dereklegenzoff / azure-search-service-bus

Sample code to set up a Service Bus to make indexing into an Cognitive Search index more efficient
MIT License
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Optimize indexing using a Service Bus

Flask sample MIT license badge

If your index a high volumne of data, you may see performance improvements by using a Service Bus queue to aggregate indexing operations into batch requests before sending them to your search service.

the service bus aggregates documents before sending to the search service

This approach enables the search service to handle higher query volumes by reducing the number of indexing operations hitting the search service. Batch indexing is more efficient than indexing documents one at a time.


This repo contains two .NET core console applications: GenerateData and BulkIndexData. Both applications do exactly what their names indicate.


This console application generates sample data and sends it to a service bus at a given rate (i.e. 100 documents/second).

The data generated is fictional contacts in the following format:

    "Id": "",
    "FirstName": "",
    "LastName": "",
    "Email": "",
    "PhoneNumber": "",
    "ZipCode": ""


This console application indexes data from a Service Bus into an Azure Cognitive Search index in batches.

It's configured to let you choose how frequently you want to index data. This could be every second, every five seconds, and so on.


To run this sample, you'll need to have the following:

Running the solution

  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Open the BulkIndexData.sln project and the GenerateData.slm project in Visual Studio.
  3. Update appsettings.json in both projects.
  4. Build and run both projects at the same time.


File/folder Description
BulkIndexData Console app used to index data from a Service Bus Queue in batches
GenerateData Console app used to generate contacts and load them into a Service Bus queue This README file. The license for the sample.