denisbertini / mpi-sdf2opmd

SDF to openPMD compliant format via openpmd-api interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Converts SDF to openPMD compliant format via openpmd-api interface.


mpi-sdf2opmd converts Epoch SDF data format to openPMD standard schema.

It uses internally the functionality of the openPMD-api library which provides a reference API for the openPMD schema. Furthermore the openPMD-api library implementing various I/O backends i.e

the converter supports also automatically all these formats.

mpi-sdf2opmd uses parallel I/O for both reading and writing, making convertion of large datasets efficient on HPC systems.


To convert a 1D/2D or 3D SDF file:

mpirun -n N sdf2opmd_1d/2d/3d -p <dir> -f <sdf_file> -m <fields> -d <derived_fields> -s <particles> -o <output_format>


To obtain the SDF input file layout:

mpirun -n N sdf2opmd_1d/2d/3d -i all -p <dir> -f <sdf_files>

This will not perform any conversion but gives the meta-data contents of the input SDF file. Example output:

sdf2opmd_1d: dry run:  reading SDF blocks info: all from file: /lustre/rz/dbertini/sdf2opmd/sim/epoch1d/data/0100.sdf
 Input file contains:           29  blocks
 Block info:            1  : Run_info                                                         : run_info                         :            7
 Block info:            2  : CPUs/Original rank                                               : cpu_rank                         :           20
 Block info:            3  : Wall-time                                                        : elapsed_time                     :            5
 Block info:            4  : Electric Field/Ex                                                : ex                               :            3
 Block info:            5  : Electric Field/Ey                                                : ey                               :            3
 Block info:            6  : Electric Field/Ez                                                : ez                               :            3
 Block info:            7  : Magnetic Field/Bx                                                : bx                               :            3
 Block info:            8  : Magnetic Field/By                                                : by                               :            3
 Block info:            9  : Magnetic Field/Bz                                                : bz                               :            3
 Block info:           10  : Current/Jx                                                       : jx                               :            3
 Block info:           11  : CPU split/electron_r                                             : cpu/electron_r                   :           20
 Block info:           12  : CPU split/electron_l                                             : cpu/electron_l                   :           20
 Block info:           13  : Particles/Px/electron_r                                          : px/electron_r                    :            4
 Block info:           14  : Particles/Px/electron_l                                          : px/electron_l                    :            4
 Block info:           15  : Grid/Particles/electron_r                                        : grid/electron_r                  :            2
 Block info:           16  : Grid/Particles/electron_l                                        : grid/electron_l                  :            2
 Block info:           17  : Derived/Average_Particle_Energy                                  : ekbar                            :            3
 Block info:           18  : Derived/Charge_Density                                           : charge_density                   :            3
 Block info:           19  : Derived/Number_Density                                           : number_density                   :            3
 Block info:           20  : Derived/Number_Density/electron_r                                : number_density/electron_r        :            3
 Block info:           21  : Derived/Number_Density/electron_l                                : number_density/electron_l        :            3
 Block info:           22  : Derived/Temperature                                              : temperature                      :            3
 Block info:           23  : Derived/Temperature/electron_r                                   : temperature/electron_r           :            3
 Block info:           24  : Derived/Temperature/electron_l                                   : temperature/electron_l           :            3
 Block info:           25  : Grid/Grid                                                        : grid                             :            1
 Block info:           26  : Grid/x_px/electron_r                                             : grid/x_px/electron_r             :            1
 Block info:           27  : dist_fn/x_px/electron_r                                          : x_px/electron_r                  :            3
 Block info:           28  : Grid/x_px/electron_l                                             : grid/x_px/electron_l             :            1
 Block info:           29  : dist_fn/x_px/electron_l                                          : x_px/electron_l                  :            3

The third column corresponds to the EPOCH block_id metadata (Fields, Derived and Particles) that can be given as input to the converter.

Limitation: distribution function output blocks i.e dist_fn are not supported for conversion.

Working with pp-containers

The converter has been tested with the standard pp-containers.


export CONT=/lustre/rz/dbertini/containers/prod/rlx8_ompi_ucx.sif
singularity exec $CONT bash -l
. ./setup_mpi -c cont


To launch a converter job from the baremetal submit node you will need typically the following scripts

sbatch --tasks 2 --ntasks-per-core 1 --cpus-per-task 1 --no-requeue --job-name r_mpi --mem-per-cpu 4000 --mail-type ALL --mail-user --partition high_mem --time 0-08:00:00 -D ./data -o %j.out.log -e %j.err.log  ./

# Standard RLX8 container
export CONT=/lustre/rz/dbertini/containers/prod/rlx8_ompi_ucx.sif

export APPTAINER_BINDPATH=/lustre/rz/dbertini/,/cvmfs
export OMPI_MCA_io=romio321

# Select files to convert

srun --export=ALL  singularity exec $CONT ./ $files
export SIMDIR=/lustre/rz/dbertini/sdf2opmd
export PATH=$SIMDIR/bin:$PATH

# Define SDF files from args

# Define the derived data that should be included in the conversion
export derived_data=charge_density:number_density

# Convert all SDF files from input directory  to HDF5 format 
$SIMDIR/bin/sdf2opmd_2d -p $SIMDIR/sim/epoch2d/data  -m ex:ey:ez -d $derived_data -s electron_r:electron_l -o hdf5

# Convert SDF to ADIOS2 format including selection
$SIMDIR/bin/sdf2opmd_2d -p $SIMDIR/sim/epoch2d/data -f $sdf_files -m ex:ey:ez -d $derived_data -s electron_r:electron_l -o adios

Converted File Outputs

The converted output file is written in the sbatch output directory. In the above example, the converted files will be written in the data sub-directory sbatch -D ./data ... with the extention corresponding to either


├── data
│   ├── 0000.h5
│   ├── 0001.h5
│   ├── 0002.h5
│   ├── 0003.h5
│   ├── 0004.h5
│   ├── 0005.h5
│   ├── 0006.h5
│   ├── 0007.h5
│   ├── 0008.h5
│   ├── 0009.h5
│   ├── 0100.h5
│   ├── 11860289.err.log
│   ├── 11860289.out.log
│   └── -> ../

Particle data reduction via a particle merging method

In order to efficiently post-process the EPOCH simulation particle data, it can be advantageous to reduce the original dataset without altering the main features of the underlying physics. Using internally the particle merging algorithm as described in M. Vranic et al. (2005) the sdf2opmd converter is able to reduce the size of the simulationoutput particle dataset.

The algorithm implementation is inspired by the one used in the Smilei pic code and uses a cartesian momentum discretization model.

To activate the particle reduction , the user should define a binning for the particle 6D phase-space. This is done by adding the following option to the converter main executable (2D/3D converter only):

 -z cart:npart_cell:nx:ny:nz;npx:npy:npz

2D Example:

# Convert SDF to ADIOS2 format including selection
$SIMDIR/bin/sdf2opmd_2d -p $SIMDIR/sim/epoch2d/data -f $sdf_files -m ex:ey:ez -d $derived_data -s electron_r:electron_l -z cart:4:4:4:6:6:6 -o adios

3D Example:

$SIMDIR/bin/sdf2opmd_3d -p $SIMDIR/sim/epoch3d/data -f $sdf_files -m ex:ey:ez -d $derived_data -s electron_l:electron_r -z cart:4:4:4:4:8:8:8 -o hdf5

Results and Performance

The converter reduction level depends on the user defined phase-space binning. In general defining a coarser phase space binning will tend to perform more particle merging per cell and consquently will reduce more the original dataset.

Realistic example:

This represents a realistic data volume produced by a typical EPOCH 3D simulation. We will now review different ways to perform particle merging and see the corresponding compression effect on the data volume. In this example, the converter is run with 768 mpi ranks using the following command:

sdf2opmd_3d -p $SIMDIR/sim/epoch3d/data -f $sdf_files -s electron_l:electron_r -z cart:4:16:16:16:16:16:16 -o hdf5

Only the particles contribution in the SDF file will be converted. The fields dataset contributing much less to the overall data volume, it is good practice to do the fields convertion separately using much less MPI ranks i.e issueing the command for fields convertion only:

sdf2opmd_3d -p $SIMDIR/sim/epoch3d/data -f $sdf_files -m ex:ey:ez -d $derived_data  -o hdf5
-rw-r--r--. 1 dbertini  63G Dec 22 10:16 0001.h5
-rw-r--r--. 1 dbertini 9.2G Dec 22 11:32 0001.h5

For this binning defintion, the original SDF dataset is reduced by a factor of nearly 10 in few second runtime. To adjust the binning ( which depends on the use case) the converter gives a summary of the reduction efficiency per MPI rank i.e

p_cartesian statistics: total_cells: 180224 n_merged_cells: 55301 %(merged)_cells: 30.6846 %
rank: 9 initial npart: 873813 tagged indexes: 0 final npart: 115791 reduction level: 86.7488 %

rank: 19 initial npart: 873813 tagged indexes: 0 final npart: 185012 reduction level: 78.827 %

rank: 0 initial npart: 873813 tagged indexes: 0 final npart: 173385 reduction level: 80.1577 %

rank: 2 initial npart: 873813 tagged indexes: 0 final npart: 104914 reduction level: 87.9935 %

rank: 10 initial npart: 873813 tagged indexes: 0 final npart: 185840 reduction level: 78.7323 %

rank: 16 initial npart: 873813 tagged indexes: 0 final npart: 182351 reduction level: 79.1316 %

rank: 449 initial npart: 873813 tagged indexes: 0 final npart: 104208 reduction level: 88.0743 %

On can use this information for further phase-space binning fine tuning.