derekrliang / backdrop

Screensaver web application feeding on photos from 500px.
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Screensaver web application feeding on photos from 500px.


Objective of this project is to get familiar with Angular 2 and TypeScript.

Client Frameworks:

Backend Frameworks:

External Resources:

Getting Started

Clone Project

git clone
cd backdrop


server/server.json is a configuration file of constants required for the server. It is by default ignored by git, so you won't check in your private secrets and keys into a public repository.

    "consumerKey": "QhnUTYnELsMY6s6yLa3iDtlIkGScjL3ZPSIVa21A"

Getting 500px Consumer API Key

500px's API is authenticated and require either: 1) consumer key or 2) OAuth. For now, we won't be needing OAuth as we'll be doing simple queries for featured photos that only requires a valid consumer key.

1) You'll need a 500px account before we can get a consumer API key. 2) Head over to your user settings and go to the Applications tab. 3) Register a new application, it should look like this:

Register Application on 500px

4) After you register, you will get a consumer key. Put it in your server.json as we'll need it to get photos from 500px.

Installing Packages

npm install

Run Client and Server

npm start

Visit http://localhost:3000/ and you should see the main page load.

If there are no photos, make sure you have the consumerKey properly setup in the server.json file.

Endpoint API

GET Popular Photos



CURL Example

CURL -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/photos

GET Photo



CURL Example

CURL -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/photos/176698793

CURL Response

    "camera":"NIKON D7100",

