depaul-dice / provenance-to-use

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Provenance To Use

PTU is a Linux utility that captures a complete runtime environment, dependencies, and program data - along with the associated provenance of each - for any Linux application simply by studying a live sample of the application's runtime behavior. Subsequently, PTU can use the capture to reproduce and run the whole application (or a specific subpart of it) on a bare Linux machine.

Table of Contents

Terms And Definitions



Fedora 25 Workstation

  1. Install a Fedora 25 Workstation iso to a machine or VM with at least 20GB of disk space and 4GB of RAM.

  2. Install required PTU dependencies:

    $ dnf install git cmake make gcc
  3. Download the PTU application via Bitbucket:

    $ git clone --recursive https://[your-bitbucket-username]
  4. Change to the newly-cloned PTU directory:

    $ cd provenance-to-use
  5. Make build directory, run cmake, and build ptu app (release version, with no tests):

    $ ./ -r


Ubuntu Desktop 16-04

  1. Install an Ubuntu Desktop 16-04 iso to a machine or VM with at least 20GB of disk space and 4GB of RAM.

  2. Install required PTU dependencies:

    $ apt-get install git cmake make gcc
  3. Download the PTU application via Bitbucket:

    $ git clone --recursive https://[your-bitbucket-username]
  4. Change to the newly-cloned PTU directory:

    $ cd provenance-to-use
  5. Make build directory, run cmake, and build ptu app (release version, with no tests):

    $ ./ -r

Ubuntu Mate 16-10

  1. Install an Ubuntu Mate 16.10 iso to a machine or VM with at least 20GB of disk space and 4GB of RAM.

  2. Install required PTU dependencies:

    $ apt-get install git cmake make gcc
  3. Download the PTU application via Bitbucket:

    $ git clone --recursive https://[your-bitbucket-username]
  4. Change to the newly-cloned PTU directory:

    $ cd provenance-to-use
  5. Make build directory, run cmake, and build ptu app (release version, with no tests):

    $ ./ -r

Ubuntu Desktop 17-04

  1. Install an Ubuntu Desktop 17-04 iso to a machine or VM with at least 20GB of disk space and 4GB of RAM.

  2. Install required PTU dependencies:

    $ apt-get install git cmake make gcc
  3. Download the PTU application via Bitbucket:

    $ git clone --recursive https://[your-bitbucket-username]
  4. Change to the newly-cloned PTU directory:

    $ cd provenance-to-use
  5. Make build directory, run cmake, and build ptu app (release version, with no tests):

    $ ./ -r


CentOS 7

  1. Install a CentOS 7.0 iso to a machine or VM with at least 20GB of disk space and 4GB of RAM. Select the Gnome graphical environment option. Deselect the Security Policy option (i.e. set "Apply Security Policy" to off, disabling SELinux).

  2. Install the EPEL respository (which contains the gv package), then install required PTU dependencies and create link to needed C++ library:

    $ yum install git cmake make gcc
  3. Download the PTU application via Bitbucket:

    $ git clone --recursive https://[your-bitbucket-username]
  4. Change to the newly-cloned PTU directory:

    $ cd provenance-to-use
  5. Make build directory, run cmake, and build ptu app (release version, with no tests):

    $ ./ -r

Arch Linux


NOTE: Since Antergos is a rolling distribution based on Arch Linux, its "version number" is best described as a given point in time; this setup was tested with an up-to-date Antergos install on 06 AUG 2017.

  1. Install an Antegros iso to a machine or VM with at least 20GB of disk space and 4GB of RAM. Select the KDE desktop environment option.

  2. Install required PTU dependencies:

    $ pacman -S git cmake make gcc
  3. Download the PTU application via Bitbucket:

    $ git clone --recursive https://[your-bitbucket-username]
  4. Change to the newly-cloned PTU directory:

    $ cd provenance-to-use
  5. Make build directory, run cmake, and build ptu app (release version, with no tests):

    $ ./ -r


Capturing An Application

Capture Commands

To capture an application (i.e. either an executable binary, or script file), use ptu to run the application:

    $ /path/to/provenance-to-use/ptu /path/to/binary-or-script [binary-or-script arguments]

For example:

    $ cd /home/user1
    $ /home/user1/provenance-to-use/ptu /usr/bin/mutt -R

The application will launch and run normally. As it runs, PTU will capture and package the applications environment, dependencies, and data. When you quit the application, the complete packaging will be copied to a new "ptu-package" directory in the current working directory.

Created Capture Files

NOTE: this section may be of more use to PTU developers, and may not be pertinent to users only interested in capturing and running applications.

After PTU is finished capturing an application, it will create a "ptu-package" directory in the current working directory. The ptu-package directory will contain the following important files and directories:

Running A Captured Application

Running The Captured Application

  1. Change to the ptu-package/cde-root sandbox directory.

  2. Change to the directory within cde-root that contains the shortcut script file [binary-or-script-name.cde] (See Created Capture Files above for explanation).

  3. Run the shortcut script file by invoking the same command (with the same options) that was run to capture the application:

    $ /path/to/cde-root/path/to/binary-or-script.cde [binary-or-script arguments]

    For the above example, the following command would run the captured application:

    $ /home/user1/ptu-package/cde-root/home/user1/mutt.cde -R


NOTE: files and directories annotated with a * are fixed dependencies modified by this project. Files and directories NOT annotated with a * have been created by this project.

High Level Architecture


Source Code Layout

├── build/              # Cmake build output
│   ├── /config.h       # Conditional defs using & CMakeLists logic
├── strace-4-6*/        # Capture app, run app, track provenance
│   ├── /desc.c*        # System calls for file close, fd dup, and other misc
│   ├── /cde.c          # Audit app or run captured app
│   ├── /defs.h*        # Conditional defs/libs using config.h as input
│   ├── /file.c*        # System calls to trace file access
│   ├── /okapi.c        # Copy files/dirs/simlinks with structural fidelity
│   ├── /perftimers.c   # Optional performance timing of ptu code segments
│   ├── /process.c*     # System calls to trace process actions
│   ├── /provenance.c   # Record app prov info to text log and to database
│   ├── /strace.c*      # Main entry point: runs and traces app for audit/capture
│   ├── /syslimits.c    # Obtain OS maxes for num open files, command-line length, etc.
├── readelf-mini*/      # Read contents of files by file type
│   ├── /readelfmini.c* # Read contents of an ELF file
├──         # Template to define defs based on CMakeLists.txt logic
├── CMakeLists.txt      # Cmake config file for building ptu project
├──              # Script to create build dir, run cmake, and build ptu

Modules And Functions

├── provenance.c                  # Record app prov info to text log file
│   ├── init_prov()               # Initialize prov text log file
│   ├── print_begin_execve_prov() # Log process execve (starting info) sys call
│   ├── print_end_execve_prov()   # Log process execve (ending info) sys call
│   ├── print_spawn_prov()        # Log process creation of new process
│   ├── print_exit_prov()         # Log process exit sys call
│   ├── print_open_prov()         # Log file open/openat sys call
│   ├── print_read_prov()         # Log file read sys call
│   ├── print_write_prov()        # Log file write sys call
│   ├── print_link_prov()         # Log file hardlink/symlink creation sys call
│   ├── print_rename_prov()       # Log file rename/move sys call
│   ├── print_close_prov()        # Log file close sys call
├── desc.c*                       # System calls for file close, fd dup, and other misc
│   ├── sys_close()*              # Sys call: close file
├── defs.h*                       # Conditional defs/libs using config.h as input
│   ├── entering()*               # Return T if app just made syscall, F if kernel just processed syscall
├── file.c*                       # System calls to trace file access
│   ├── sys_open()*               # Sys call: open file
│   ├── sys_openat()*             # Sys call: open file relative to specified dir
├── readelf-mini.c*               # Read contents of an ELF file
│   ├── find_ELF_program_interpreter()* # find name of prog interp for ELF binary
├── strace.c*                     # Capture app, run app, track provenance
│   ├── main()*                   # Main entry point for ptu application

Git Workflow

Initial Setup

  1. [BITBUCKET PAGE] Fork the project repo:

  2. [LOCAL] Create local repo:

    $ git clone --recursive[your-bitbucket-username]/provenance-to-use.git
  3. [LOCAL] Link upstream repo:

    $ git remote add upstream

Development Workflow

  1. Find the issue you have been assigned, or assign a needed issue to yourself.

  2. [LOCAL] Retrieve all changes from upstream. Update local master branch and sync it with your forked origin repo. Create new local branches to track upstream branches you want to follow locally:

    $ git fetch upstream
    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge upstream/master
    $ git push origin master
    $ git branch --track [branch-name] upstream/[branch-name]
  3. [LOCAL] Create and switch to a feature/fix branch for your issue:

    $ git checkout master
    $ git checkout -b feat-issuename
  4. [LOCAL] Work on your feature branch:

    $ [edit existing files / new files]
    $ git add [existing/new files]
    $ git commit
  5. [LOCAL] Periodically merge in upstream changes into your feature branch. When working on feature branch for long periods, this merging reduces the confusion that may come with a single large merge in step 8:

    $ git fetch upstream
    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge upstream/master
    $ git push origin master
    $ git checkout feat-issuename
    $ git merge master
  6. [LOCAL] Periodically push your feature branch to your forked origin repo (to back it up), and also push your feature branch to upstream (so that others may view and comment on your progress):

    $ git push origin feat-issuename
    $ git push upstream feat-issuename
  7. [LOCAL] When complete with your feature branch, retrieve all changes from upstream. Update local master branch and sync it with your forked origin repo. Create new local branches to track new upstream branches you want to follow locally. Update other existing local branches with their upstream counterparts:

    $ git fetch upstream
    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge upstream/master
    $ git push origin master
    $ git branch --track [new-branch-name] upstream/[new-branch-name]
    $ git checkout [other-local-branch]
    $ git merge upstream/[other-local-branch]
  8. [LOCAL] Merge changes from retrieved upstream master branch into your feature branch:

    $ git checkout feat-issuename
    $ git merge master
  9. [LOCAL - AS NEEDED] If merge notifies of conflicts, determine conflict files. Edit and correct conflict files. Flag conflict files as "corrected" by adding them. Finish the merge by committing:

    $ git status
    $ [edit and correct conflict files]
    $ git add [conflict files]
    $ git commit
  10. [LOCAL] Condense all commits in your feature branch into one single commit:

    $ git rebase -i master
  11. [LOCAL] Push your feature branch to your forked repo, and to upstream repo (if others want to pull it down and test it). Since you condensed your commits, you will have to force/overwrite the uncondensed commits that currently exist on origin and upstream:

    $ git push -f origin feat-issuename
    $ git push -f upstream feat-issuename
  12. [BITBUCKET PAGE] Create pull request, specifying additions/changes and issue number(s):

    • Pull request is FROM your-forked-repo/feat-issuename TO upstream-repo/master.
  13. [BITBUCKET PAGE] If pull request rejected, begin again from Step #4.

  14. [LOCAL] Delete the feature branch locally, from your forked origin repo, and from upstream repo (if you pushed it to upstream in step 11):

    $ git branch -d feat-issuename
    $ git push origin --delete feat-issuename
    $ git push upstream --delete feat-issuename

Merging Pull Requests

NOTE: do not merge your own pull requests.

  1. [BITBUCKET PAGE] Make sure pull request commentary is properly descriptive.

  2. [BITBUCKET PAGE] Review each changed/added line in each source file.

  3. [BITBUCKET PAGE] Comment appropriately on specific source code sections.

  4. [BITBUCKET PAGE] Merge or reject pull request.


Testing Framework

Installing Testing Framework

Updating Testing Framework

Building PTU With Test Harness

Writing Tests

  1. If you created a new module as a new source file, ensure it is placed within the ptu source tree.

  2. Since ptu modules are C modules, but doctest is C++, ensure the header of module to be tested is wrapped properly. See an existing tested module header for an example.

  3. Add a new C++ unit test source file (for the module to be tested) in the tests directory.

  4. Write tests in the new unit test source file. See existing unit test source files for examples and consult the doctest documentation. Note that tests are written only for the interface/header of the module to be tested.

Running Tests

Project Team



Distributed under the GPLv3 license.