This web-based tool allows a veteran to explore education benefits covered under the GI Bill.
The application is developed on a Ruby on Rails stack.
See the long version below if this is not enough detail.
bundle install
rake load_csv[data.csv]
For now, the instructions assume the developer is using Mac OS X. However, the same steps can be completed slightly different in Windows and Linux platforms.
This will allow you to install applications easily. Follow the instructions on the Homebrew website.
(You can skip rbenv steps if you already have Ruby installed or have a favorite Ruby version manager).
First, install rbenv which is a tool that manages Rubies and different versions of it.
brew install rbenv ruby-build
From here, add rbenv to your PATH by adding the following line to ~/.profile
if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi
Now, you can install Ruby (at time of writing, 2.2.3 is used for this application).
rbenv install 2.2.3
After the download and install completes, move into the cloned directory and set the Ruby version:
echo "2.2.3" >> .ruby-version
Two last Ruby things are needed: Rails (the web framework)
Issue the following command:
gem install rails bundler
This is the database. The easiest way to get setup with a PostgreSQL database is to install the and start it when you are working on this application.
Now, clone this repository and navigate to it via a terminal.
Install the application's dependencies:
bundle install
This step will have to be performed anytime Gemfile
is modified.
First, make sure Postgres is running. Next, create the database:
rake db:create
This creates an empty database for your current environment (either production or development). From here, migrate any database changes using this command:
rake db:migrate
This creates the tables, attributes, and indexes in the databse that the application needs to store data. At the current time, the data for the application is extracted from a CSV file that is compiled from various sources.To load data into the database, there is a rake task that will transfer data from this CSV file to the database. By convention, the latest data will be found in the data.csv file (however, you may have reason to use another version of the data in its own CSV file). To run the rake task choose a CSV that you want to load, and issue the following rake command:
rake load_csv[(the name of the CSV to load)]
For example:
rake load_csv[data.csv]
This will format and transfer the data in the CSV to the database.
When deploying the application to production or staging, and if a change to the raw CSV data is part of that deployment, the
rake load_csv[data.csv]
task must be run both in production and staging to populate the database with the new data.
Now that you're all setup, simply start the application:
rails s
Then, open your web browser and navigate to:
To prevent routing error on jquery pngs, run
rake assets:precompile
Are from the va_common gem. To update assets, or header or footer, please go here: