dereuromark / CakePHP-Payment-Plugin

Plugin for Payments with Bitcoin, ...
16 stars 6 forks source link

CakePHP Payment Plugin

Containing Bitcoin IPN (Bitcoin Instant Payment Notification)


CakePHP 2.x



Bitcoin Setup:

  1. Download program at for testing purposes
  2. Set up Bitcoind daemon on your webserver (this is the most difficult step if you don't use the newest system)
  3. Get some coins :)
  4. Provide a config array in your configs: $config['Bitcoin'] = array(..) with your preferences and credentials

    important ones are:

    • account
    • username
    • password

Administration (optional)

If you want to use the built in admin access to IPNs:

  1. Make sure you're logged in as an Administrator via the Auth component.
  2. Navigate to

Bitcoin Notification Callback:

Create a function in your /app/AppModel.php like so:

public function afterBitcoinNotification($txnId){
    //Here is where you can implement code to apply the transaction to your app.
    //for example, you could now mark an order as paid, a subscription, or give the user premium access.
    //retrieve the transaction using the txnId passed and apply whatever logic your site needs.

    $transaction = ClassRegistry::init('Payment.BitcoinAddress')->findById($txnId);
    $this->log($transaction['BitcoinAddress']['id'], 'bitcoin');

    if(...) {
        //Yay!  We have the money!
    }   else {
        //Oh no, not enough... better look at this transaction to determine what to do; like email a decline letter.

Bitcoin Helper: (optional)

  1. Add Payment.Bitcoin to your helpers list in AppController.php

    public $helpers = array('Html','Form','Payment.Bitcoin');

Usage: (view the actual /View/Helpers/BitcoinHelper.php for more information)


    $this->Bitcoin->paymentBox(12.3, YOUR_ADDRESS);


Final notes

As tempting as it was to integrate the Paypal IPN Plugin which this plugin is based on, I decided not to do this at the moment. This way they can be maintained separately. Not only this plugin but also the technology/protocol itself is under heavy maintenance and still changing from time to time.

It could become a complete "Payment" plugin combining all methods and services one day...

I spent quite a few days developing this plugin and testing all features. Feel free to donate if you use this plugin
