derochedesign / skillpod-phase-one

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Skillpod Prototype Application

The following guide should be used for testing and deployment from the CLI (command line interface).

Environment Dependencies (Pre-Deployment)

Node JS

The following instructions assumes Node (which comes packaged with npm) has been installed globally and is available at the command line. To install Node, use one of the two options:

Package Manager

It's recommended that NPM or Yarn (can be installed using these instructions) be used from the CLI to manage dependancies, test and build.


To deploy the project to Netlify for testing and demonstration, install netlify at the CLI using npm install netlify-cli -g. An account for Skillpod has been created for Netlify, with the siteId stored in .netlify/state.json for easy CLI deployment. When a new account is created, update the sideId. The file netlify.toml will contain the build settings.

Build and Deploy


  1. Update your package manager of choice:
    • NPM: npm install npm@latest -g
    • YARN: yarn policies set-version
  2. From the project directory, install module dependancies (listed in package.json and lock files):
    • NPM: npm install
    • YARN: yarn

Steps: Testing, Building, Deploying

  1. npm start or yarn start will test files on a local server
  2. npm run build or yarn build to create a deployment build to project subfolder /build
  3. netlify deploy deplpoys test build to netlify server (specified in .netlify folder)
  4. netlify deploy --prod deploys to the Netlify production server. The current Netlify account can be found here

Other Notes