dennisjenkins75 / digiline_craftdb

Minetest mod for a digiline queryable database holding all regular and technic crafting recipes.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Digiline Craft Database



Adds a craftable "digiline queryable database" node of all crafting and technic recipes known to the game engine.

This node can be used with a lua controller, lua sorting tubes and various technic machines to create a fully automated 'Universal Autocrafting Machine', which can recursively build anything (ex: technic:hv_battery_box0).


Depends on:


  1. get_recipes - Given an exact item name, or table of exact item names, (ex: 'default:pick_stone', 'technic:hv_battery_box0', ...), return a list of all technic and regular recipes that can prodce those items.
  2. search_items - Given a partial (or full) item name, or full group name, return a table of all items with a matching name, and details about that item, such as its inventory image (for use in digistuff:touchscreen as 'addimage').

get_recipes API

get_recipes returns a list of all crafting, cooking and technic recipes that can produce the item(s) specified.

Digiline request message format:

  1. command (string) - Literal string get_recipes.
  2. item (string) - Full (and exact) item string name in the form "mod_name:item_name". Ex: technic:hv_cable.
  3. items (table of indexed strings) - Same format as item.

If both item and items are specified, then items is used and item is ignored.

Example request:

  digiline_send ("craftdb", { command = 'get_recipes',
      item = 'default:pick_stone' })
  digiline_send ("craftdb", { command = 'get_recipes',
      items = { 'default:pick_stone', 'default:copper_ingot' }})

The 'response' entry is an ipairs iterable list of recipe tables.

Each recipe table contains the following keys:

  1. inputs (table) - keys are item names, values are quanties required. Note that this is NOT the crafting grid arrangement. This is just a summary of the inputs for the LUAC's convenience.
  2. action (string) - Which type of machine to use to create the item. Values come directly from underlying technic and crafting tables:
    1. alloy (alloy furnace, has 2 inputs)
    2. compressing (compressor)
    3. extracting (extractor)
    4. freezing (freezer)
    5. grinding (grinder)
    6. separating (centrifuge)
    7. normal (autocrafter)
    8. cooking (furnace)
  3. craft (table of tables) - Actual crafting recipe, in the format that the autocrafter expects. See below for example.
  4. outputs (table) - Maps item names to quantities of what is produced.
  5. time (number) - Count of seconds required to make the item.

Examples are at the bottom of this document.

search_items API

search_items returns a table of items matching the supplied item name or group name. The caller can request additional data for each matching item.

Digiline request message format:

  1. command (string) - Literal string search_items.
  2. name (string) - Search criteria; has one of three interpretations:
    1. Exact match on item name (substring_match is non-truthy).
    2. Substring match on item name (substring_match is truthy). Internally, uses string:find(). Use an empty string to match every registered item.
    3. Exact match on group name if item begins with 'group:'. substring_match is ignored.
  3. offset (integer) - Defaults to 1. Used to paginate the results if the count of items exceeds max_count.
  4. max_count (integer) - Defaults to 50. Must be between 1 and 50. Maximum count of results to return.
  5. substring_match (boolean) - Defaults to false. Use 'string:find()' to match item names instead of exact string equality test.
  6. group_filter (table) - Defaults to empty. List of groups to filter results by. See examples for details.
    1. You usually want to specify not_in_creative_inventory = false in the group filter, or the result will likely contain many non-craftable items.
  7. exclude_mods (table) - Defaults to empty. List of minetest mods to exclude items from. Useful for finding items matching group:wood that are not made by the tabelsaw (since you can't craft most things with them). Ex: technic_cnc.
  8. want_images (boolean) - Defaults to false. If true, then return the strings inventory_image and wield_image (filnames) for each item. Useful if you want to use the images in a touchscreen UI.
  9. want_groups (boolean) - Defaults to false. If true, then return the groups table for each matching item.
  10. want_everything (boolean) - Defaults to false. if true, and the search result contains EXACTLY 1 item, then return the ENTIRE contents of minetest.registered_items[item] (this can be a lot of data).

Digiline response table format:

  1. key = full item string name. Ex: default:pick_stone.
  2. value = table:
    1. inventory_image - The inventory image filename copied from the item registration. If this field is empty, then the first tile image filename. NOTE: If your goal is to display the item's inventory_image on a digistuff:touchscreen, then you do not want this image. Rather, pass the raw item name to a touchscreen's item_image or item_image_button widget.
    2. wield_image - The value of .wield_image, if present.
    3. groups - Table mapping group name to whatever (usually integers). Consult the minetest developer's guide for details.

If the name pattern results in fewer than max_count+1 matching items, then the list is returned as-is. If there are more initial results than max_count, then the list is sorted by item string, then paginated by offset and max_count. In either case, the actual returned table is indexed by item name, so it is not inherently sorted.

Known Bugs

  1. Some crafting recipes genreate a 'returned item', these returned items are omitted from the return results. This is due to minetest.get_all_craft_recipes() not returning information on the 'returned item'. Ex: default.dirt takes a bucket:bucket_water and should return bucket:bucket_empty. It is not safe for the craftdb to jam the returned item in, as some recipes also take buckets of liquid and do NOT return them (ex: home decor's toilet).

  2. Lacks comprehensive unit testing for the search_items API.


default:pick_stone (crafting)

Send a (string) query for crafting recipe:

digiline_send("craftdb", {command = 'get_recipes', item = 'default:pick_stone'})


    action = "normal",
    craft = {
      { "group:stone", "group:stone", "group:stone" },
      { "", "group:stick", "" },
      { "", "group:stick", "" }
    inputs = {
      ["group:stone"] = 3
    outputs = {
      ["default:pick_stone"] = 1
    time = 1

technic:hv_battery_box0 (crafting)

Request (sending table w/ 1 item):

digiline_send("craftdb", {command = 'get_recipes',
                          items = {'technic:hv_battery_box0'}})


    action = "normal",
    craft = {
      { "technic:mv_battery_box0", "technic:mv_battery_box0", "technic:mv_battery_box0" },
      { "technic:mv_battery_box0", "technic:hv_transformer", "technic:mv_battery_box0" },
      { "", "technic:hv_cable", "" }
    inputs = {
      ["technic:hv_cable"] = 1,
      ["technic:mv_battery_box0"] = 5,
      ["technic:hv_transformer"] = 1
    outputs = {
      ["technic:hv_battery_box0"] = 1
    time = 1

technic:copper_plate (use compressor)


digiline_send("craftdb", {command = 'get_recipes', item = 'technic:copper_plate'})


    action = "compressing",
    inputs = {
      ["default:copper_ingot"] = 5
    outputs = {
      ["technic:copper_plate"] = 1
    time = 4

default:bronze_ingot (Three of many responses)


digiline_send("craftdb", {command = 'get_recipes', item = 'default:bronze_ingot'})


    action = "alloy",
    inputs = {
      ["default:tin_ingot"] = 1,
      ["default:copper_ingot"] = 7
    outputs = {
      ["default:bronze_ingot"] = 8
    time = 12
    action = "cooking",
    inputs = {
      ["technic:bronze_dust"] = 1
    outputs = {
      ["default:bronze_ingot"] = 1
    time = 1
    action = "normal",
    craft = {
      { "default:bronzeblock", "", "" },
      { "", "", "" },
      { "", "", "" }
    inputs = {
      ["default:bronzeblock"] = 1
    outputs = {
      ["default:bronze_ingot"] = 9
    time = 1

group:wood (Search for valid wood plank items)


digiline_send("craftdb", {
  command = 'search_items',
  name = 'group:wood',
  exclude_mods = { 'technic_cnc' },
  want_images = true,
  want_groups = true,


  ["default:junglewood"] = {
    inventory_image = "default_junglewood.png",
    groups = {
      wood = 1,
      choppy = 2,
      oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2,
      flammable = 2
    wield_image = ""
  ["default:aspen_wood"] = {
    inventory_image = "default_aspen_wood.png",
    groups = {
      wood = 1,
      choppy = 3,
      oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2,
      flammable = 3
    wield_image = ""
  ["default:wood"] = {
    inventory_image = "default_wood.png",
    groups = {
      wood = 1,
      choppy = 2,
      oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2,
      flammable = 2
    wield_image = ""
  ["default:pine_wood"] = {
    inventory_image = "default_pine_wood.png",
    groups = {
      wood = 1,
      choppy = 3,
      oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2,
      flammable = 3
    wield_image = ""
  ["default:acacia_wood"] = {
    inventory_image = "default_acacia_wood.png",
    groups = {
      wood = 1,
      choppy = 2,
      oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2,
      flammable = 2
    wield_image = ""

group:wood, filter for 'choppy = 2'


digiline_send("craftdb", {
  command = 'search_items',
  name = 'group:wood',
  exclude_mods = { 'technic_cnc' },
  group_filter = { choppy = 2 },

Response will contain ONLY members of group 'wood' that are also members of 'choppy' with a value of '2'. The same could also be accomplished with:

digiline_send("craftdb", {
  command = 'search_items',
  name = ':',
  exclude_mods = { 'technic_cnc' },
  group_filter = { wood = true, choppy = 2, },

All craftable protected technic chests.

Request (note the group filter used to exclude non-craftable colored chests):

digiline_send("craftdb", {
  command = 'search_items',
  name = 'protected_chest',
  exclude_mods = { 'technic_cnc' },
  group_filter = { not_in_creative_inventory = false },