depler / transmission-vs

Portable transmission daemon for windows. Built with Visual Studio and static linkage. Zero binary dependencies.
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c-plus-plus portable static-linking torrents transmission transmission-daemon visual-studio

Transmission daemon for Windows

This project is about building Transmission torrent daemon for Windows as a single binary without dependencies. For Android version of this project see:

Current source code components:

Releases contains additional binaries (besides transmission itself):

Binary dependencies: none. Compatible with Windows Vista and newer.


Clone current repository and build transmission.sln file with Visual Studio 2022 or newer. No, additional black magic is not required. Yes, just that simple.

Branch master contains latest changes from original transmission code (version 4), for old version see branch v3.


Pay attention to file [Transmission]\daemon\settings.json. Probably you want/should change following settings: download-dir, incomplete-dir. Some default values:


Download latest from releases, unpack it somewhere and run one of the following with administrator rights: