select((i, idx) => <TextBlock Key={idx} Text={ "* " + i } />) }</StackPanel>;
class TodoApp : NComponent
protected object[] Items { get; set; }
protected string Text { get; set; }
public override NElement Render()
var items = Items;
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="TODO" FontSize="24" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
<TodoList Items={Items} />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Text="Text" TextChanged={OnChange} Width="200" />
<Button Click={OnAdd} Content={ "Add #" + (Items.Length + 1) } />
All this should compile to extension methods:
<Element/> => this.New<Element>()
<Element Attr1="Value"/> => this.New<Element>().Attr1("Value")
<Element Attr1={ Expression } /> => this.New<Element>().Attr1(Expression)
<Element Attr1={ Expression } Attr2={ Expression2 }/> => this.New<Element>().Attr1(Expression1).Attr2(Expression2)
<Element><Subelement/></Element> => this.New<Element>().Content(this.New<Subelement>())
Current syntax is yet more verbose:
using NReact;
class TodoList : NClass
public override NElement Render()
return new NXaml<StackPanel>().Children(Children.Select((i, idx) => new NXaml<TextBlock>(idx).Text("* " + i)));
class TodoApp : NComponent
protected object[] Items { get { return GetState<object[]>(Properties.Items, null); } set { SetState(Properties.Items, value); } }
protected string Text { get { return GetState<string>(Properties.Text, null); } set { SetState(Properties.Text, value); } }
public override NElement Render()
var items = Items;
new NXaml<StackPanel>().
new NXaml<TextBlock>().Text("TODO").FontSize(24).HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Center),
new TodoList { Items = this.Items },
new NXaml<StackPanel>().Orientation(Orientation.Horizontal).
new NXaml<TextBox>().Text(Text).TextChanged(OnChange).Width(200),
new NXaml<Button>().Click(OnAdd).Content("Add #" + (Items.Length + 1))));
Application.Current.MainWindow.Render(new TodoApp());
How to install: