denivip / StrobeMediaPlayback

StrobeMediaPlayback video player which is maintained by DENIVIP team
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The Flash video player which supports all iOS video player features.

The StrobeMediaPlayback video player is used in video app and maintained by the DENIVIP team. The main reason for this repository is to store the ready to use StrobeMediaPlayback with all plugins enabled, configured and optimized. Previously you would need hours to make everything work and sometimes you would have to go deep into the sources to integrate some plugins. That's over now.

This StrobeMediaPlayback configuration features:

Quick start

In simplest case all you need is just

// Embed the player SWF:
swfobject.embedSWF( "StrobeMediaPlayback.swf" // swf , "strobeplayer" // your player place // player size , 640 , 360 , "10.1.0" , "expressInstall.swf" , parameters , { allowFullScreen: "true", wmode: "direct" } , { name: "StrobeMediaPlayback" } );

You can see default params here:
* Basic options:
* Advanced options:
* Bandwidth options:

JavaScript API
You need get current player instance:
- add JSBridgeHandler function to flashvars:

var parameters = { src: "", ... // other parameters javascriptCallbackFunction: "onJavaScriptBridgeCreated" }

- declare this function

var player = null; function onJavaScriptBridgeCreated(id){ if(player == null){ player = document.getElementById(id); // other actions } }

You can use all methods/properties of MediaPlayer class as well as in AS3:;

But for properties you need add get/set prefix:

player.setSrc(''); console.log(player.getSrc());

Also most of all playback events available in JS:

player.addEventListener('mediaPlayerStateChange', onMediaPlayerStateChange); function onMediaPlayerStateChange(state){ switch(state){ case 'emptied': // ready //... break; case 'loadstart': // loading //... break; case 'play': // playing //... break; case 'pause': // paused //... break; case 'waiting': // buffering //... break; } }

player.addEventListener('seekingChange', onSeeking); function onSeeking(state){ if(state == 'seeking'){ // you can enable loading animation as example; } if(state == 'seeked'){ loader.hide(); // you can move external seekbar to actual player position seekBar.progress = player.getCurrentTime(); } }

Full list of available methods/events you can find in the doc.


GTrack Plugin
You can add Google Analytics support in Strobe Media Playback.

* Just add this config lines before player params (and change params 'account' and 'url' to yours actual values):

var gTrack = ' \

YOUR GOOGLE ANALYTIC ID HERE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 250 \ '; ``` * Enable GTrack plugin & pass this params to it: ``` var parameters = { src: "", autoPlay: true, verbose: true, plugin_gtrack: "GTrackPlugin.swf", "gtrack_": escape(gTrack) } ``` With this config you can track: - loading player with src - how many percent of video was viewed - and video complete event. If you want more parameters, you can check GTrackPlugin documentation: Subtitles ------------ How to add subtitles rendering to your video: * Prepare subtitles params: ``` var subs = JSON.stringify({ subtitles: [ { src: "", // subtitles source label: "Terminator", // label for menu language: "en" // language (service params) } // you can add more subtitles in array ], // appearance config config: { fontSize: 20, fontColor: 0xff0000, position: 20, outline: 0x00ff00 } }); ``` * Pass params to player: ``` var parameters = { src: "", autoPlay: true, verbose: true, plugin_subs: "SubtitlesPlugin.swf", // enable Subtitles plugin (you can find it in the plugins folder) subs_namespace: "org.denivip.osmf.subtitles", // don't change this string! subs_src: encodeURIComponent(subs) // pass our params } ``` Scrub thumbnails ------------------ You can add prewiev images on the scrub bar timeline: * Just set scrub options: ``` var slides = JSON.stringify({ src: "", // source image with slides from top-left to bottom-right width: 160, // slide width height: 68, // slide height total: 105, // total slides on source pics (can be less then actual nuber, but don't set it to bigger values) slidePos: 56 // slides position (change it if you use custom player skin) }); ``` * Pass it to player: ``` var parameters = { src: "", autoPlay: true, verbose: true, scrubSlides: encodeURIComponent(slides), // our slides config } ```