densitydesign / placplac

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Deployment guide

To run the project you need to have installed docker and docker-compose. Steps:

When the build finishes the project will be reachable at the PORT_OUT of the host


To update the application pull the update from github then from the project folder rebuild the docker container using the following command:

sudo docker compose -f production.yml up --build --detach

or for older versions of docker-compose

sudo docker-compose -f production.yml up --build --detach

Development guide

The project is structured this way:

To start editing the app we need to setup the dev workspace

Backend workspace setup

Use the following command to run the backend app:

sudo docker compose -f local.yml up --build

This command will run a django server on the port 8000 and will save the db data to the folder "data" outside the project root. Now your backend is up and ready to accept connections

Frontend workspace setup

Open the shell in the /frontend folder and run the following commands: First of all install nx globally:

npm install -g nx
npm ci

These commands will install all the dependecies needed to run the project. Then we need to serve the main app using the following command:

nx serve cms

Now you can start editing the files.


Minumum requirements:

Recommended requirements