denshoproject / ddr-idservice

Central registrar for DDR identifiers
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========== ddr-idservice

Central registrar for DDR identifiers

.. REQUIREMENTS .. ============ .. .. ddr-idservice .. ddr-cmdln .. Django 1.9 .. Python 2.7 .. .. .. INSTALL .. ======= .. .. See INSTALL.rst. .. .. .. SOURCE .. ====== .. .. ddr-idservice's git repo is available on GitHub, which can be browsed at: .. .. .. .. and cloned using: .. .. git clone git:// ddr-idservice .. .. .. DOCUMENTATION .. ============= .. .. The html-compiled documentation can be found at the following URL: .. .. URL .. .. .. MAILING LIST .. ============ .. .. URL .. .. .. ISSUE TRACKER .. ============= .. Issues are tracked on github: .. .. .. .. .. LICENSE .. ======= .. .. TBD