deprov447 / FakeFeed

A simple application to replace webcam feed
2 stars 2 forks source link
cmake cpp hacktoberfest kirigami qt5


FakeFeed is a Kirigami based application that replaces the original camera feed with a virtual video devices. Normal (v4l2) applications will read these devices as if they were ordinary video devices, but the video will not be read from e.g. a capture card but instead it is generated by this application.


This list might become incomplete in future due to development. Therefore kindly look at CMakeLists.txt files and build logs for in-situ detail.


This assumes all dependencies are installed. Kindly build the dependencies yourself if your distribution does not provide them/have outdated versions.

Project structure

├── CMakeLists.txt
└── src
    ├── libFakeFeed
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   ├── ffpmeg.cpp
    │   ├── ffpmeg.h
    │   ├── test.cpp
    │   ├── test.h
    │   ├── module.cpp
    │   ├── module.h
    │   ├── globalStorage.cpp
    │   ├── globalStorage.h
    │   └── main.cpp
    ├── fakeFeed
    │   ├── ChoicePage.qml
    │   ├── Drawer.qml
    │   ├── VDeviceSettingSheet.qml
    │   └── main.qml
    ├── resources.qrc
    └── CMakeLists.txt