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Static Pages Content Request from BAH MBS Self-Service Team #61517

Open ccruzgra opened 1 year ago

ccruzgra commented 1 year ago

About your team

CAIA Support Request

What does your team need support for? Check all that apply.

Give a brief description of what your team needs support with:

My team needs support with making updates to the Pre-Need static page and the After You Apply pages, based on usability testing input from users. Pre-Need Information/static page After You Apply page

For the Pre-Need static page:

For the After You Apply page:


Will this new product be released incrementally (for instance 25% of users initially)?

Yes, we will be releasing incremental enhancements, but they will be seen by 100% of users as they are released.

Note: If you checked yes, we'll reach out to discuss details about the content in the react widget.

When do you expect to launch your product to 100% of users?

Pre-Integration enhancements are expected to be completed by June 2024.

Please provide an estimated date so our team can create other relevant tickets.

When does this work need to be completed?

Collaboration Cycle

Will this work be going through the Collaboration Cycle?

If no ...

If yes ...

Please provide the link to your Collaboration Cycle ticket:

Please check all of the phases in the Collaboration Cycle you have completed:

For planning purposes, please check all of the phases in the Collaboration Cycle you feel you might need CAIA support and guidance:

Design Intent

Feedback tickets: GitHub #58660 - Design Feedback GitHub #58714 - IA Feedback GitHub #58782 -Accessibility Feedback

Supporting artifacts

Please provide supporting artifacts as available.

Additional Support

Collaborative Sessions

Do you plan to bring this to an upcoming content office hours session?

Accessibility Help in Slack

The #accessibility-help channel in the DSVA Slack, is also available to you as a resource. Everyone is welcome to ask questions or get help from our a11y (accessibility) specialists. Tag @Terry Nichols to get a11y help asap.

Next steps

Once you’ve submitted this ticket, please post a link to this issue in the #sitewide-content-ia Slack channel and tag @Terry Nichols.

### Tasks
coforma-terry commented 1 year ago

Hey @ccruzgra - just letting you know we haven't forgotten about this and it is on our radar! CC @laurwill

ccruzgra commented 1 year ago

@laurwill We were advised by our client today to remove the "under 18" copy from the static page as it isn't accurate. I noted it in the above AC as this:

There is guidance under the By Mail copy for How do I apply? section that mentions "If that person is under 18 years" guidance that the client wishes to have removed as children under 18 with eligible Veteran sponsors, their eligibility would be determined at time of need and pre-need is not intended for them.

On this same page, for the paragraph that mentions the below, the last sentence is contradictory messaging:

"This application is only for VA national cemeteries. If you’d like to be buried in a state or tribal Veterans cemetery, contact that specific cemetery ahead of time to find out about their pre-need program. Some state Veterans cemeteries require that you live in that state or have other rules around eligibility. You can apply for a pre-need determination of eligibility from VA and also from a state or tribal Veterans cemetery."

ccruzgra commented 1 year ago

@laurwill During our midpoint review, they suggested updating the green apply button to an action link on the pre-need static page. Is that something your team would take care of or would someone else need to make that update?

laurwill commented 1 year ago

Hi @ccruzgra , We can make that change from button to action link as part of our updates to the static page.

ccruzgra commented 1 year ago

@laurwill One thing that we noticed is that there is confunsing copy under "How do I prepare?" subway step 3 for gathering documents of the static info page. It states to "Please see the list below" but the list is much further down, especially on mobile. It might make sense to word this differently or think about how users are being directed to see the lists for what info they need to apply. Maybe a different approach to that content overall could help.

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this flag @ccruzgra. We'll plan to assess and adjust the content under "How do I prepare" as part of our updates to the static page.

cc: @laurwill

ccruzgra commented 1 year ago

@laurwill As part of our accessibility feedback for our Midpoint Review, @briandeconinck suggested adding "(opens in a new tab)" to the end of external links. We are doing this to the external links in our form, but is this something your team could do for the external links on the two static pages in this issue?

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

Hi @ccruzgra - thanks for raising this midpoint review feedback!

I just took a look at the two static pages linked above in this ticket and right now there aren't any links that are opening in a new tab.

Would you all like for the "Find a VA cemetery" link to open in a new tab, similar to the placement of this link on the Burial benefits page in the form?

We'll assess and make any needed adjustments to content on any links to address the midpoint feedback and align it with VA site style when we're making updates to these pages.

Thanks for your continued collaboration on this work.

cc: @laurwill

ccruzgra commented 1 year ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore. Yes, it makes sense to do that for the "Find a VA cemetery" link and any other link you think would benefit from opening in a new tab. Thank you for your help

carly-yamrus commented 1 year ago

@aliyahblackmore @laurwill Here are the compiled suggestions for the Pre-Need information/static page and "after you apply" page.

Suggestions for Pre-Need Information/static page:

Example: Adult disabled child

“A Veteran who didn’t receive a dishonorable discharge.” “I was a little confused about the first part find out if you are eligible.” “Why does is start out with what is not instead of saying what is. I would like to see the positive before the negative.”

Participants had difficulty navigating this page on mobile devices. “Apply Now” button was lost between text. Some users struggled to find apply button.

Participants were overwhelmed with repetitive information.“What information do I need to apply? It’s like, we’ve already gone through that at the top. It can get overwhelming. It’s already a sensitive subject, burying your loved one.” “I get it you want to give the information up front but it’s a sensitive subject it's just overwhelming. It could be less wordy.”

To consider:

An additional “Apply Now” button near the top of the page or higher up on the page

Suggestions for Pre-Need After You Apply page:

Note: Claims Status Tool does not have the ability to track Pre-Need submissions

Users were curious about additional burial-related benefits that they or their loved ones may be eligible for, such as survivor benefits. “A lot don’t know about survivor benefits”.

Some people may not know about the monetary benefits the government offers in these situations

One user remarked that she didn’t know what a burial liner is.

ccruzgra commented 1 year ago

@laurwill @aliyahblackmore Just to add on to Carly's post these are the suggestions/observations from the Integration study participants regarding those two static pages.

aliyahblackmore commented 1 year ago

Hi @carly-yamrus and @ccruzgra thanks so much for passing along these compiled suggestions!

We'll plan to start this work again in our upcoming sprint.

I will take a close look at the above questions and include any additional questions in this ticket!

And Cindy, I see that you just linked the full research readout in ticket 59743. Thank you!

cc: @laurwill

ccruzgra commented 1 year ago

@aliyahblackmore No problem! Let us know if you need further context for any of the above and thank you!

aliyahblackmore commented 12 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra ! I've been working on the static page updates this week and have one question for you:

Can you confirm whether parents of service members can apply for pre-need eligibility determination?

Your above comment notes a request to add more information to the pre-need about burial eligibility for parents under the Corey Shea Act and on page 7 of this NCA presentation (found in my research) the last bullet point is "eligibility determination at time of need."

I've also reviewed the document you linked - page 2909 section 502 of statute 124. This document mentions requirements for burial eligibility but not whether the parent can apply for pre need eligibility determination.

ccruzgra commented 12 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore It's similar to what we discussed for the actual form. Parents of service members could apply for pre-need and be deemed eligible under specific circumstances based on the Corey Shea Act at the time of their service member's passing. So pre-need is open to them.

aliyahblackmore commented 12 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra yes! When I was looking back at the questions and replies in the form intake request, I noticed that the piece about time of need vs. pre need was still an open question that you mentioned you'd follow up about on the form work. So I wanted circle back just to confirm as the PDF linked above does have a point about eligibility determination being at time of need and doesn't mention pre-need. I'll note your confirmation that pre-need is open for parents as well.

Thanks so much!

aliyahblackmore commented 12 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra two other questions:

Question 1 - On the After you apply static page, Carly suggested providing an "estimate/timeline of events to expect after the application is submitted as some participants found the language to be too vague."

There isn't any more information about a time estimate included here, but I'd like to address this feedback in the content. Do you all have an estimate/average time for when applicant's would expect to recieve a decision about their pre-need application?

As an example, this health care application after you apply page includes the time called out.

Question 2- And there's currently a telephone number under "How long does it take VA to make a decision?" Is there a certain amount of time that an applicant should wait before they call?

Thank you!

barron-charles commented 12 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore,

I have a few more findings and recommendations we found for the information page:

  1. Make sure to use 'supporting files' instead of 'supporting documents' terminology.
  2. The current page has United States Soldiers and Airmen’s Home National Cemetery. The correct text is United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery.
  3. "To apply, you’ll need your (or your sponsor’s):", isn't bolded under, What information do I need to apply?
  4. The subway map could have reduced left padding to allow for less vertical scrolling. See the subway map on the introduction page to compare for this one.
  5. @aliyahblackmore found two other examples and editing them in. Reduce the spacing above 'What information do I need to apply?' and 'How do I prepare before starting my application?' sections.
  6. When zooming out from the default sizing twice on Safari in staging and prod, there's a 'Feedback' button styling bug. The text doesn't remain centered.
  7. We just confirmed with the client, that for 'Send your completed application (with copies of your supporting documents) to:' they want to make it NCA Evidence Intake Center. Also, can confirm that Form 21-0972 will not replace Form 21-22 and Form 21-22a @aliyahblackmore.

Thanks for all the help with these!

aliyahblackmore commented 12 months ago

Hi @barron-charles - thanks for sharing these additional recommendations.

I'll assess and make adjustments to the content.

barron-charles commented 12 months ago

@aliyahblackmore For the last two sections on the information page, 'What if I need help filling out my application?' and 'What happens after I apply?', the contact information should match most recent updates to the form. You can find the formatting throughout the form in the NeedHelp? section in the pre-need integration mockups to reference.

New changes: "Call the National Cemetery Scheduling Office at 800-535-1117 (TTY: 711), and select option 4. We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m ET."

Information page currently:

  1. 'What if I need help filling out my application?'

    • Call our toll-free hotline at 800-535-1117 (TTY: 711). We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET, and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET.
  2. What happens after I apply?

    • For more information, you can call 800-535-1117 (TTY: 711). We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET, and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET.
ccruzgra commented 12 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore let me know if this helps

Question 1 - On the After you apply static page, providing an "estimate/timeline of events to expect after the application is submitted as some participants found the language to be too vague."

There isn't any more information about a time estimate included here, but I'd like to address this feedback in the content. Do you all have an estimate/average time for when applicant's would expect to recieve a decision about their pre-need application?

As an example, this health care application after you apply page includes the time called out.

We were advised by our client to hold off on updates regarding decision times until after Integration changes have been stabilized, so it's something we'll need to keep in mind as a future enhancement.

Question 2- And there's currently a telephone number under "How long does it take VA to make a decision?" Is there a certain amount of time that an applicant should wait before they call?

We have asked before and the answer we have received is it depends and NCSO/EO office does not want to put a timeline on it to the public, at least for now.

ccruzgra commented 11 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore @laurwill Is there an estimate on when we'll be able to take a look at your planned changes and recommendations for the Pre-Need static pages?

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra - Laura finished her review of my updates earlier today and I'll get the changes in Drupal (the CMS) this week.

After that, we'll need to send these pages over to the SMEs to have them confirm any last questions and then review and approve the updated content. We're happy to send over the email and will be sure to include you on the thread!

cc: @laurwill

ccruzgra commented 11 months ago

Thanks, @aliyahblackmore and @laurwill!

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra - we've made updates to the static pages based on the previous stakeholder requests and research feedback that you all posted above.

Before we send over an email to the SMEs, do you need to review the static page updates? If so, we can share the pages with you here.

Also flagging that I'll be OOO starting tomorrow (11/21) until Friday (11/25). If there are any urgent questions that come up tomorrow or early on Wednesday, please reach out to Laura. And also, please note that many folks on the content and larger CAIA team will also be out later in the week.

Thanks for your continued collaboration!

ccruzgra commented 11 months ago

Yes, we can review the updates before you send them out, @aliyahblackmore. We have a story for that planned this sprint, so that would be perfect. Happy Holidays!

aliyahblackmore commented 11 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra!

Here are the links to the static pages for you to review ahead of us sharing them with SMEs.

Also noting that we made updates to the Eligibility for burial in a VA national cemetery page to reflect that parents of service members are also eligible for burial benefits. And we included more details about parent eligibility under the Corey Shea Act as well as information about who VA considers an adult dependent child. This page is now linked in what will be a featured content box on the How to apply page.

Eligibility for burial in a VA national cemetery

Pre-need eligibility for burial in a VA cemetery

After you apply

Notes on some of these changes:

Eligibility and How to apply pages

• We made adjustments to the Eligibility page to reflect that parents of service members are also eligible for burial benefits. And we included more details about parent eligibility under the Corey Shea Act as well as information about who VA considers an adult dependent child. This page is now linked in what will be a featured content box (a blue box) at the top of the How to apply page. • On the How to apply page, we made some content adjustments to align with changes in the form intro page/form content. • We also removed the process list on the page to align with the style of more recent Eligibility pages on

After you apply page

• We removed information about NCA processing applications, as requested by stakeholders. • We updated links for information about the different review and appeal options and also made some adjustments to the reviews/appeals language.

Please tag Laura if you all have any questions that come up tomorrow or early on Wednesday.

cc: @laurwill

ccruzgra commented 11 months ago

@aliyahblackmore @laurwill Really beautiful job on the content changes to all three pages! Everything is so much more concise without the user missing out on what they need to see, so fantastic job with all of the copy and design updates.

We have a few suggestions for you:

Eligibility for burial in a VA national cemetery page

How to apply page

After you apply page No feedback   

Again, wonderful job with these changes, and we're really excited for them to go live once final approvals are in. We will share your changes with @CatherineHughes202 once she's back from leave on 11/27 in case she has additional feedback before you send out to our NCA stakeholders. Thank you!

cc: @kelby-stewart

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra - thanks so much for this feedback.

Let us know if @CatherineHughes202 has any additional feedback and we'll make updates to the pages ahead of sending them out the NCA stakeholders.

Thanks so much for your continued collaboration!

ccruzgra commented 10 months ago

@aliyahblackmore an update for you. We'll be taking a look at the content updates with Cat Hughes tomorrow and will advise you if there any additional recommendations from our end.

ccruzgra commented 10 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore @laurwill We reviewed the static page updates with Cat Hughes, and there are a few more items that we noted below.

Eligibility Page

How To Apply Page

After You Apply Page

If you'd like an easier view of all our recommendations directly on the pages, we have them in a Mural board for convenience.

Let us know if you make further updates. We can also schedule a sync to discuss any of the recommendations we provided.

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra - thanks for sharing the additional feedback from Cat Hughes.

I can take a look at all of the recommendations next week and follow here up with replies and any additional questions.

I'll reach out if we'll need to schedule a sync to review any of the recommendations!

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra just an update from me!

I needed to work on a few other priorities this week, but I'm almost done reviewing the feedback from you and Cat. I'll continue on this early next week, pass feedback to Laura, and let you all know if we have any other questions ahead of sharing the pages with SMEs.

Here's one question that I have so far:

The the feedback/notes on the "need to" language - the bullet points in that list are required fields on the forms, yes? The DD214 is optional and we use language ("you can") to communicate that providing it will help us process the application faster. Do you all have concerns about the DD214 language and whether there will be confusion about that being required? If so, we can address that in the content.

Thanks for your continued collaboration and more from me soon.

ccruzgra commented 10 months ago

Thanks for reviewing the feedback, @aliyahblackmore. Our feedback was for the language for the following accordions:

There's language stating "You'll need to submit" and similar language throughout those sections. We don't require any supporting documents to be uploaded for them to apply, although that may ultimately help their form be processed faster. They can submit them, but they don't need to.

I hope that helps!

aliyahblackmore commented 10 months ago

Hi @ccruzgra!

I just want to clarify what's required when someone submits their application so that we can provide a few more details on the static page.

From our previous review of the form flow via the content source of truth link, our adjustments frame the documents in the accordions "If you're applying on behalf of someone else" and "If you're applying for the adult dependent child of a Veteran" as additional documents required when submitting the application. For example, if someone is applying on behalf of someone else they need documents that prove that they can in fact apply on behalf of that person.

But from your above comment, it sounds like these documents are helpful and recommended when applying online, but not required when they submit their application online.

If someone decides not to upload these documents with their form, will they eventually need to send these documents later on and will VA ask them to send them later on?

We'll want to adjust the content on the static page and in the form to address this so that's it's clear what the person applying may need to do later on if they choose not to upload documents while applying online.

ccruzgra commented 9 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore! Just an update on the above question. NCSO agents can request things like service records on their end, but if they need additional documents from applicants, they'd likely be reaching out to gather that if the applicant didn't provide them. We'll try to get more information from you next week since we have quite a few people out this week on our end, too.

aliyahblackmore commented 9 months ago

HI @ccruzgra

I got back from my OOO time yesterday so just getting to this ticket comment.

Yes, if you can confirm whether they'll reach out for those additional documents after submission or whether the person applying should automatically send those documents after submitting the application, that would be great! And we can adjust this on the static page and on the form.

ccruzgra commented 9 months ago

@aliyahblackmore the answer we heard is that there are too many scenarios so it's hard to get specific with laying out requirements. We should encourage them (not require them) to submit documents but advise that, if additional documents are needed, eligibility agents could reach out to applicants or preparers for that information. I hope that helps!

aliyahblackmore commented 9 months ago

Thanks so much @ccruzgra!

We have some suggested language in our form feedback and in the static page updates to address this ("If you don't have these documents, you can submit them after you apply"), so when we share the pages with SMEs we'll be sure to have them confirm that language is okay.

Static page updates:

On Friday I added replies to the static page feedback in the mural you shared with me above. There's just one question on there for the product team (in pink) and remaining questions are labeled for SMEs.

I'll have the content updates in Drupal tomorrow and then Laura and I will plan email to email SMEs with the updates and remaining questions. As I mentioned on Slack a few weeks ago, when we make any updates to our static pages on the content team sends the emails to SMEs. In our emails, we usually call out specific changes made (i.e. outlining the specific text with a box) for their accuracy review and approval and list any remaining questions we have.

Are there other ways you all have called out content updates to SMEs that may be helpful here? We can definitely take that in to consideration.

Thanks so much for your continued collaboration, Cindy.

ccruzgra commented 9 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore. Thanks for so much for sharing that. We'll take a look at the comments you made in Mural. We had a similar idea in mind if we needed to call out the content changes to SMEs so I'm glad that's part of your process. We were thinking of outlining the changes with the before and after like we did in the Mural so it's easy to compare for SMEs. Having a visual is definitely helpful.

Do you have a link to where your latest changes are located?

Thank you so much for all of your hard work and expertise on getting these pages updated!

Update for your question in Mural:

Question for product team:

Our initial understanding was that the below accordion covered the necessary information for an applicant applying online or in person. And because of that we kept those details in the accordion.

Is there a different requirement for the paper/PDF version of the form - the applicant has to sign the paper form, unless they're not able to do so? And is this also the case for the online form?

Language removed: "The person applying for a pre-need determination must sign the form. If that person is under 18 years old, mentally unable to make decisions for themselves (sometimes called mentally incompetent), or physically unable to sign the form, a spouse, parent, or court-appointed representative may sign the form."

The only part that we recommend removing is the guidance for 18 and under applicants since pre-need isn't intended for them and we'd been advised previously by our client to remove that language from the form. The rest of the guidance above we do think is applicable since it concerns who can sign for the form and in which scenarios.

aliyahblackmore commented 9 months ago

Thanks @ccruzgra! I'll be getting the confirmed updates in Drupal - I'll ping you when they're ready!

And in reply to your above response to our question:

Is it that case foor the PDF form that someone submits via mail/fax and the online form that the applicant has to sign the form, unless they're not able to do so? Or is signing the form only a requirement for the PDF version of the form (i.e. if they're filling out the PDF form and mailing or faxing it in)?

We ask this because the version of the online form content that we reviewed doesn't currently have specific instructions about signing the form and we just want to clarify if this requirement is the same for both those filling out and mailing/faxing PDF form and for those submitting the online form.

If so, we'd consider adjustments to the static page and the online form content to clarity that this is a requirement for this form - whether online, mail, or fax.

And if this isn't the case, we'd need to adjust content on the static page to specify the signature requirements for forms submitted via mail or fax.

ccruzgra commented 9 months ago

@CatherineHughes202 Do you have feedback on requirements for Aliyah's question above?

aliyahblackmore commented 9 months ago

Thanks @ccruzgra !

I'll wait for a reply from Catherine on that question and will need to adjust the content.

And there's one other product question I added while I was making the Drupal updates. I'm wondering if the phone number selection option (4) and hours are the same if someone is requesting a burial?

CatherineHughes202 commented 9 months ago

@aliyahblackmore cc @ccruzgra this is a requirement across the board and the guidance is applicable for mail, fax or online respectively

aliyahblackmore commented 9 months ago

Hi @barron-charles ! Cindy let us know that Laura and I should reach out to you with any questions.

As we're wrapping up our content adjustments on the static pages before we share them with SMes, Laura has one other question:

Are there other documents that someone needs to submit showing that they can "submit" this online application on behalf of someone else? The static page is currently missing content that specifies "I can submit for this person." And the online form content is missing content that confirms that the person they're applying for "can't do it (i.e. submit) themselves."

cc: @laurwill

carly-yamrus commented 9 months ago

Hi @aliyahblackmore and @laurwill ! We have begun our initial discovery of the Headstones and Markers memorial items form this week and would like to make a recommendation for the Headstones, Markers, Medallions "Eligibility" static page. The language at present suggests this form is for living Veterans and active duty service members - as the title states "For Veterans and active-duty service members to get a headstone or marker." We are recommending adding the "deceased" language here to clarify. Thank you!

aliyahblackmore commented 9 months ago

Hi @carly-yamrus ! Thanks for looping us in on this work!

Because the headstones, markers, and medallions form and static page work is separate from the pre-need eligibility determination form and static page work, I think we'd need you all to open up a separate ticket to track these requested updates.

Looping in our PM @strelichl here.

barron-charles commented 9 months ago

Hey @aliyahblackmore in terms of can, are you referring to the person's stability and ability filling it out? We have required forms Appointment of Veterans Service Organization as Claimant’s Representative (VA Form 21-22) and Appointment of Individual as Claimant’s Representative (VA Form 21-22a) when applying for someone else.

In terms of showing content that the person they're applying for can't do it, (i.e. submit) themselves, @CatherineHughes202 any further thoughts with this one?

aliyahblackmore commented 8 months ago

Hi @barron-charles and @CatherineHughes202

Circling back here! @CatherineHughes202 do you have any further thoughts on Laura's question:

Are there other documents that someone needs to submit showing that they can "submit" this online application on behalf of someone else? The static page is currently missing content that specifies "I can submit for this person." And the online form content is missing content that confirms that the person they're applying for "can't do it (i.e. submit) themselves."

And of course, if needed, we can flag this question for SMEs when we share the updates with them.

barron-charles commented 8 months ago

Hey @aliyahblackmore, I looked a bit more into this one, and I believe it's It's related to this portion from

If you’re applying for an unmarried adult child of a Veteran or service member, you’ll also need to provide supporting documents with information about the child’s disability. The Veteran or guardian of the child should also ask the child’s current doctor to verify the documents. These documents should include all of the following information: The date of the disability’s onset, and A description of the disability, mental or physical, and A description of how dependent the disabled child is on the Veteran, and The marital status of the child

So basically, the documentation proves that the person they're applying for can't do it.