dengjianyuan / Survey_AI_Drug_Discovery

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👏 A Survey of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery

💡 Artificial intelligence has been widely applied in drug discovery over the past decade and is still gaining popularity. This repository compiles a collection works on related areas, based on the manuscript Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery: Applications and Techniques by Jianyuan Deng et al. The preprint version is available in ResearchGate. Hope you will find it useful for your research (citation is provided below).

🔔 This repository is updated regularly.

  title={Artificial intelligence in drug discovery: applications and techniques},
  author={Deng, Jianyuan and Yang, Zhibo and Ojima, Iwao and Samaras, Dimitris and Wang, Fusheng},
  journal={Briefings in Bioinformatics},
  publisher={Oxford University Press}


1. Reviews and Perspectives

1.1 General Drug Discovery

1.2 Drug Discovery in the AI Era

Side Notes: Successful Applications

1.3 AI-Driven Drug Discovery: Hope or Hype

2. Data, Representation & Benchmarks

2.1 Large-Scale Databases





2.2 Small Molecule Representations

2.3 Benchmark Platforms









3. Model Architectures

3.1 Convolutional Neural Networks

Task: Molecular Property Prediction; Representation: Images

Task: Molecular Property Prediction; Representation: Fingerprints

Side Note: Molecular Structure Extraction and Recognition

3.2 Recurrent Neural Networks

Task: Molecular Property Prediction; Representation: SMILES Strings

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: SMILES Strings

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: Molecular Graphs

3.3 Graph Neural Networks

Task: Molecular Property Prediction; Representation: Molecular Graphs

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: Molecular Graphs

Side Note: Common GNN Models

3.4 Variational Autoencoders

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: SMILES Strings

VAE Variant: AAE

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: Molecular Graphs

Side Note: Reaction & Retrosynthesis Prediction; Representation*: Molecular Graphs

3.5 Generative Adversarial Networks

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: SMILES Strings

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: Molecular Graphs

3.6 Normalizing Flow Models

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: Molecular Graphs

3.7 Transformers

Task: Molecular Property Prediction; Representation: SMILES Strings

Task: Molecular Property Prediction; Representation: Molecular Graphs

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: SMILES Strings

Task: Molecule Generation; Representation: Molecular Graphs

4. Learning Paradigms

4.1 Self-Supervised Learning in Molecular Property Prediction

Generative Learning

Contrastive Learning

4.2 Reinforcement Learning in Molecule Generation

Side Note: Common RL Algorithms

Side Note: Pareto Optimality

Side Note: Reaction & Retrosynthesis Optimization

4.4 Other Learning Paradigms

Metric Learning

Few-Shot Learning

Meta Learning

Active Learning

5. Addressing Existing Challenges

Model Interpretation

Dataset Concerns

Uncertainty Estimation

Representation Capacity

Out-of-Distribution Generalization

Threshold Adjustment

Model Comparison

Model Adoption

Molecular Docking

Molecular Fragmentation & Assembly