WORK IN PROGRESS. No guarantees that this code even works in the current state as I'm using this as basically a personal repo and constantly updating things / breaking things.
But I wanted to share it in case it gives folks ideas. Eventually it'll be tight.
The Midi Loopster 2.0 includes additional GPIO pins, allowing users to expand and customize their setup with extra buttons, encoders, potentiometers, neopixels, and more. This flexibility enables users to tailor the device to their specific needs and creative preferences.
# extra neopixels
extra_neopixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.GP14, 16, brightness=0.8)
# button
button = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP0)
button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
# encoder
encoder = rotaryio.IncrementalEncoder(board.GP0, board.GP1)
# potentiometer
potentiometer = analogio.AnalogIn(board.GP26)
# x/y joystick
x_axis = analogio.AnalogIn(board.GP26)
y_axis = analogio.AnalogIn(board.GP27)
# photoresistor
photoresistor = analogio.AnalogIn(board.GP26)
The Midi Loopster 2.0 allows you to integrate custom functions by placing them into predefined hooks. This ensures that your custom logic runs at the appropriate times during the device's operation.
# ------------- place functions in one of the hooks below -------------
# runs as fast as possible in main loop. don't put anything that takes a long time here.
def check_addons_fast():
# call your functions here...
# change_midi_channel_with_encoder()
# runs on a metered interval in the main loop. do less critical or time-sensitive things here.
def check_addons_slow():
# call your functions here...
# change_all_midi_velocities_with_potentiometer()
# trigger a function when a new note is played
def handle_new_notes_on(noteval, velocity, padidx):
# call your functions here...
# extra_neopixels[padidx] = (255, 255, 255) # white
# trigger a function when a new note off is played
def handle_new_notes_off(noteval, velocity, padidx):
# call your functions here...
# extra_neopixels[padidx] = (0, 0, 0) # black/off
# control neopixels with note events
def handle_new_notes_on(noteval, velocity, padidx):
extra_neopixels[padidx] = (255, 255, 255) # white
def handle_new_notes_off(noteval, velocity, padidx):
extra_neopixels[padidx] = (0, 0, 0) # black/off
By placing your custom functions into these hooks, you can extend the functionality of the Midi Loopster 2.0 to meet your specific needs. With these extra GPIOs and customizable options, you can tailor the capabilities of the Midi Loopster 2.0 to suit your creative workflow perfectly.
see for details
Example | Description |
Neopixels | Control Neopixel LEDs to display colors based on MIDI notes. |
XY Joystick | Use an analog joystick to control MIDI velocities or other parameters. |
Button for Shifting Octaves | Use a button to shift all MIDI notes up or down by octaves. |
Potentiometer for Changing All MIDI Velocities | Adjust all MIDI velocities with a potentiometer. |
Encoder for Changing MIDI Channels | Change MIDI channels using a rotary encoder. |
Photoresistor for Changing All MIDI Velocities | Adjust all MIDI velocities based on ambient light levels using a photoresistor. |
Motor Control using PWM | Control a DC motor using PWM signals based on MIDI input. |
Piezo Buzzer using PWM | Play tones on a piezo buzzer based on MIDI notes. |
Temperature Sensor | Read temperature values from a DHT22 sensor and display or use them in MIDI control. |
Relay Switches | Control relay switches to turn devices on or off based on MIDI input. |
PIR Sensor | Detect motion using a PIR sensor and trigger MIDI actions. |
Accelerometer (GY-521 MPU6050 Module) | Use an accelerometer to send MIDI control changes based on movement. |
7 Segment Display (i2c) | Display numbers or values on a 7-segment display. |
DC Motor as a modulation source | Read voltage from a DC motor and convert it to MIDI values |